Chapter 66

Chapter 60

Lucy went towards the wash hand basin where she washed her hand with the Antiseptic liquid soap then she rinsed her hands.

When she was done she was about to take the hand towel to dry her hands when she heard a sarcastic voice.

" Tsk, tsk, I never knew that one day I would cross paths with you in the guest's bathroom, isn't it funny? You are the so-called owner of the house but yet you still make use of the guest's restroom, isn't that funny? "

As if not hearing her, Lucy dried her hands with the towel after which she folded it and kept it in place.

She was about to walk out of the Restroom when Emilia who just appeared blocked her view.

" Where are you rushing to, Sister? Why are you in so much hurry? " She said smirking.

" What do you guys want? " Lucy asked directly Crossing her hands on her chest.

" Really? Is she serious, Char? "

" Not sure, does she think we are a beggar like her? "

" I wonder o, just because she managed to seduce Adam Standford and get him to marry her doesn't mean she's rich. "

" Yeah, let me tell you Lucy you are nothing without Adam Standford!, You are only a parasite feeding on his money and wealth. "

" Wait, what's this smell. "

" Which smell? "

" I smell Jealousy and envy don't you perceive the smell too? "

" What do you mean by that? Are you trying to say that we are jealous of you? " She angrily said.

" Oh? I didn't say that but wait isn't it obvious that you guys are jealous of me? "

" Who's jealous of you? , What do you have that we don't? We went to the best school, got the best education, drive the best cars wear the most expensive clothes and so on but what about you? You only rely on Adam Standford for Everything! "

" Oh, I guess you have forgotten that Adam Standford isn't just anybody but my husband! Moreover, are you trying to say that you are independent? Isn't it Dad's money that you girls are spending recklessly? You claim to get the best education but what are you doing with your certificate? You don't even have jobs, all you do All day is gossip and eat no wonder you girls are putting on weight, you are almost like a balloon when compared to the last time I saw you. Unmarried ladies love to keep the perfect figure but what about the two of you? You aren't even married yet but you already look like a balloon, who would marry you the way you are now? " She insulted, hitting their sore spots, she was very aware that these two cared a lot about their figure and physical appearance.

" You! "

" How dare you, Lucy! Just because you are now rich doesn't give you the right to insult us, you are still a nobody who just married Rich. "

" Oh? Nobody? It doesn't matter who I am but the fact remains the same that I am still better than you girls! "

" You!... "

" Wait, I remember that you girls are going to get Engaged to the Two sons of Mr. Tristan the CEO of Shinning Jewelries, not bad I must say that you guys are very lucky to be able to get Engaged into a Rich family. " Lucy replied sarcastically.

" It's not funny, Lucy! " Charlotte replied whilst gritting her teeth in Anger.

They were all aware that the Two sons of Mr. Tristan are not the ones that any woman would dream to get married to, though they were rich and handsome they were not suitable why because the first son was a jerk and a ruthless Playboy who changed girlfriends like Shoes, he was also very rude and vulgar, he doesn't even respect women and only treated them as playthings, once she slapped a female Reporter in public just because she accused him of being a Playboy.

The second one was more mature and cool but he was handicapped, he had been confined to a wheelchair ever since he had an accident when he was in his youth.

Charlotte and Emilia didn't want to get married to these two men but they had no choice.

Their fate had already been decided the moment the two families agreed to the engagement.

They never mentioned this in public as they were very ashamed so they wondered how Lucy got hold of the information.

[ A/N: I guess they have already forgotten that Lucy is Married to The well-known Ruthless businessman, Adam Standford. ]

" Oh? Why are you two silent? What are you girls thinking so deeply about? , If it's about whether I would attend the engagement ceremony or not, don't worry as I'll make sure to Grace the occasion with my presence so doesn't worry too much, Kay? "

" Who wants you to attend the engagement ceremony! You aren't even welcomed there! " Emilia Snapped.

" Oh? But I remember getting an invitation to attend it. " She Smirked.

" That's a lie! "

" We'll see whether I am invited to the occasion or not. " Lucy replied with a provoking smile.

" Don't you dare attend! "

" Why? What are you hiding? Don't tell me that you guys don't want me to see your grooms? If that's it then ddon'tworry I would leave immediately after I see you, girls, in your engagement gown, Happy now? "

" Who's happy! Stop playing with fire Lucy or you'll get burned. " Charlotte threatened.

