Chapter 1

The wind pick up as she ran faster,wind blowing through her soft purple waist-length hair.The leaves crunched under her shoes,the sound echoed through the silent night, accompany with the heavy pant of her breath as she run to the oblivian.

When she sure she have lost them, she slowed her pace and eventually came to a stop.

The forest is in darkness, but the moonlight help her to see through it. She bend her body, hands on her knees as she catched her breath. Blood still pumping throughout her body from the activity.

She looks around her, trying to figure the right way out of the forest.

Now, am I lost?

She sighed loudly,straightening her posture before running her hand through her hair in frustration.

She should have thought first before blindly ran to the forest earlier. Now, what should she do?

Ric will be mad as hell if she arrives home tomorrow morning.

As she thinks, her ears suddenly perked up at the sound of engine and car to her west.That means the highway isn't far from where she is. She grins, finally found solution to her problem.

She walks, following the sound while humming a melody of a song that she heard on the radio this morning. The catchy beat of the song makes her sways her hips and claps her hands, as she sings a line from the song that she managed to remember. When she got to the hardest part of the song, she halts to hit the high notes flawlessly.

She then continues to walk while singing until she saw the outlines of cars passing her and eventually got a taxi to get home.

Arabella loves to sing. And when you got a voice like her, you do not want to shut up. Though her voice is not as good as her brother's, she enjoys singing every genres and kind of songs. She raps too. She loves art in general.From art of music to the literal art.

From her younger days to now, she is a very competitive person. She craves attention and love,especially controls of others. It is very easy for her to take interest in something but very hard to maintain that interest.

Maybe because she is always excellent in everything that she do she feels no challenge.

Or maybe because that is how she is.

Anyways, she is thankful for this gift of her, for she won't be here if she any less than she is.

She looks out of her window, now instead of the blurring pictures of trees, it is building of the city she lives in passed her. The myriads light of the buildings are beautiful in contrast to the pitch black of the night sky.

She absentmindedly caress her Soulmark on the outside of her wrist, as the feeling of loneliness consume her.

Maybe she won't find her soulmate. Or maybe he doesn't even exist.

Her face morphed in sadness, her heart felt heavy in her chest. With sorrow, she sings one of her latest song,

"How is it

That I am already sad

For love that

I haven't yet lose with

Someone who

I haven't yet found?

In the end of the time

I am still alone and alone

In this cruel and unforgiving world

Will I ever taste the sweetness of love

The feeling of being loved and to love?

When the moment come

I promise to love you

If you give me the chance

I promise to love you... "


"Where were you?"

She stops amidst her tiptoeing, head slowly turned to look at the owner of the familiar deep, silky voice.She thought she stealth enough, but her brother's hearing is better.

"Ric..."she trails off, scratching the back of her head before speaks again," Told you I've got job tonight, right? "

Alaric sighed. He couldn't argue with that. If anything, he knew best how long the 'job' her sister is talking about take. Sometimes, he went MIA for a whole day. Her sister did better than him in this field thus she's taking lesser time than him.

"I'm just worried, you know? I don't want the same thing two years ago happen again. You could die, Ara." he frowns as he eyes his sister with worry.

She bit her lower lip, a sign of nervousness. "I know. You just have to trust me, okay? I'll take care of myself."

He frowns deeper as he thinks.Silence engulfed the two as two pairs of silver eyes stare at each other, communicating in their own way.

At last, Alaric gives in as he averts his eyes and huffed. Suddenly, he sniffs the air, "Go shower, you stink." He said as he scrunched his nose cutely.

Ara grins, eyes flashing with mischief before she took a quick step to hug her brother, rubbing her sweat and the smell of blood that cling to her black jacket to her brother's sweater. But Alaric is faster. He steps aside the moment he saw the familiar way her eyes shine.

He tsked while moving his index finger to the left and right. "Too slow."

Ara pouts and stomped upstairs to find her next victim, leaving her laughing brother to continue preparing their dinner.

"Aro~ Aro Varo~ Sister is home!" she called.

The sound of small footsteps pitter patter through the house running to her way echoed through the mansion before the silhouette of a six years old boy appears behind the corner.

The boy, Alvaro grins widely as he runs, making his smooth chubby cheeks to bounce slightly. As he grins, his eyes make moon crescent shape and he looks ten times cuter.

Aro giggled as he throws himself to Ara before she spins in circle.

"Ara! I miss you!"

She grins before halts to put her little brother down on his feet. She chuckled, "Miss you too, bear."

She ruffles his hair lovingly, and moves to take his small hand in hers.


"Um hm!" he agrees, nodding his head furiously,his strands of pale purple hair flying in the air.

She laughs, before leading Aro downstairs to eat.

She still remembers the day Aro pleaded Alaric to allow him to dye his hair purple too like her and Alaric. At first, Alaric hesitated but then he decided to just 'fuck it'. She was the one to drag Alaric to dye his hair too because she didn't want to torture because of a dare alone. She wants to drag him down with her since he is the one to dare her.

She smiles, shaking her head at the memory.


He bobs his head to the music, enjoying the catchy beat.After the music ended, he still humming the melody of the song. All the while continuing to check and sign the papers in front of him.

After a moment, he freezes and stop to listen,suddenly wondering,

"Why is she always sings sad songs?"

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