Additional Chapter

Long Time no see readers!


Rose's POV.

After Discussing thoroughly with my manager and also seeking my husband Daniel's advice, I then decided to terminate my contract with my Agency and pay the fee.

I suddenly don't feel indebted to them anymore as they already took my loyalty for granted, When I ended up being in a Scandal, they didn't think twice before turning their backs on me.

Who does that?

After years of being with them and allowing them to make use of my Fame to survive and thrive in the entertainment industry, is this how they are supposed to repay me?

With all these thoughts going through my mind I completely forgot that I wasn't alone in the Sportscar.

" Are you alright, Wifey? " My husband's concerned voice was heard.

" I am. "

" But you don't look like you are because you were so deep in your thoughts that you didn't realize that I had already stopped the car. " He said.

" Oh? " I was Suprised and then I realized that I was too deep in thoughts.

" What's troubling you? , You can share it with me you know, you don't have to carry it all alone, you aren't alone anymore as we are in this together. " He said as he held my hands.

" Hm, okay. " I relented as I moved closer to him and leaned on him.

Daniel suddenly changed their position and Rose ended up seating on his lap.

Author's POV

Rose wasn't shocked as she was already used to this.

Daniel held her tightly and Rose Rested her head on his sturdy chest.

Realizing that she was a little tense, Daniel started Caressing her hair, and soon Rose finally Relaxed.

" Years ago when I started my career as a model. " Rose started.

" Despite getting big offers from other Agencies I decided to settle for a smaller agency as I believed that it's better to start from Small before jumping into Big, I made the right decision then, I guess, I remember the day I went to submit my application at my Agency, the founder of it was very happy to have me as they were aware that I was Talented and will become a Big Shot in the nearest future, I was welcomed and well taken care of by everyone there and that's why I was given the best manager, Stella Jackson She was a top manager then who only managed International models but despite this, she willingly Accepted to manage me, a newbie, at first I wasn't the only one she was managing as she had other artists as well but as time went on, the other Artists who had become famous supermodels resigned from the company and went to another and so I ended up becoming the only artist she managed as others left. "

Rose took a deep breath before she continued her story.

" We became close as time went on as we had similar views and Goals, she also graduated from college with a high score but instead of looking for a job as a PE teacher or a physiotherapist, she chose to be a manager as she always wanted to make people Famous and outstanding, due to her choice of profession, her family disowned her as they hated anything related to the entertainment industry as they find it dirty, despite all of this she pursued it and soon she became a Top class Manager, what got me amused about her story was the fact that her family who once threw her out of the house after she joined the entertainment industry were now the ones pleading with her to come back when they realized that she had become successful in her chosen field, She agreed at first as she believed that no matter what happens family should always be together but after Realizing that they only wanted to use her for their selfish interests she drew the line. "

" I get it now but how did all of this cause you to become so sad all of a sudden? " Daniel who was listening Attentively to her story inquired.

" I am not done yet. "

" Oh, you can continue then, Sorry for interrupting. " Daniel replied looking apologetic.

" Hm, Well, I realized that she was a very good person at heart though she looked Otherwise I soon got to see her soft side soon after, Years later I became a Supermodel, despite the pressures and offers from different Top Agencies, I didn't leave me agency as I remained loyal to them, at first things went well until the media started digging out different false news, thinking of all of this I suddenly felt sad because I realized that people in this world are willing and ready to bend the rules as long as money is involved, despite all I did for my agency, they didn't hesitate to betray me at the slightest threat, how could they be so cruel? , Don't they have a heart, Don't they feel guilty at all even in the slightest? " Rose started getting emotional as tears began to fall from her eyes.

Seeing her Tears, Daniel's heart ached, he felt like his heart was being pricked by a thousand needles, right at that moment he swore to himself that he'll make sure that those that hurt her would not go Scott free.

" Hey, don't cry, they don't deserve your tears. " He consoled as he gently wiped away her tears with his fingers and pecked her forehead.

" I know but it hurts to realize that some people are only interested in what they'll gain from you and they don't care as long as you aren't of benefit to them. " She said.

" Hm, well, I have seen situations like this more than a million times so it isn't new to me, you have to realize that in this world we are in there are lots of people who are friends with us because of what they are gaining from us and not because they like us or anything and at the slightest threat they leave us, that's why I believe in the famous quote which states, ' A Friend in need is a friend indeed. ' The quote is very true as it has been proven countless number times.

I have heard of families disowning their Own because they were Threatened by some higher-ups or something like that and likewise. "

" I am not saying this to justify their deeds, I just want you to realize that the fact that someone is Praising you and is being friendly with you doesn't mean that they like you or care, they might just be pretending. "

" Hm, that's true. "

" Okay, so please don't take it to heart, Don't cry again, Hon, it breaks my heart to see you cry. " He said as he embraced her.