" Oh, I am very scared, please don't hurt me. " Lucy said mimicking fear.

Her act only enraged the two ladies further.

Seeing this, Lucy Realized that she had gone too far and wanted to find a way to escape.

" Hm, I need to go now please leave the way. " She requested politely.

" Oh? When did you become this polite? Weren't you being a little arrogant earlier so why? "

" Please leave the way let me pass. " Lucy pleaded.

She looked pitiful on the outside but inside she was smirking.

" Oh, we will if you would Kowtow three times for us. " They said.

" I just gave birth a month ago so I can't Kowtow! "

" Oh, what does giving birth have to do with kowtowing? "

" I can't. "

" Then you are going nowhere! "

" Oh really? Have you guys forgotten that this is my house meaning I know all the secret pathways here and look here, there's a CCTV camera up there? " Lucy said pointing to the ceiling.

" So? Does it matter? "

" Let me go now or don't blame me for being ruthless. " She said coldly as her expression suddenly changed.

She wasn't Smiling anymore.

Emilia and Charlotte looked at each other in Surprise seeing this.

" Let's leave her alone, we'll find a way to deal with her next time. " Emilia told Charlotte with a wink.

" Okay, you can go now. " Charlotte said as she left the entrance for Lucy to pass.

Lucy wasn't stupid, she knew that they had planned something for her already so she didn't move.

" Aren't you going anymore? " Emilia said provokingly.

"I can't I suddenly feel a stomach ache, ouch it hurts a lot. " Lucy said as she held her stomach in ' Pain '

" What happened to her? , Do you think she's pretending? "

" I don't think so, see she's turning pale. "

" Please help me call my husband or best friend be fast. " Lucy replied with a shaking voice.

" What do you think we should do? "

" I guess that we have no choice but to do as she says? "

" What now can we? "

" We have to, what if she dies? We'll be accused of murder and would rot in prison. "

" But... "

" Let's go. " Charlotte said as she dragged Emilia out of the restroom but unfortunately for them as soon as they did, Three men in Black attacked them and covered their noses with a white handkerchief, and carried them away from thereafter they fainted.

They fell into their trap.

Realizing that the coasts were clear, Lucy walked out of the bathroom and as soon as she did, She was pulled into a warm embrace.

She snuggled into the embrace and enjoyed the warmth of it.

" Don't ever do this again, Lucy! How could you put yourself in danger! " From his tone of voice, it seemed like he was very annoyed but was trying his best to control it.

" I won't, I promise. " Lucy replied breaking the hug.

Just then Rose approached her urgently.

After looking Lucy up and down and confirming that she was alright she sighed in relief.

" Don't do it again, Lucy, you almost gave us a heart attack. " Rose replied.

" Am very sorry, I realized their plan too late and so wasn't able to think straight. "

" Whatever it is, don't try it again! Learn to protect yourself first! "

" Yes, Mom. " Lucy replied playfully.

Rose Simply rolled her eyes at her.

Then CEO Daniel approached them.

" Have the kidnappers been caught? " Adam asked.

" They have, the funniest part is that they aren't just kidnappers but hired assassins. "

" Oh my Gosh! So it means... " Rose wasn't able to finish her sentence.

" Yeah, but why would Those two girls want to kill Lucy? What did she do to offend them? "

" Well, that's what jealousy does to a person, they are jealous of the fact that Lucy was able to marry someone she loves while they aren't Opportune to. "

" Hm, I guess you are right. "

" Where are those two now? "

" They have been arrested and detained along with the assassins for attempted murder . "

" Police station? Won't they bribe the officers and be released? "

" They won't, that has been well taken care of and we've also got people to take ' Care ' of them. "

" Oh. " Rose replied in Realization of what the ' Care ' meant.

She was very sure that those two would regret the day they were born, how dare they try to harm the apple of Adam Standford's eye.

" Hm, Who's little jemmy With? " Despite all that happened Her daughter's well-being is still the first thing on her mind perhaps this is what they call being a mother.

" She's with Stella and little Lucia. ''

" Oh, let's head over now the guests should be waiting for us to end the party. "

" Yes, let's go. "

Soon they went back to the party and joined in the fun till they ended it An hour later after which all the guests went back to their various homes.