Chapter Twenty-Six

After the Call Rose felt her heart beating loudly.

' what's this I am feeling? '

' isn't it just a call? So why am I feeling so affected? ''

' Anyways I guess that it's time to call Lucy, I need to distract myself from all of this. ' she thought as she dialed Lucy's number and the latter picked up on the second ring.

" Hello, my Supermodel Best friend, What lottery did I win to deserve this call? "

" Hey, Lucy, which lottery are you talking about? "

" I don't know Perhaps the one I won without even knowing. "

" Stop joking. "

" Alright, alright, so how are you? "

" Okayish as you can See. "

" Okay, that's good to hear. "

" How about you, Lucy? Any news? Is there a bun in the oven already? "

[ Bun in the oven: it means to be pregnant. ]

" Really? It's been just three weeks okay? How do you expect me to be pregnant already in a short amount of time? "

" It's just three weeks but in my defense, some Women get pregnant within two weeks after consummating their marriage okay? , Or is Adam not that good in bed? , Should we perhaps find another man to replace him? " Rose jokingly asked.

[ Consummate: To make a marriage complete by engaging in the first sexual intercourse. ]

" I didn't expect you to be this Shameless, Rose, when did you become like this? Don't tell me that you are already married and are to get pregnant soon so you can too? "

Rose started coughing after hearing Lucy's words.

' Which Marriage? Won't I have a boyfriend first before I get married? ' she thought.

" Are you okay, Rose? , I didn't mean to scare you, I was just joking alright? " Lucy inquired worriedly.

" Am alright, your Question threw me off guard. " Rose Replied after she stopped coughing.

" Am sorry. "

" It's alright, I understand your concern for me, you don't have to worry much about Me as I am fine. "

" Really? Have you gotten over That Jerk? "

" I think so? "

" How could you be sure? Did something happen that I should know? "

" Well,... "

" Please talk to me, Rose, we don't keep anything from each other right? "

" Yes... " Rose replied as she began recounting all that happened earlier to Lucy.

" Oh my God! , I can't believe what you are telling me!"

" Why is it so unbelievable? "

" CEO Daniel came to your Rescue? "

" Yes, he did. "

" Wow! Don't you find anything fishy about all this? "

" Why? "

" How come CEO Daniel came at that time? It can't be pure coincidence or is it? "

" You are right to say that as I still find it fishy too but I don't think he's out to harm me. "

" I don't think so, perhaps he likes you. "

" Why would he like me? "

" You are Beautiful and attractive alright, so why wouldn't he? "

" I know but have you forgotten about the fact that he is running a modeling agency, a home of Goddesses! "

" I know but we can never tell what he might be thinking. "

" You are right. "

" That reminds me, I have to start preparing Dinner now as Adam will be arriving from Work soon. "

" Okay. "

" So we'll chat later, bye. "

" Bye. "

" Take care and don't forget to be extra careful as you are not an ordinary citizen but an international Supermodel. "

" I know, thanks for the reminder, and take care of yourself too as you also are not an ordinary citizen but the one and only wife of Adam Standford!, The CEO of the famous and prestigious Moon Corps! "

" Hmmn but the public aren't aware of that fact yet, alright. "

" True, still take care, bye Mrs. Standford. " Rose Joked

" Bye, Miss Supermodel. " Lucy replied as the call got disconnected.

Rose must admit that having Lucy as a best friend is one of the best things that happened to her.

Though her family was rich and Influential she didn't have the love and care she needed as her parents were often busy with their Business, they were so hellbent on Moving their business forward that they completely neglected her.

Though her parents hired several nannies who took care of her from childhood but still it wasn't enough, it couldn't be compared to the love and care of a parent.

She was always lonely and Alone Since childhood but all this ended when she met Lucy.

The latter was like a Missing Piece and a light that she lacked and from the time they became best friends she never knew loneliness again.

[ I urgently need a best friend like Rose and Lucy! , Guys! ]