Chapter 19

Double updates? Inspiration suddenly graces me with its holy presence.

(シ_ _)シ

-Author Ray


This is bad. Seriously bad.

Another one.

She stays frozen, her mind is in chaos and all was a blank paper in her mind. She has questions, yes, but never an answer. They are swirling in her head like those wind or smoke that she saw Kairo cast to make a portal earlier.

Why this is happening to her? She just asking for a soulmate. Someone she can shares her thoughts with, someone she can fully laughs with, someone who will be there with her, rock her softly in his warm arms when she feels down. But instead she got many soulmates.

Is this a gift? Is she worth enough for them? To stand by their side?

She was slammed again for the nth time today, against the smooth white wall behind her with such great force that knock her air completely out of her lungs. A ragged breath fanning roughly against her lips, her attacker's chest heaving up and down, brushing her own flat, broad chest. Eh, no Kairo's.

"What are you doing to them?" He spits out those words with venom.

A chill ran down her spine at the threat laying beneath his words, but at the same time a shiver of pleasure makes her shiver at the sound of his deep voice. She catches an Italian slang behind his words.

His face is close, too close for comfort. His sandalwood and peppermint scent strikes her senses with enthusiasm, putting her under his spell of allure.

Seeing that she didn't answer, his hand creep around her neck, clasping it in threatening gesture.

Tingles of pleasure instantly shot down her body from his touch, a perk she knows of being her soulmate. Every touch feels like heaven, flying her high to the sky.

Her heart decided to stop for a second when she process the fact. Another one! She couldn't decide either to laugh with joy and happiness of founding her soulmates, or crying rivers for the confusing and frustrating events she experienced so far.

"Who are you? What is your purpose for doing something like this?" He then squeeze her neck, cutting air from her lungs. "Tell me!"

Ara tries not to gasp desperately for air, her hands scratching at his, her sight started to blur. She didn't know if it was her imagination, but she saw a thin black smoke surrounding his form, floating around him and get thicker the seconds passed the more furious Valentino get.

Her eyes water as she tries to take as many breath as she can, "I-I'm..." His grip tighten as he growls out,"Speak."

How can she speaks if he keeps squeezing her throat?!

"Am y-your," she choked, "s-s-soulmate."

Those words are like a lightning piercing his soul, his grip on her slightly loosening, heart hammering against his ribcage.

He frowns. "What?"

Ara closes her eyes in exasperation.

She couldn't use her Soulpower right now with the condition she was in. But she couldn't let her soulmate's body shuts down, could she?

Valentino search her eyes, a little in disbelief. His mind flashes with the memory of his suppose soulmate's scent he smells accidentally the other day at the club. "What did you say? Soulmate?" He laughs with dry humor, "Are you trying to kid me?" He suddenly became serious as he grinds his teeth in anger. "Then tell me, why are you in my brother's body?"

She opens her eyes, looking down at everything but his face as she stays silent.

What could she say? Oh, I'm your soulmate but at the same time all of your brothers soulmate so you have to share!

Like that?

She looks down in reluctant defeat, for she has no appropriate answer for his question.

Valentino became furious, his eyes practically burn fire as he stares at her with his penetrative gaze. "Why are you quiet? Suddenly become mute?" His voice booms powerfully, like a thunder slashing the sky, "ANSWER ME!" He searches for her eyes again, "Look at me!"

If the soul in his brother's soulmate is really his soulmate, why is she never looking at him in the eye? Doesn't she want him? Or maybe she is one of those few who loathes the idea of soulmate?

His heart breaks with that thought.

He will never admit it, but the truth is he is scared, fearing that those thousands years of waiting is a waste when the person he faithfully waiting for doesn't even want him. Like her brothers, he scared. But Valentino is a Demigod. A creature of power and strength, his place and worth are higher than most creatures. So, he buried those weaknesses deep within until not a single soul could see them.

Ara inhales a mouthful of air as she flutter close her eyelids. "It's true," She then blinks open and abruptly looks up, her eyes clear and so sure that he was a little taken aback as she stares straight at him. She let out those eart shattering words again slowly but with absolute confidence,"I am your soulmate."

She wasn't questioning, she was stating fact.

A burst of emotions exploded in him, a train of emotions changes in his enthralling turquoise eyes with shocking speed as his grip around her loosening a little more.

But Arabella still doesn't breath, because she was frozen, entrancing with his gaze of roller-coaster of emotions, something she definitely sure doesn't happen frequently. His eyes are so unique, they sparkle beautifully even with the dark room they are in, his mint breath enter her nose, and with his bright red locks gelled back, he looks sophisticated and elegant.

Ara sighs contentedly, savoring this moment of magic that will change her and his whole life.

Ara had just enough time to smile softly at him, before the all to familiar darkness take her under its care.