Chapter 56


Daniel immediately Drove Rose to the Nearby City Hospital and soon she was attended to by the best doctors and nurses.

The doctor's assured him that , Rose was fine and that she only fainted out of exhaustion.

Despite the doctor's assurance, Daniel was still Worried but he latter calmed down as he sat beside her.

Rose Woke up Two hours later, after opening her eyes the first thing she saw was the White Walls after which the smell of antiseptic assaulted her senses.

She then felt her hand being held tightly by someone and after confirming that it's Daniel, she relaxed.

" Hey. " She called out but as her voice was hoarse her words came out as a whisper but it was still heard by Daniel who had been watching her silently.

" How are you feeling now, Wifey? " He inquired.

" Am fine. "

" Okay, let me call the nurse to confirm. " He said as he tried to stand up but Rose stopped him from standing up as she tugged his shirt.

" Please don't leave me. " She said softly and Daniel understood quickly that she might still be traumatized by what happened earlier.

" Okay. " He replied sitting back on his chair and he Then pressed on of the buttons on the table and soon a doctor and two nurses entered the room.

" Good day, Sir and Mam. " They greeted.

" Um, doctor why don't you check her. "

" Okay. " The doctor replied as he immediately got to work.

" You don't have to Worry Sir, she's completely fine, she just have to avoid too much stress. "

[ If the doctor was saying this three weeks after this day then I would have thought that she was Pregnant, Hehehe, are you still there, readers? , I really hope so. ]

" Okay, Thank you. "

" You don't have to thank me, it's my job sir. "

" Alright, you can leave now. "

" Hm. " They replied as they walked out of the room leaving Rose and Daniel alone in it.

" Am sorry, Wifey. " Daniel said, his sudden apology shocked Rose as she didn't understand why he was apologizing.

" Why are you apologizing to me when it's my fault, I was the one that insisted on going alone to my apartment not knowing that I'll end up being.. "

" It's not your fault, Wifey, it's mine, I should have followed you there and you wouldn't have been... "

" It's okay, I am fine now ain't I? "

" You are but I still feel guilty. "

" Please don't feel guilty about anything, ouch! " Rose suddenly exclaimed as her stomach suddenly hurt.

" What's wrong? Are you alright? "

" It's nothing, it must be the hunger hormones. "

" Oh. " Daniel replied as he quickly Brought out his phone and sent a message to his Personal Assistant.

" Don't worry, I have already ordered our food, it should be brought up soon. "

" Okay. " Rose replied.

Soon , the door opened and Daniel's Personal Assistant Walked into the Room with Three bags of food.

" Good day, Madam. " He greeted.

" Good day , thanks for the trouble. "

" It's alright, Mam. "

After he had dropped the bags of food, Patrick quickly left the room to avoid been stuffed with dog food.

As expected, Daniel offered to feed Rose to which the latter Agreed and they eat in silence.


Days went by peacefully as Rose recovered fully from the traumatic experience.

Jeremy was arrested and detained for attempted Rape and harassment.

One morning.

Rose and Daniel were already awake but they were very lazy to stand up as they enjoyed each other's warmth from their cuddling.

" When are you going to finally take over Dad's company? " Daniel asked Rose.

" On Monday. "

" Okay, I hope you are fully prepared for that? "

" Of course, I have nothing to worry after all I have you. " Rose replied.

" Hm, do you have any plans for today? "

" Yes, have you forgotten already that I said that we are going to Visit my best friend and her husband today? "

" Oh, I remember ,why don't we freshen up, you don't want to be late, right? "

" Hm. " Rose replied as she stood up Reluctantly in her night gown and went to take a quick shower.


They arrived at Lucy and Adam's Abode by 10am In the morning as scheduled.

Daniel was pretty Suprised by the design of the house, though it was just a Two storeyed building, he could tell just by looking at it that the house would cost millions.

They walked into the house and were Welcomed by Lucy who was already expecting them.

" Good morning, Mrs Supermodel Rose, Romero. " Lucy greeted cheerfully.

" Good morning, Bestie. " Rose replied, she intentionally didn't call her Mrs Standford as she still wanted To surprise Daniel.

Rose and Lucy broke their hug before Lucy finally Greeted Daniel and the latter replied.

After settling down on the couch, Rose and Lucy started their discussion from where they left it, the last time they met.

Poor Daniel was completely abandoned.

He busied himself with looking around the house and they he finally concluded that His wife's best friend husband must be a billionaire.

The sound of footsteps was heard as Adam Standford came downstairs from his study.

As soon as Daniel's eyes fell on him , he was completely shocked.

He was still recovering from his shock when Adam Walked towards Lucy and Pecked her forehead.

" He's... "

" Well, Hubby, meet Adam Standford my best friend's husband. "

" Oh, Good day Mr Standford. "

" Good day, Nice to meet you Mr Romero. "

" Hm. "

" Why are you guys so cold to each other? "

" Eh?? " The two men asked in unison.

" Why don't you guys embrace one other and shake hands after all we aren't in a business meeting here are we? , Right Lucy? "

" I agree with you, Rose. "

Seeing that their Wives had agreed the two men had no other choice than to Do as they said.

Breakfast was served later on and they all went to the Dinning table where they ate their breakfast.

It was very Tasty and delicious.

After Breakfast.

Daniel and Adam both Went to the study room to discuss some matters leaving the two ladies behind.

" I am very glad that, Rose found a man like you. " Adam said.

" Oh, why? "

" Well, you see my wife Lucy had been very worried about Rose ever since her break up with Jeremy Peterson. "

" Okay, I didn't know that, thanks for the info. "

" Um, by the way how did you and Rose get married? , How were you able to convince her because in my opinion, Rose is a Very strong hearted woman . "

" Well, it wasn't that hard as we both got along fine. "

" Thanks for Making Rose Happy. "

" My pleasure, thanks too for making Lucy Happy. "

" My pleasure always "

The two men continued conversing, they got along well as they had similar views and Principles.

[ Not bad. ]


Rose and Lucy were still conversing.

After Rose told Lucy about what Jeremy did, The latter felt very annoyed at him but after being told that he was already paying for his crimes in the cell, Lucy calmed down.

They Were just about to head over to the Garden to breath some air when suddenly, Lucy felt dizzy , she would have fallen flat on the ground if not for Rose who quickly held her.

Rose called for help and soon The two men came downstairs and they drove to the hospital, Daniel and Rose were sitting at the front as Daniel was the driver, Adam was in no condition to drive as he was very worried about his Wife.

They got to the hospital in no time and after a check up by the doctor's.

" Congratulations, Mr Standford, Your Wife is Two months Pregnant! " The middle aged female Gynecologist Announced.

." Oh my God!!! , I can't believe this. " Adam Exclaimed.

" I said it! Lucy is pregnant! I am going to be a Godmother! " Rose announced as she Jumped on Daniel embracing him tightly.

Anyone who saw her now would think she was the one that was Pregnant.

[ Or maybe she is too, What do you think, Readers? ]

Daniel Felt Happy for Lucy and Adam too.

That day was a day of celebration for them, The two families celebrated till night time when they finally parted to go their different ways.

[ Such an Emotional Chapter! ]