Rose Nodded as she melted in his Embrace.

Soon, Daniel called back the middle-aged Driver and soon they got to Rose's Agency.

Despite Daniel's reluctance, Rose insisted that she go in alone.

" But, will you be fine alone in there? " Daniel inquired Worriedly.

" I will and also you don't have to be this worried about me as it's not like I am going in there to fight, I am just going to terminate my contract alright? " She reasoned.

" But.... "

" No buts, I'll be fine. " Rose Assured, She gave him a quick peck on his cheeks and immediately opened the car door and ran away like a small kitten.

Daniel who was left behind Shaked his head helplessly though he had a faint smile on his face.


As Rose walked into the Agency, She suddenly felt a little uncomfortable with the stares she was getting from the Artists and managers.

It felt like they were shocked to see her, where are they expecting her to bow to oppression?

Of course not, she won't.

She paid no attention to them and directly took the Sliding lift to the first floor where the Ceo's Office was located.

After gaining Permission, she entered the office.

After settling down, The CEO who was at first busy with signing some documents finally looked up at her, he had an amused smile on his face as he spoke.

" Oh, Rose Quinn I didn't know that you'll still come back here. "

" Why do you think so? "

" Well, isn't it obvious? , After all, that happened everyone thought that you are going to hide your face in shame but who knew..... Tch, you amuse me. "

" I'll take that as a compliment, anyways I am not here to chitchat, I am here to terminate my contract. " Rose announced shockingly the CEO.

He wasn't expecting that at all as he was expecting her to at least beg to remain their artist but who knew.

" You aren't joking, are you? "

" Why would I joke with something as serious as this?, We aren't kids alright? "

" Okay, I hope you are prepared to pay the Fee? " As Mr. Ceo didn't want to lose face he went straight to the point.

[ I am sorry readers but I have forgotten the name I gave to this CEO so his name will be Mr. CEO for now. ]

" Of course, I can't come to a battleground unprepared so yes I came prepared. "

" Are you sure that you want to tarnish your contract with us? You won't be able to reverse it after you have, I hope you are aware of that? "

" Of course I am, I am not a child. "

" Okay. " Mr. CEO replied as he proceeded to Call his Assistant who came in later with the documents which had already been prepared.

Though they weren't expecting Rose to decide to terminate the contract, they already prepared the documents down to intimidate her but who knew that it will become the exact opposite of what they were expecting.

Rose collected the documents and proceeded to read them thoroughly after which she signed her name on it with the Ball Pen.

" From now onwards you are no longer our Artist. " The CEO Announced after the documents have been signed.

" I know that and My Manager Stella isn't too. "

" Says who? Stella...., I Will continue to work for us as she's our manager. "

" No, she isn't your manager again as she already resigned, didn't your PA tell you about it? "

Confused The CEO Faced his PA and was shocked to discover that the latter hunged his head low in shame.

" How could you... do this? He inquired as his voice trembled at that moment he felt like he was drowning, he realized that they had lost Two of the most valuable assets their Agency owned, how can they survive without them? He was aware of the fact that the two of them were the only reason why their agency was still standing but what now? , He suddenly started regretting accepting Washington's offer.

" Am. Very Sorry, CEO. " The PA who was named Samuel Stuttered, he couldn't look at his boss straight in the eyes as he felt ashamed.

" Sorry for yourself! You are fired! Get out now! " The CEO Announced with annoyance in his tone.

" What! Am sorry boss please don't.... "

" Leave now or I'll call the securities! " He said giving his PA a deadly glare, seeing this, Samuel scampered away.

The Office was in eerie silence after the PA Left.

" I hope you've learned your lesson now, Mr. CEO, you can't eat your cake and have it. " Rose Mockingly said as she stood up and walked out of the Office leaving the Devastated CEO behind.

Rose walked out of the building with her head held high, she felt Relieved as it felt like a huge burden has been lifted off her shoulders.

She got to the car park and wasn't that Suprised see her husband, Daniel Leaning in the car though her heart skipped a beat seeing his Supermodel like figure, she still can't believe that the man in front of her was her husband, it still felt like a dream to her, a dream she wished to never wake up from.

" Hey, what are you thinking so deeply about, Honey? " Daniel Who was suddenly in front of her Said as he waved his hands in front of her.

" Oh, nothing much. " Rose replied Dazely, she didn't even realize when she got to the car.

" Is everything alright? " He inquired.

" Yes, I have terminated my Contract officially. " Rose grinned happily like a child.

Seeing her like this, Daniel's gaze softened as he brought her closer and embraced her.

" This calls for a Celebration. " He announced Happily to Which Rose Nodded in his embrace.

She felt like she could finally breathe freely without being Scared or Frightened, she felt protected and safe.

Maybe this is what it feels like to be with someone who loves and cherishes you.

[ Maybe ]

End of Volume One.