Chapter 54


The Evening Came and the two decided to go out of a date.

Unknown to the both of them, their marriage has been revealed to the media so as their car

The Headlines was.

Shocking news! Daniel Romero and Rose Quinn are married!!!

Their marriage was registered earlier at the Civil affairs office earlier.

And soon the online discussions started.

Blooming Flower : What! I can't believe this! Why did they suddenly get married? Were they in a some sort of relationship before?

Love in the air. : How did this happen? How come my Husband got married to that slut! What charm did she use on him.

Just a passerby : if this rumor is true then don't you find it fishy? Rose Quinn was accused of being a Slut and so on, the Washington's Family went done in one night and now Rose Quinn and Daniel Romero are married, how come? , This isn't a coincidence or is it?

They Headlines blew the net as the whole public was completely shocked.

Some anti fans started attacking Rose's fans online.

Also the Fans of Other celebrities of Daniel's company were also attacking Rose.

Soon a video of a woman went viral.

She was complaining that Rose stole her Crush, Daniel Romero from her! She called Rose different Names and Requested that the netizens should support her.

In Jeremy's home.

He was in his parents house when he saw the news on TV.

Earlier that day, his parents were suggesting for him to go back and beg Rose to renew their relationship.

They said this not out of love but for their own selfish reasons as they were aware that Rose was the heir to a huge Business organization.

[ Didn't they know this before? Or were they just pretending? ]

After Hesitating for a while , Jeremy Finally decided to let down his pride to go and beg Rose to come back to him.

He was very confident that he'll be able to win over the latter as he was aware of how much she loves him, but...

The news that came early in the afternoon shattered all his hopes.

' Rose is married to CEO Daniel? How did this happen? '

Jeremy's parents were completely shocked especially his dad who was still hoping that they could use Rose to boost up their business.

" Do Rose Quinn and CEO Daniel Know each other? " He asked his son.

" No, Dad, they aren't acquainted but... "

" But, he helped her once at the mall. "

" What! And you let that Happen? , Are you serious? ,Why didn't you help her instead? "

" Well, I wanted to but she refused to accept my offer. "

" Then you would have persuaded her, how could you be so dumb! What will happen to our company now? What if CEO Daniel decides to take action against us, what would happen then? " His Dad Ranted.

" That won't happen Dad, I don't think Rose will let him do that. "

" How could you be so sure? "

" Please calm down honey, we can still find a way out of this. "

" How? "

" Well, I don't believe that Rose and CEO Daniel are really married , I think this is all rumours. "

" Why? "

" Isn't it obvious, if they were indeed Married, why did they keep it a secret? , Why didn't they announce it? And Moreover why would CEO Daniel get married to Rose who is a Scandalous model? , I really think that this is a false news created by Rose Quinn to attract CEO Daniel's Attention, perhaps she wants him to notice her? "

" You've got a point though, Look here, Jeremy, you have to head to Rose's apartment as soon as you can and beg her to forgive and accept you "

" Do you understand? "

" I do, Dad. "

" Good, you can head to your room now and make sure to do what you want to do effectively, no mistakes. "

" Okay. " He replied and then went to his Room.

On his Room.

He sat down on his Bed staring at his phone, he felt his heart aching.

At the moment when the broadcaster announced the news.

He felt his heart Stop.

He was completely frozen to the spot, he couldn't even bear the thought of Rose in the Hands of another man not to talk of her being married to him.

He remembered that during the time that both he and Rose was still dating, the only thing they did was peck each other's forehead.

Not once did Rose Let him kiss her or get intimate with her as the latter was quite old fashioned as she believed in sex after marriage.

He accepted her condition and they continued dating, so it really hurt him to imagine that If Rose Gets married to someone else, does that mean that she's going to give herself to him?

' No! ' he thought he couldn't let that happen! Rose was his and his only! , He won't let any Man have her.

After hearing his mother's words, he felt a little relieved and tried to convince himself that Rose was just using the rumours to create an hype.

' That should be the case, after all there's no evidence of their marriage. ' He convinced himself.

After staring at his phone for a while, he then decided to dial Rose's phone number but to his outmost surprise the phone was switched off.

He was quite shocked because he knew that Rose never Switch off her phone for any reason and she also often made sure that her phone was always well charged in case of an emergency.

But unknown to him, Rose wasn't the one that Switched off her phone but it was Daniel before their Passionate night.

[ Am sure that Jeremy will die of heart failure if he knows. ]

' Perhaps she's busy and doesn't want disturbance. ' He said trying to convince himself.

As if not Giving up he dialed , Rose's Manager, Stella number and fortunately or unfortunately for him it was little Lucia that picked the call.

" Hello, Who's this? " Little Lucia's childish voice was heard.

" Hey, Lucia it's me, Uncle Jeremy, please pass the phone to your mom. "

" Uncle Jeremy? , The one who Abandoned my auntie and left her heart broken? " She asked.

Hearing this Question, Jeremy

Was silent, what was he to say? Yes or no?

" Why don't you give the Phone to your mom, Lucia? " He asked softly trying his best to control his anger.

" Alright, " Little Lucia said and soon the phone was handed over to Stella.

" Hello? " Stella greeted impatiently.

" Hi, Miss Stella , I just want to Know how Rose is doing, is she doing alright. "

Instead of Answering his question, Stella replied him with another question.

" Why didn't you ask her yourself? "

" Well, I tried to call her but her phone is switched off. "

" Oh. "

' of course it'll be switched off after all yesterday was her wedding night. ' Stella thought.

" So, is she fine? "

" She is, anything else? "

" Em, the Rumors of her being married, is it true? " He asked after a moment of Hesitation.

" What do you think? " Stella asked which left Jeremy speechless.

It was obvious that she didn't want to answer him.

" Alright, bye. " Jeremy said as he quickly ended the call.

" Jerk! " Stella exclaimed after the call was disconnected.

" He deserves it and more for what he did to Auntie. "

" Yes, but you should try not to be rude to him as no matter how he is the fact that he's still an elder to you doesn't change. "

" Alright, Mom. "

" That's my girl! " Stella said Proudly.

" Of course, I am Mom's girl. " Little Lucia replied shamelessly.