Chapter Eighteen

After disconnecting the call, Daniel lied down on his bed in Complete silence as he just continued staring at the ceiling, at that moment he felt a sense of loneliness which he rarely felt perhaps it's because he misses his parents who were always his pillar of support, for the past twenty years, of his life, he had learned to keep his emotions in check and also to try to make himself stronger, he also learned to not show his emotions

He was the Almighty CEO of Raising Stars but yet he was still lonely, he still often felt empty inside, he then thought of checking some documents on his laptop to pass time but he decided against it as he knew well that he needs to rest.

After removing all his uncomfortable clothing, Only his Singlet and boxers were left, he then covered himself with the blanket and closed his eyes, almost immediately sleep claimed him and the next thing he knew was that he saw his dead parents in a very beautiful place, his mother was whispering something to his father and the latter was Smiling, they look so happy.

[ Well, readers I can't believe I am writing this! But anyways I think this should serve as a comfort to those who recently lost someone they loved, so enjoy! ]

' Why are they so happy? Shouldn't they be sad that they died early? Thereby leaving someone they loved alone? Or don't they even care? ' Daniel thought.

The next moment, his parents sighted him.

" Daniel darling. " His mom called out.

" Hey, Mom, I miss you and Dad, why did you guys have to leave me? , Or don't you guys love me anymore? " He inquired in an emotional tone.

" Of course not baby, we miss you too and we love you, it's not what you think, it's not our decision to leave you, it isn't our fault, baby, you know somethings that happen can't be controlled, I think it's fated though. " His dad replied.

" But, Mom, Dad, I feel so lonely and alone without you guys. " He answered.

" We know, honey and that's why we are advising you know to open your heart, learn to feel and to love, try to be nicer to people around you, and attend to their needs, you'll feel better that way. " His mom replied.

[ I guess I am talking more to my readers here, Hehehe! ]

" But Mom, what if they break my heart? What if I end up being heartbroken? " He asked.

" They won't because you won't give them the chance to, all you are going to be doing will be out of love and care and I am sure that if you do, you'll get that too in return, have you forgotten about the famous quote, ' Karma is a bitch! ' and ' Whatever you do to others automatically comes back to you. '. "

" Hmmn. "

" So son, try to open your heart and also reach out to people who might need you. " His Dad.

" Okay, Dad "

" So smile, try as much as possible to always have a smile on your face, you look more handsome that way. "

" Are you saying that I am not handsome? "

" Of course not, you are after all you took after us, the most beautiful couple, you just need to smile often. "

" Alright. "

" Hmmn, till we meet again, Son. " Their voices started fading away and Daniel woke up from his sleep.

' So it was a dream uh? ' He asked himself, perhaps it's because it felt so real that's why.

He sat up and when he checked his Wrist Wristwatchalized that it was already 9pm! H9 couldn't believe that he slept for three and a half hours before midnight!

' I must have missed dinner! Grandma would have been so worried. ' He thought.

As he was preparing to go out of his room, the door suddenly opened and the Head maid who was a woman in her early fifties walked in with a tray of food in hand, she was followed by his Grandmother who had already changed out of her white dress, she was now wearing a nightgown.

" Good evening, Grandma. " He greeted now approaching his grandmother.

When he got to where she was, he held her hand and brought her to seat on his bed.

" Good, evening, Young Master. " The head maid greeted to which Daniel nodded in acknowledgement.

" Good evening Grandson. " His grandmother finally replied after settling down.

" You can leave now. " Daniel said to the Head maid after the latter had finished setting up the table.

" Alright, Sir. " She replied as she left.

" I am sorry, Grandma for not coming down for dinner. " Daniel said apologetically.

" It's okay, Daniel, I am pretty sure that you must have been very tired that's why. " She replied Smiling.

" Yes, I was indeed tired, I am sorry for the trouble. "

" Hmmn, okay , have you thought about what we discussed earlier? "

" Yes, Grandma. "

" So? "

" I have decided that I am going to open up my heart and learn to love and care for others. "

" And? "

" I have also made up my mind that I am going to pursue Rose Quinn. "

" That's the spirit! I always knew that my grandson is very smart. "

" Of course I am, I got it from you after all. "

" That's right. " She said happily.

" Hmmn. "

" That reminds me. " His grandmother said removing a golden bangle from her wrist, the bangle was very beautiful and was made of pure gold, after removing it from her Wrist she continued talking, " This bangle is our ancestral bangle, it has been passed from generation to generation, it is always worn by the Wife of the Heir of the family. "

" Oh! " Daniel replied Nodding in understanding.

" Hmmn, so I'll be giving you this bangle now, make sure to give it to your future wife as it rightfully belongs to her. " She said placing the Bangles on His palms.

" But I am not married yet, Grandma. "

" I know, but you'll be married sooner or later so it's bI should give you now because who knows, I might not be able to live long enough till then. "

" Don't say that Granma, you are going to live very long and will be able to see your great grand children. " He consoled

" I really hope so, just keep it safe and remember to only give it to your Future Wife. "

" Alright, Grandma. "

" Good, now you can have your food before it gets cold. " She told him as she stood up to Leave.

" Let's have dinner together, Grandma. " He offered.

" Don't worry, I have already eaten. "

" But... "

" You don't have to worry about me, Enjoy your dinner, Grandson. " She replied as she quickly left the room.

Seeing how she left immediately, Daniel Smiled faintly, he still wonders how his Grandmother in her seventies could still be so strong and healthy.

Daniel went ahead to the small dining dining dining room and started eating his dinner, The food served was Egg fried rice with Chicken and A bottle of Grape wine.

Before he began eating, he suddenly thought of something as he brought out his phone and took a picture of himself and the food deciding to upload it on his social media account later.