Chapter 3

Third Person's POV

The street was bustling with cars passing by, the myriad colors of lights from building shines on the cars,reflecting to the dark sky but incomparable to the natural gentle and beautiful moonlight.

A black matte Bugatti La Voiture Noire,shiny and expensive —obviously— was parked in front of the black and gold themed club, the famous TwinStars Club.

People nearby openly ogling at the luxury car that they will never be rich enough to buy, take the once–in–a–while opportunity to be grace with the sight of the most expensive car in the world.

Whoever owns it, he must be a fucking billionaire.

The roar of the engine died down, and the people keep glances anxiously, waiting to see the owner of the vehicle.

But before they could see the owner of the car, another roar of engine caught their attention. Another equally expensive car but with the color of pure white came passing by and continue passing through until it dissappears under the darkness of the club building.

With just the sound of the engine, one can differentiate between a normal car and a billionaire's car.

The previous black matte car roars back to life, moving after the other pearl white car.

People continues to do what they previously doing, before the momentary distraction.

The two expensive cars halt at the underground floor, parking at the parking lot.

The cars doors pulled open and out, come eight god-like men, each draped in button up shirts but with various colors. Each appearances styled perfectly, where one would literally melts and swoons just by one look.

The men strides to the elevator and the redhead one among them pushes the button of the elevator to the main floor.

"How is the Shiatsu Project going?"

The silence in the elevator was put to an end by the blood,bright red head man, his unique turquoise spheres stares straight at the elevator door as he puts one of his veiny hand in his black fitted jeans pocket casually.

"Went well. No delay or problem. Everything went smoothly." answered the dirty blond man. Short and simple.


The elevator door open with a ding, telling the group of men have arrived at their destination and instantly, they were greeted with the booming of the music the club.

With the bright redhead man leading the group,they strides through the packed bodies of sweaty humans that are too drunk to realize the presences of another being.But even in their unconcious state,controlled by alcohol,they part to make a way to the dangerous men walking across the room.All the women in the club follow them with their eyes until their silhouttes vanish behind the club black wall.

The group of men walks until the eventually come to a stop in front of a VIP room,provided specially for them,the group of men who are CEOs of the most famous brand company,The Xenakis Corp. that renowned around the world.The money their business makes at least 1 billion in a month.

Valentino Xenakis,the bright redhead man pushes open the door and proceeds to take a seat on the L shape gold color sofa of the club.The rest of the men follow his lead,each takes a seat on it.

"Why is it again we are here?" Ezra asks grumpily.His dark blue hair was parted on the side so that the strands fall on his forehead handsomely,only allowing a small part of his clean and smooth forehead to the eyes of the world.

"Relax,Ezra.We came here to celebrate our big project in Japan,aren't we?Loosen up a bit." A brunette said casually with a playful smile as he pushes the stray strands of hair that manage to escape from his elegant ponytail.

"Don't you come here because you're hungry,Niel?"

The said brunette,Daniel Xenakis looks up to his brother not by blood in such inhuman speed,the sound of bones cracking echoed in the room.His tantalizing face instantly morphs into something sour,matches his brother's Ezra expression as he clenches his jaw.

The dirty blond and natural redhead look at each other,engaging in silent communication.

Daniel huffs and sighs sadly,slumping against the soft cushion. "Not in the mood." He replied indiffrently as he stares into space,lost in thought.

Ezra sighs worrily when he saw the face his brother makes.He knows what the incubus thinks.Since they were young,they already were different from others of their species.Because of that differences,they were abandoned by each their parents,left to care for themselves.For years they lived in street,trying to survive and in the end they found each other,living,supporting each other until now.

Since birth,Daniel was born with 'incomplete sight'.He never ever knows the colors in life because what he see everyday is only the gloomy shade of grey.There's never before from supernatural species like them born with things they were born with.But at last,Daniel figured out the reason he is unable to see color.It is because he have a soulmate,a part of him who when he makes eye-contact with,the colors will come to his life.

Since that day,Daniel only gives in to his nature when he really,really in the state that he could die if he do not take the life force from humans through sexual intercourse.Like the monster he is. Ezra don't have the heart to be the one shattering his brother's only hope with the little possibility of finding your soulmate.Ezra couldn't imagine how he will live if he is the one with the incomplete sight instead.

He absentmindedly trails the lines of the dragon art on his arm with the tips of his fingers.Raphael who saw this unintentionally brings his hand to play with the only lock of soft purple hair that falls gently on his forehead,as if to reminds and convinces himself that one day,he will finally meet his soulmate.

The room was blanketed in eerie silence with only the beats of music on the outside of the room as the only sound.All of the men lost in their own world,oblivous to the hectic situation outside of their room.

The sound of ear-pierching screams and the unmistakebly sound of gunshots slapping them out of their dream-like state as they slowly turn their head to the source.

What now?

4 𝓭𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓱𝓮𝓻 ...