Chapter Twenty - Two


Everyone present was still dumbfounded, they still couldn't comprehend what was going on?

They tried to figure out who the Dignified Man was but couldn't.

Daniel Romero rarely appears in public so not a lot of people knew how he looked but Jeremy recognized him and even Dorothy.

' Why would, CEO Daniel come to Rescue Rose? Do they have a relationship or what? ' He thought inwardly clenching his fists tightly.

' Isn't this, Daniel Romero CEO of Raising Stars? What Is he doing here? ' Dorothy thought.

Meanwhile Rose who was still in a Daze recovered from it soon.

" Thanks for Paying. " She said in an Appreciating manner.

" You are Welcome. " He replied.

Seeing this Scene Jeremy felt annoyed, what kind of relationship did they have?

" Miss Quinn I wonder why you'd prefer a Stranger to pay your bills and save you from trouble than people who you know. "

" Hmm, What do you think my reason is? "

" How would I know? "

" Of course you wouldn't, do you think that I wouldn't find out? "

" Find out what? "

" Weren't you the one that plotted all of this? You badly wanted to Embarrass me that you took so low to ask someone to Steal my card, I never knew you could do something like this, Don't you any have shame at all. "

" Why would she want to do something like that to you? "

" Isn't it obvious, the reason why? "

" No it isn't. "

" I can't believe that she could be so shameless after trying to snatch some else's husband she even have the guts to blame the wife for framing her, how shameless. "

" You keep insisting that I framed you but do you have a proof of that? "

" I... "

" Of course. " Daniel replied confidently, though many people weren't aware of the fact that Daniel Romero was the rightful owner of the City Mall, this particular information wasn't disclosed to the public due to certain reasons, earlier he got a call from one of his closest workers in the hotel who informed him of what was going on, immediately he was informed about this, he instructed that the CCTV footage should be Kept Safetly and that they shouldn't worry as he would be arriving soon

Luckily he came earlier or he wondered what would have happened, According to the information he got about Rose Quinn, he found out that the latter was quite prideful, she won't bow her head to anything or to anyone no matter what, so he was well aware that if he didn't arrive earlier, she would have been on the news.

When Dorothy Heard him, she started to feel scared, what if he really had a proof but she quickly removed this from her mind, it wasn't like he owned the hotel anyway and she had been careful enough to have the CCTV footage from An hour ago deleted so what proof could he possibly have? ' she thought, with this in mind she began to feel confident again.

" Mr Daniel, I am sorry to say but you don't have a say in this case after all you and Miss Rose don't have a relationship, or do you? "

" And who told you that? " Rose who was quiet all this while finally spoke up.

' Really? ' Daniel Smiled inwardly when Rose Spoke up.

" No one but you guys don't seem close. "

" Sir. " Suddenly a woman in white suit called out to Daniel.

" Oh.. " Daniel said as he stretched forth his hands to collect the footage, he then waved it in front of them.

" Are you still going to Deny it Still, Miss Dorothy? "

" What's there to deny, I didn't do anything okay? "

" Well, then, play it. " He instructed and immediately the footage from an hour ago started playing.

It featured everything that Happened, how Rose and that woman collided and how the woman made use of that ' unintentional ' collision to remove Rose's card.

" Wow! So this what happened exactly? " One woman exclaimed completely shocked.

" Do you still have anything to say, Miss Dorothy? "

" Of course, she has, this Footage doesn't prove that Dorothy did anything after all she wasn't the one that stole Rose's card. " Jeremy said.

" Oh, Really? "

" Yes. "

" Bring her here. " Daniel let another command.

Immediately a Woman in her early thirties was dragged in front of them, she knelt down in front of Rose and started begging for the latter's forgiveness.

" Please, forgive me, Miss, I didn't mean to do that to you, I was very desperate to earn a little money to pay for my bills that's why I agreed to do it, please forgive me, miss. " She begged as tears streamed down her face.

" Who sent you? "

" Her! " The woman said pointing to Dorothy who was Rooted to the ground.

" So what else do you have to say in your defense, miss Dorothy? " Daniel inquired in a mocking tone.

" I... "

" Let's leave this Place now. " The Disappointed Jeremy said as he dragged Dorothy out of the floor.

After The two Left, Rose, Daniel and some other curious customers were left.

" We are sorry miss, for misunderstanding you earlier. " The two gossip women from earlier said.

" It's okay. " Rose replied.

" Am sorry , Mam, I shouldn't have been too harsh. " The cashier Said.

" It's alright. "

" Now, everyone go back to your place of duty. " Daniel instructed and almost immediately the Crowd dispersed.

" Hmmn, Thanks for your help , CEO Daniel. " Rose said.

" You are Welcome, and yes, this is your card. " He told her removing a card from his Front pocket.

" Thank you, btw, how were you able to Sort everything out in a matter of time? " Rose curiously asked.

" It was quite an easy task for me to do since I am the owner of this mall. " He replied Smiling.

" Oh! No wonder, still thank you. "

" Umm, are you still buying anything? "

" No, I am done shopping, I'll be heading home now. "

" Okay, let me walk you downstairs. " He offered.

" Alright. " She replied as the duo took the Sliding lift to the down floor where Rose collected her Already purchased goods.

" Good bye, Mam. " The guard from earlier greeted her as she walked out of the mall.

" Good bye. " She replied.

The guard also Greeted CEO Daniel.

When Rose got to the car park with ceo Daniel still trailing behind her.

She suddenly stopped before she could get to her car.

" Anything the matter? Why did you stop? "

" Well, I just realized that you've helped me quite a lot today and it will be ungrateful of me not appreciate your help. "

" But you already did. "

" I don't feel it's enough. "

" Oh, so what's on your mind? "

" How about I invite you for out for Lunch? Bill on me. "

" Umm that's a good idea but considering the fact that I am a man, you shouldn't be the one paying but anyways since that's what you want then it's okay. "

" Alright, thanks. "

" When is the date? "

" Tommorow should be okay. "

" Okay, can I have your Number, so I can call you? "

" Alright, it's XXXXXXXXXXX. " Rose replied.

" Okay. "

" Good bye, thanks again. "

" Bye, you are Welcome. " He replied as they finally went their separate ways.