Chapter Thirty Three


Immediately Rose Left the Building she went into her car and drove to her Manager's home.

On getting there, she knocked on the door twice and soon the door was opened by a little girl.

" Good day, Auntie. " The little girl greeted.

" Good day, Lucia, how are you? " Rose inquired Smiling.

" Am fine. "

" Okay that's good to hear, is your mom, home? "

" Yes, she's in the kitchen. "

" Oh, can I come in? "

" Of course you can. " She replied as she opened the door wide enough for Rose to enter in.

They both Sat on the chair.

" By the way Auntie, I am a fan of you, I have seen plenty of your pictures on the internet. "

" Wow, really? "

" Yes, most of my classmates in school also like you, they claim that you are very Talented and Beautiful. "

" Oh, do you believe that too? "

" Of course I do and also I believe that you are also nice and caring, mom has told me a lot about you. "

" Really? I hope they are nice things though. "

" Yes they are, mom said that you treat her like an elder sister and always love and respect her and often times you make her happy. "

" Umm. "

" You know, Auntie, mom was really sad when that jerk broke up with you. "

" Oh , really? You know about that too? " Rose inquired Suprised.

" Of course, mom never keeps anything from me, she always tell me everything , she always claim that we should always be there for each other as we are family and that's why my mom is my one and only best friend. "

" Okay, that's good to hear. "

" How's your mom doing today? "

" She's pretty good, the only thing that's strange is that she didn't go to work today which is unlike her. "

" Oh, did she tell you the reason? "

" Not yet but I am sure that she'll soon. "

" Okay. "

The duo Continued conversing like long time friends, they were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't realize that Stella was already in the living room.

Seeing her daughter and Her Artist, now sister Smiling and talking happily like friends Stella smiled, she had always knew Rose to be nice and caring but she didn't expect that the latter will get along so well with kids.

' I can't wait to finally see Rose have her own daughter. ' she thought Subconsciously, after Realizing her thoughts she scolded herself as she knew that it might not be happening so soon as the latter just went through a break up.

[ Hmm, we'll see. ]

" Hey girls " she Greeted attracting the attention of the two.

" Hello, Sis Stella. " Rose greeted as she embraced Stella.

" Wait, you guys address one another as Sis? "

" Yes. "

" But I thought that Sisters are one's biological Sibling, or am I wrong? "

" You are right dearie but you can also address someone you like very much as Sister too, it does not necessarily need to be your Biological sibling. "

" Oh. " She replied now understanding.

" BTW, what brings you here so early, Sis Rose? " Stella inquired.

" Well, I got to the Agency earlier this morning and then I was told that you have been dismissed, I got so Angry that I went to see the CEO. "

" You mean you went to see our CEO, Mr Claudio Bwenevista? "

" Yes. "

" So what did he say? "

" Nothing much, he gave me two conditions, either I am able to Clear my name or I'll be blacklisted. "

" What! How could they be so mean? What exactly is happening? , Why are they suddenly turning against you? , You have been bringing a lot of money and fame to our agency for a long time now , so why are they suddenly turning against you? "

" Well, I think Miss Dorothy Washington has something to do with this. "

" Dorothy Washington? Who's she? "

" Well, she's the Granddaughter of Andrea Washington. "

" Oh, how come she's related to this? , Do you guys have a relationship? "

" No we don't. "

" So? "

" Well, Dorothy Washington happens to be Jeremy Peterson's first love. "

" What! How come? If she was then why did they break up? "

" Well, she had to go abroad to further her studies so they had no choice to break up. "

" Oh, I understand now but that doesn't prove anything and moreover, wassup with the picture of you and Daniel Romero? , Do you guys have a relationship. "

" No we don't. "

" So what happened. "

" Actually.... " Rose replied as she narrated the entire incident to Stella who was shocked.

" Wow, Really? , Did that Really happen? "

" Yes, it did. "

" Hmm, then I guess Mr Daniel likes you. "

" Maybe. "

" Have you informed him about what happened yet? "

" No I haven't. "

" Why? "

" I haven't got the chance to and moroso, he must have already found out about all of this. "

" If what you said is true then why is the internet still in uproar? "

" Well, I don't know. "

" Perhaps he's waiting for you to Ask him for help. "

" What, why would that be? "

" Well, this Matter involved you mostly. "

" I know but what about him? "

" It involves him too but don't you think it's a good thing for him? "

" Why? "

" He has always been suspected to be gay so I think this incident will clear up the Rumors of him. "

" That's true. " Rose replied as Realization finally dawned on him.

" So, why don't you call him? "

" But we'll have planned to meet up later alright? "

" I know but still, just call him, he might have other plans, you never know. "

" Hmmn. " Rose replied as she finally brought out her cell phone and dailed his Number.