Chapter 58 : The Little bundle of Joy.

Adam went out to the reception where Daniel and Rose were waiting patiently.

Rose and Daniel were sitting on the Waiting chairs.

Rose who was resting on Daniel, immediately stood up after seeing Adam approach them.

" What happened? , Is the baby born yet? " She asked expectantly.

She was quite optimistic about Lucy's safe delivery though she couldn't sense anything from Adam's blank expression.

" The baby has been born, it's a girl. " Adam replied Smiling a little.

" OMG! Wow! I can't believe that I am now an Aunt! " Rose exclaimed jumping excitedly, she was grinning excitedly not minding the weird stares she was getting from the nurses.

" Oh, Congratulations, Adam. " Daniel who watched his wife jumping and Smiling excitedly said as he gave Adam a bear hug.

" Thank you too, I still can't believe that I am now a father, it feels so surreal. "

" It's okay, the feeling is normal. " Daniel replied as he consoled his friend.

" Hm, thanks for everything. " Adam felt very grateful as he was aware that if not for them he wouldn't know what to do.

During Lucy's pregnancy, They were there for them every step of the way, As Adam managed a huge company he could not abandon his work completely to take care of his pregnant wife and that's why he often needed a helping hand and luckily Daniel and Rose were there to lend him one at the time when he needed it the most.

He could remember that during the last trimester, Lucy became so heavy that she could hardly stand up, she was always uncomfortable and the mood swings she got were nothing to write home about.

Then, Rose willingly Volunteered to take care of her best friend during this period, She stayed with Lucy Throughout the day and took care of her, she only left when Adam came back from work.

Only he knew how hard it was to take care of Lucy for a few hours but Rose did it for months, if this isn't called friendship and love then what is it?

Even siblings might not be willing to do this for each other but Rose did, what more could a person ask for?

He remembered once that Lucy cried because Rose told her that she was gaining weight.

The latter was only taking note but Lucy turned it into a big issue, she claimed that Rose was abusing and mocking her, she even asked him multiple times whether he was going to leave her alone because of her weight gain or not, she claimed that she isn't beautiful anymore as she's too chubby and big.

He had to console her by reminding her of the fact that she's only like this for now because she was carrying their child and also that he doesn't care about how she looks as he doesn't like her for her looks but for who she was as a person.

He succeed in calming her down but that didn't stop the doubting questions from coming up.

" Thanks for everything, Rose. " He said Turning to Rose after he and Daniel broke their hug.

" It's my pleasure, Brother, thanks for allowing me to be able to take care and watch over my best friend during her pregnancy. " Rose said a little Emotionally, her taking care of Lucy during that period was a huge fulfillment for her as it was akin to the fulfillment of a lifelong dream and this was because when she and Lucy were still in high school they made a promise to each other that they'll always be there for each other especially during their difficult moments.

" Hm, you welcome. " Adam replied.

" By the way, Can I see her? " Rose requested.

" Of course, you can but she's asleep at the moment, you can still go see her if you want. "

" Alright, thank you. " Rose replied and almost immediately she disappeared from their sight.

The two men who were left behind just Sighed helplessly, they have become used to the love and friendship between the duo.

They were Akin to twin sisters as they were quite inseparable and they were very thankful for that.


Rose walked into the hospital room as quietly as she could be.

Seeing her best friend who was always full of life and vigor lying on the bed looking very pale and completely Drained, she felt her heartache.

' Is this the pain we women have to go Through to become mothers? '

Anyways, she felt very happy for Lucy as one of the latter's dreams was to be a mother as she loved kids, she remembered those times when they both often went to the Orphanage to see the children and also to gift them some daily necessities like food, clothing and so on.

She often witnessed how Lucy would play Hide and seek with those kids like she was one of them, it was a sight to behold.

' Lucy is now a Mother. ' she thought Smiling.

Hours later.

Lucy woke up from her deep sleep, she felt a little refreshed, Her originally pale Skin had by now regained some color.

She immediately felt a lot lighter like something was not with her anymore.

Scared she wanted to scream but calmed down after hearing the Cry of a baby.

She then realized her surroundings and was Suprised to know that she wasn't alone in the room.

