Chapter 70

Chapter 64.

* Happy New Month, readers!!! *

Months later.

Quinn's group.

The Last floor of the 100 storeyed building.

Inside the European-styled Ceo's office.

Rose Quinn was sprawled lazily on the leathered armchair.

She was feeling a little sleepy but she didn't want to sleep.

Ever since she got pregnant, she has been feeling a lot weaker and tired.

She could have stayed home as suggested by her husband Daniel but she didn't as she wanted to oversee everything going on in the company.

Soon the heavy sandalwood door opened to reveal her Assistant, Stella Jackson in a White Shirt and Black Pants, she had a black jacket on her white shirt, she was wearing White heels which complimented her outfit making her look so young and hot despite being 32 already.

Rose remembered telling her to try Finding a man who would love and care for her as she was still very young and beautiful but the latter's reply was unexpected.

<< I don't need a man in my life Rose, I already have what I needed already so I don't need an addition..>>

<< But you could try giving love another shot you Know? You might end up meeting the right person for you alright? >>

<< Right Person? At my age? Don't you know that any man who says he loves me at this time only wants my money and not love and I don't want to neglect my daughter for anything or anybody? >>

<< But Stella.... >>

<< No buts, Rose I have made up my mind. >>

<< To become a nun right? >>

<< Really? Nun at this age you must be joking. >> She rolled her eyes.

" Hey there Mrs. Romero, what are you thinking so deeply about, um? "

" Hey.. " Rose was quick to recover from her stupor and replied.

" So? What are you thinking about? " Stella said as she took a seat on the couch while crossing her hands under her bosom.

" Don't tell me you are thinking about your Husband again?, Are you Missing him already? But you just saw him last Five hours ago alright? " She ranted.

" You are thinking too much, I wasn't thinking about Daniel but you, I was just remembering our last conversation about you still being single. "

" Oh, it's already Noon, what would you like to have? " Stella asked changing the topic.

" Hm, I am thinking of going to have lunch in Daniel's Company so I'll just have some milk. "

" Okay, but will that be enough? Why don't you have some Snacks first before you go there, you might get hungry on the way there you know. "

" Alright, alright, Don't start again with your lecture, you can order Sausages and a cup of milk. " She replied relenting.

" That's the spirit. " Stella replied happily.

She then proceeded to call the secretary using the intercom and gave her some set of instructions after which she hung up.

" That reminds me, The CEO of Starlight Enterprise wants to set a meeting with you, she wants us to do some business together. " She told Rose.

" CEO of Starlight Enterprise? Anna Jones? "

" Yes. "

" Oh my! I have heard a lot about her and you know she's one of the many people I look up to, not only because she's a CEO of a multinational Company but because she is completely against gender stereotypes. "

" I have heard a lot about her too, how she built her company from the scratch and how she loves and cares for her employees despite being disciplined and ruthless. "

" Yeah, I once read her story on the net and I must say it's very touching and emotional, I admire her, despite having a traumatic past she didn't let it affect her and just kept moving. "

" Hm, I heard that she's also a lawyer but she doesn't really practice it and only takes light cases of women being abused. "

" I wished there were lots of women like her on this planet Earth at least the world would be a better place if there are. "

" That's right. "

" I heard that she's still unmarried. "

" Right, there were once rumors that claimed that she's a lesbian and is in a secret relationship with her assistant Ellie, Thoughts the news was wiped out completely the next day and Then the fall of XY industries started too as the value of their stocks started dropping at an alarming rate. " Stella replied with a sigh.

" That shows that the Rumors were false and it had something to do with XY industries, I have heard a lot about their Ceo, he only saw women as instruments of pleasure and childbearingtoolsl and I think he felt very annoyed to see Anna Jones on the top of the business world and that's why he plotted to bring her down. "

" Don't you think that's too lowly? He's a CEO after all so why would he do something as childish as that? "

" Well, people can do anything just to bring someone down not minding how lowly or how extreme their method is as long as they succeed. "

" Hm, thankfully he didn't succeed and ruined himself in the end. "

" Yeah, I hope that Anna Jones meets her match soon as she isn't getting any younger. "

" Same here. "

[ Want to know more about Anna Jones? Check out my book titled, ' I love you ( The Victimized ) on Good novel. ]

" Why don't you look for a groom first before you start caring for someone else? Don't you think Little Lucia deserves a father figure in her life? "

" But I am trying my best to fill that space in her life alright? "

" I know but still it can't match up to having a father figure, why don't you think about it, do it for Lucia, Kay? "

" Alright, I'll try thanks. "

" No problem. "

Soon, light Knocks was heard on the door followed by the Secretary's voice.

" Come in. " Stella said and soon the door was pushed open.

And a Slim lady with Jade-like skin and curly brown hair walked in, she was wearing a Ggreycolored suit Jacket which was covered her light blue top, she matched it up with a grey A-line skirt which reached her mid-thigh, she was wearing five-inch Black heels.

" Good Afternoon, President, Miss Stella " she replied and they nodded in acknowledgment.

" I brought The lunch, Miss Stella. " She replied.

" Okay, you can place it on the Dinner table over there. " Stella instructed.

" Alright. " She replied and did as she was told.

She was about to leave when Rose's words stopped her.

" Have you had your lunch yet? Marianne? " She asked in a concerned Voice.

voice haven't I'll go to the restaurant after I finish checking some papers. "

" Alright, make sure to order some nutritious food as it would be good for your health. "

" I'll president, thanks for your concern. "

" Hm, you welcome, you can leave now. "

" Alright, thanks. " She said and left.

" I guess that being pregnant has made you more Caring and considerate. " Stella commented Suddenly when the secretary left.

" Wasn't I caring before? " She asked with a frown.

" You were but not as much as this. "

" Whatever, let's have our lunch, I don't want to be late. "

" Okay, Mrs. Romero. " Stella remarked playfully.

" Get married soon, Miss Jackson! " She retorted and expected Stella's face change.

" Hmph! "

Soon the Once Lively space became Very quiet as the two ladies eat their lunch silently with each deep in their respective thoughts.