Another One

Random fact...

In a pack all adult wolves help to care for the pups.


I lay with my pack but can't seem to sleep.

How do I understand the two legger? Why is it so interested in me? Why can't it leave me alone?

It's dark now as I scan my surroundings. I don't trust this thing. It might hurt my pack. What if it comes back while we sleep. It is persistent enough.

At the edge of the trees I see it. The two legger is watching me... I see another one next to it. Two two leggers this is ridiculous! I slowly stand and walk over to them. As I approach they turn and walk further into the trees and I follow.

"You have a beautiful wolf." The new two legger says. Oddly the first one growls. It sounds like a wolf even as a two legger. "Calm down Alpha!" It says and I stop. Alpha? They are a two legger pack... weird. "Wait is she your?!" The first one punches the second and it shuts up.

"Can you shift? I'll give you my shirt you don't need to be embarrassed." The second one says. I just look at them. What is wrong with these two leggers?

"No?... that's alright." It says to me than turns to the first one. "We need to talk to my Dad... an elder... a doctor... someone... they can come out here and find out what's up with her. Help her shift. This is way over my head."

I growl at the two legger. I don't want more of them out here.

"What? You don't want us to bring people out here?" The first one asks. I shake my head and growl.

"Come with us then." The second one says. I growl glancing back towards my pack.

"We won't hurt them... come with us and we can help you." The first says. I think about it and nod following them to their pack.


"Wait here I'll get dad." The second one says disappearing into a large structure. As I watch him I feel a hand in my fur. I jump away growling at the two legger.

"Sorry... I was just... I'm sorry." He looks away. What is with this two legger?

"What's so important Malakai?" An older two legger asks as he and the second one come out. He stops when he sees me. "What is going on Alaric?" He asks the one beside me.

"I found her in the woods... I don't think she knows what she is." It says.

"She is a rouge Alic!" The older one yells.

"She is innocent!" He growls in return. The older one bows his head.

"Apologies my king." It responds still bowing. These guys are crazy!

I begin to back away slowly. As I get a few feet away they all turn to me the older one growls causing the first one... Alic... to growl back. When he turns to me however he softens and crouches down.

"I'm sorry... don't run. We want to help you." He says.

"Listen to him." The voice says in my head. Reluctantly I step forward keeping low to the ground.

"Maybe Doc can help." The second one says.

"Link him for me Malak." Alic says.

A short time later another two legger appears.

"What seems to be the problem?" He asks looking at the older one.

"She won't shift... not sure if she knows how to." Alic answers.

"Interesting... does she understand you?" The new one asks.

"Hay." Alic says sitting in front of me. "I think you understand me... but I need you to prove that to them. So please lift your paw." I do as he asks tho it makes me feel foolish.

"There you go she understands. Now help her!" Alic yells. I place a paw on him to make him stop. I hate yelling. He looks over to me. "I'm sorry." He whispers lowering his head.

"Have you tried commanding her?" The older one asks.

"She shifted back to her wolf within seconds." He answers.

"It has to be of her own free will." The doctor says. "It could seriously hurt her to force a shift."

"How do we convince her?" Alic asks.

"Ask her? Shift in front of her to show her how? Explain the process?" The doctor suggests.

"Can you shift?" Alic asks.

I cock my head sideways in confusion. Shift? Is that what they call it? Changing into the wolf?

"Let me show you again." Alic says then he turns into the brown wolf. He circles me then sits in front of me looking me in the eye.

"Shift back now." The older one says.

Alic turns away from me and turns back into a two legger. He covers his lower half and comes back over to me. He sits down looking at me again.

"You can do that too. Typically I would say to think about your human form... but you don't remember yours do you?" I shake my head. "Well... you are beautiful. You have light brown nearly blond hair. It is long like it's never been cut. Can you try for me? Try to shift?"

I nod... okay... two legs... hands... long hair... ... ... nothing! I can't do this! I huff in irritation.

"Its okay... we'll figure it out." Alic says.

"I got this!" The voice says in my head. Suddenly I feel pain all over. It's like my body is breaking and I scream in pain.

"What's wrong with her!?" Alic yells.

"She's been a wolf so long it's like your first shift... she will be okay. It's just painful." The doctor says as I continue to scream.

Eventually the pain stops and I lay on the ground panting. Alic pulls something over my head covering my body.

"You're okay. Everything is going to be okay." He mumbles to me.