Chapter 9

Back to the recent event.


"Your birthday's coming right?"

She hummed, then continue chewing the cereal as her breakfast for today.

Alaric hesitated. He do not know if he should remind her about the important thing that maybe will occur during her birthday.

He hopes it will occur.

"You know it is your 18th birthday,right?" He probes further.

Ara looks up. Silver magnetic eyes clashing with smoky grey-silver ones.

She nods. "Yeah."

"Who is it tomorrow? I'll keep you company." He grins.

She could not help but smile,seeing his radiant ones.

But then her smile turned suspicious."How 'bout Varo? You're not gonna leave him alone in this house,right?"

He grins wider. "He will come too."

"What?!" She shrieks,eyes buldging out of the sockets. "Are you crazy?! Letting a f*cking six years old follow his siblings go killing people?!"

He looks at her with disapproval.

"He is still sleeping."

She calm herself down. "You can't be serious? You want him to be like us?"

Alaric looks at her hurt expression. Of course he would not want his baby brother's hands stain with blood like his and Ara's. If he could rewind the time,he even want to prevent his beloved sister from dirtying her delicate hands as well.

"I'll be with him,don't worry." He smiles reassuringly.But then he said reluctantly, "We'll watch from the car, you do the deed."

She sighs in relief.

"Okay, then."

She brings the dishes to the sink and naturally washes them. Her little baby brother is not awake yet considering today is Saturday,weekend. He tends to sleep in every weekend and she and Alaric will just let him be. She would sleep in too, if only it was possible for her. She sighs. Lately,the nightmare has become worse. Sometimes,she could not even take a minute to sleep. She always come looking for her in her mind.

Go rest, Ara. I'll take over tonight.

Ara agreed obediently as she drags herself upstairs to seek a short but meaningful nap with her baby brother. She used to be able to sleep whenever Varo is with her. The sense of safety and completeness with Alvaro by her side usually able to lure her the land of darkness.

But now,it somehow dissapears. No, it did not dissapear but was replaced with another feeling uneasiness.Feeling that she could not figured.


Arabella's POV

I woke up with a tired yawn as I stretched my body a little to release the soreness. My life is so boring. Everyday I just do the same thing,eat,sleep and kill. Still drowsy, I removed the comforter that tangled with my body as my hand roams on the other side of the bed,expecting to come in contact with a tiny six years old body. But instead,it was empty and cold.

I rub my eyes sleepily as I get up to a sitting position and turn to look around the room. Heh, he has woke up huh.

I smile lazily as I climb out of the bed but stop a moment when I accidentally glance at the alphabet,S on my wrist. Tomorrow is my 18th birthday,the day girls my age waiting for the most in their entire life. But I couldn't say the same for me. I honestly do not know what I feel with my birthday incoming. I just feel....blank.Nothing.

I couldn't put hope too much.No,scratch that. I shouldn't put any hope when there is too little possibility to found my soulmate. I don't even sure if I have a soulmate. It is kinda suck when you are one of those weird people,different from everyone else. Because I am different, they get disgusted with me. Just because I'm not like them.

Besides,my hope has died long ago.

I glance at the We Bare Bears clock near Varo's study table, and lightly grunted when I saw it is already eight at night. I feel so lazy tonight. I just want to stay at home and maybe beige watch some drama with my ice cream, wallowing in self pity.

Come on, Ara. Bella is with you, do not worry.

I nod to myself as I walk out of my little brother's room to mine to shower and get ready for tonight's job.

Rio said she would take over tonight. I just hope she does not do it too much. Though I am greatful of the way I am.

I was just a normal kid from the moment I was born. Well,everyone thought so. Mom and dad both loved me and my brother equally,even after they found out that I wasn't the same as them. My soulmark is one of them,but back then,they still treat me like I am the most worthy person of their affection though I don't think so. I only got two years of parents' love before they died in a car accident. Father is the kind of man that looks handsome but so scary,resulting in people distancing themselves from him. All his life he is kinda lonely and he was always silent,my mother said so.She said father was so mysterious and cold,as if he was above everyone else and she didn't like his personality. There are a few occasions where they argued even about the most simple thing because mother was so opposite of him. 

But people say opposites attract each other. Fate brings them together soon after mother came to age and discovered that father is her soulmate! Just imagine how awkward they were with each other after that.

Nevertheless, they loved each other so much and their marriage life was full of bloom happiness. Unfortunately,soon after they died in a car accident and we were sent to orphanage because we were under age. Alaric and I. I dare say the orphanage is not a pleasant place to be. We were adopted and abandoned time after time, and we were separated.

 And soon, she came.   

From then on, I started hearing voices in my head. They help me getting through the day and be my friends. Bella and Rio,as this voices called themselves, are the closest to a friend in my entire life. All the kids my age did not want to be my friend because they said I am weird. It is okay, I do not need friends. I just need I,me and myself. Oh, and my siblings.

Apparently, I was diagnosed with DID,Dissociative Identity Disorder, or known as Multiple Personality Disorder.

I wouldn't say I am crazy. Just different. But, maybe I was...I don't know?

Anyway, Rio said she gonna take over tonight. That's good though. I'm feeling quite exhausted today, I could definitely take a rest from the world.

From reality.

5 𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓱𝓮𝓻...