Chapter 43

" Hm, by the way, Which course did you study in college? "

" Well, I studied Physical health and fitness at Unique University and graduated with a 4.0 GPA before I went into modeling. "

" Wow, you must be so intelligent, you could have even studied Medicine and surgery if you wanted. "

" Yes, when I wanted to enter college a lot of people advised me to go for medicine Since I was intelligent and graduated from Science department but I refused as I wasn't interested in Medicine at all, I could even faint at the sight of Blood so I just decided to follow my heart, after all, it's my life and not theirs. "

" Yes, but why didn't you go straight into modeling instead of going to college? "

" Well, I wanted to be more knowledgeable and I also wanted to have a certificate to show off you know when people try to belittle me for being an ordinary model, I don't want to be dependent on my family's wealth because according to me, it isn't rightfully mine since I never worked for it, I wanted to be able to achieve something that I would be proud of and not something I inherited. "

" That's true, that was one of the reasons why I didn't bother to fight for my family's business. "

" Hm, but you have a right to it though as it's your parent's blood and sweat. "

" I know and I believe that If it's rightfully mine then no one can take it from me no matter what. "

" True, I guess we've got almost the same view. "

" Yes and that's why I am sure that we'll get along well with one another. "

" True but as What? "

" Not sure but we can take it slowly trying to know ourselves better before we finally decide what our relationship will be, who knows, we might end up being lovers and end up getting married to each another. "

" Really? Aren't you dreaming too far? "

" I am not, I believe that nothing is impossible as everything is possible as long as you believe because even the word impossible when broken down becomes I am possible. "

[ Impossible = I'm Possible ]

" That's true but let's take it slowly to avoid breaking our relationship. "

" Yes, Friends? " Daniel asked stretching his hands.

" Friends. " Rose replied as she put her hands in his, she thought felt a chill when his Cold hands enveloped hers.

" Good, So Since we are friends now, can you promise me one thing? "

" What is it? , perhaps I'll be able to do it. "

' Hahahaha. ' Daniel involuntarily burst out laughing as his pure white teeth were brought out to full view.

His voice was quiet melodious and Rose felt like she was hypnotized by it and soon she too burst out laughing without even knowing why Daniel was laughing.

[ Since laughter is Contagious ( Hahaha ), Are you laughing too, readers? ]

Minutes of laughter the duo finally stopped laughing.

" Why were you laughing earlier? " Rose Asked Curiously.

" Why were you also laughing? "

" Don't try to play pranks with me, Don't you know that laughing is contagious? I only laughed because you were laughing, alright? "

[ Listening to music while writing works for me, so I am currently listening to music, you can do too. ]

" Really? "

" Yes, so why were you laughing? "

" Well, the face you made when I asked you to promise me one thing was like the face made when a person wants to ask you to Give them $50million or so. "

" Oh, but I wasn't thinking of that though as I know that there's no way you can ask me for money since you are filthy rich so why would you Want to ask for money from someone like me. "

" That's true, actually I just wanted you to promise me that you will always ask for my help when you need it and not carry all the burden on your shoulders after all a problem shared is half solved. "

" Oh, that. "

" So do you promise? "

" I rarely make promises as I often forget about them. "

" Then I will call you every day to remind you then. "

" Really? How are you going to do that with your tight schedule? "

" I can always create time, alright? , After all, despite my busy schedule, I was able to create time for our lunch date not to talk of Phone calls. "

" Oh, then I promise. "

" Pinky promise? " Daniel asked as he brought out his pinky finger.

" Yes, Pinky Promise. " Rose replied as she joined her pinky finger with his.

[ So childish! ]

" Hm, so you can't go back on your word now that you have made me a promise, alright? "

" Yes. " Rose replied and before Daniel could reply her Cell phone rang with an Incoming Call.

" One moment. " She told Daniel to which the latter nodded giving her space.

Rose quickly brought her out from her Orange Purse.

She clicked on the answer button after seeing that it was Her manager, Stella Calling.

' What's wrong? ' she thought.

" Hey, Sis? " Rose Greeted after Picking up the call.

" Hi, Rose, there's an emergency can you meet me home? , Soon? "

" Oh, what happened, I hope you aren't hurt? " Rose inquired worriedly.

" I am not, I just have to tell you something important. "

" Okay, I'll be there in half an hour. "

" Alright, I hope I am not interrupting your date with Mr. Romero? "

" No, we were just Conversing on Random things when you called. "

" Okay, that's good, Take care on the road. "

" Alright, I'll bye. "

" Bye, Sis. " Stella replied before the call got disconnected.

Rose let out a sigh Which attracted Daniel's Attention.

" Anything the matter? "

" No, my manager just called to inform me that she needs to talk to me about something very important, so I have to leave now."

" Oh, I will see you off to your car, we'll continue our discussion from where we stop next time. "

" Okay. " Rose replied.

After Paying the bills they both Went downstairs.

There they saw Patrick who was eating a Roasted Chicken and Drinking Red wine.

He sat like a king with no care for the world.

The ladies in the restaurant busied themselves with checking him out as he was very handsome and dashing but Patrick paid no Attention to their flirtatious Gazes, probably because he was already used to it or because he was so engrossed in eating that he didn't realize that His boss and his future Madam was in front of him.

[ Yes, they will get married but how? ' Secret! ' ]

Rose couldn't help but burst out laughing watching the scene in front of her.

Her laughter Attracted Patrick's Attention as he immediately stood up from his seat and Hung his head low from Embarrassment.

' She must think that I am a Foodie. ' He thought.

Rose's laughter was very contagious that The duo had to try their very best to not burst into laughter like her.

Rose later recovered from her laughter and was very Embarrassed when she realized that almost everyone in the restaurant was looking at her.

" Sorry," she said.

" You don't need to apologize, it's Alright. " Daniel replied dotingly.

Patrick shivered to see this, they weren't even in a relationship yet but they were already throwing dog food at him, he wondered what would happen when they finally will be.

[ They will throw cat food then, Hehehe .]

Rose was finally escorted to her car and she and Daniel Separated again after saying their goodbyes and promising to Call each other.

[ No hugs? Well, the author here isn't used to hugs, Hehehe! ]