Since it was a VVIP hospital room, it has all the luxury one could ever wish for, it could be akin to a five-star hotel room as it had Two long Cream colored Couch, A Plasma TV, Three comfortable chairs, A large bed that could hold two people comfortably which she was lying on and so on.

Her husband, Adam was sitting on one of the chairs close to her, He was drinking a coffee and was also busy typing something on his phone.

Anyone who saw this would think he is having fun but no.

It's the exact opposite, he was using the coffee to calm his nerves, and also he was doing some research on his phone about women who just gave birth.

He was feeling very nervous despite the reassurance from the doctor.

His wife had been asleep for hours already and wasn't showing any signs of waking up so how could he not be worried?

Rose on the other hand was holding the newborn baby in her arms while seating on the couch.

She couldn't help feel a little emotional looking at the child, the child looks so pure and innocent and very beautiful too.

Daniel who sat beside her was amazed to see his wife behaving like a mother, he always knew that she loved kids but not to this extent and that's why he was wondering why she hadn't brought up the discussion of them having their kids yet.

He made a mental note to talk to her about it later when they get home.

The baby made a little cry which attracted all their attention.

Rose tried her best to calm her down but to no avail, it seems like the child needs to eat something now but what could they do when The mother isn't even awake yet to feed her.

" Water. " Lucy's Hoarse voice was heard in the room which got all of them alarmed.

" You are awake! " Adam exclaimed as he quickly stood up from his seat and poured warm water for his wife from The jug nearby.

" Hm. " Lucy replied simply as she took the glass of water from him and consumed it immediately and as a glass of water wasn't enough, she asked for more, it wasn't until she drank the third glass did she get satisfied.

" Thanks for giving birth to our child. " Adam whispered lovingly as he pecked her Forehead after wiping her mouth.

" Hm, You'll be the one to give birth to our child next time. " She joked with a straight face.

" Okay. " Though she was joking, Adam took it very seriously as he'll rather go through the pain than let her.

" Oh, Lucy, You are finally Awake, You got us all Worried. " Rose's voice came to her ears as the latter approached her with a carefully wrapped baby in her arms.

Rose Handed the little bundle of Joy to Lucy as carefully as she can be.

Surprisingly, as soon as the baby was carried by her mother, she stopped crying, perhaps this is what they call a mother's love.

" Oh my! She looks so beautiful. " Lucy exclaimed as she set her eyes on her baby for the first time.

Funny how she was the last to see her baby.

" She is, just like you. "

" Hm, What should we name her? " Lucy inquired from her husband.

" You can decide her first name, I'll decide the second and third. "

" Okay, Why don't we name her, Jemima? "

" That's a nice name, I love it, for her second and third name we can name her, Olivia and Emma. " He replied.

" That's beautiful. "

" What about me? , Won't I get to name the little bundle of joy? " Rose who was completely ignored complained.

" Of course you can, sorry for ignoring you. "

" It's alright, I'll like to name her Isabella, Bella for short. " Rose replied.

" I love the name Bella, so this means she's going to be bearing Five names in total with her surname, Standford Jemima Olivia Emma Isabella. "

" Yes, She'll be Addressed as Standford Jemima for short. "

" Hm, True. "

" By the way, Thank you for everything, Bestie. " Lucy said sincerely.

" It's Alright, it was never a chore, and also what are friends for? "

" That's true, I am so lucky to have to in my life. "

" Same here. " Rose replied as she moved forward and embraced Lucy a little being careful enough not to squish the little one.

' Wa aa! ' The gentle cries of the baby was soon heard.

Rose and Daniel who immediately understood what the baby needs walked out of the room giving the trio the privacy they need.

Lucy smiled a little seeing this, she loved how understanding her friend and brother-in-law was.

She proceeded to Feed her Child.


As soon as the duo were finally alone, Daniel Embraced Rose tightly.

He was happy to finally get to Hug his wife freely after several hours, he couldn't do this earlier as the latter was busy with the newborn.

Rose Returned his hug as she buried her head in his chest.

She could finally relax after everything.

Even though she wasn't the one giving birth but she was under a lot of stress and pressure as the one in concern was her best friend and Goddaughter so of course, she has to be worried.

And it's all over now so she could now sigh in relief without having to Worry.

Relief? Not so soon...