
"Bella!" Clayton calls out to me as soon as I enter his yard. The massive man runs out to me analyzing our surroundings like a pro. He's such a teddy bear I forget he is a True Beta and strong as any Alpha. "Come on let's get you inside."

"Isabella." Aaron greets me with a stern face.

"Hi Aaron." I respond with a small wave and an awkward smile. He seems angry. Aside from when bbn I first got here Aaron has been so loving. He truly mad me feel like family so having him mad at me is unnerving.

"Sit down Bella. This is all stressful for you so I don't want you doing anything to increase that. Gotta look out for my grandpup right?" Clay ushers me to the couch propping my feet up. "Would you like some tea?"

"Sure, Thanks Clay." I say knowing caring for me is his way of distracting himself. Alic may be the King but Clay is still his father and Alic is off hunting a dangerous man that may not be alone.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask Aaron once Clay is gone.

"Now is not the time, Isabella." He answers.

"So you are. Please, Aaron, talk to me. You are family and I can't handle you being mad at me." I beg him to talk.

"You know my relationship to your father." He states like it explains everything.

"Yea... you raised him." I say. Once I realize he doesn't intend to continue I push for more. "What does that have to do with you being mad?" Aaron sighs.

"I hunted every rouge I could that was even remotely connected to that attack. It broke me losing Brayden. I did all I could to avenge him. Not only did I not get them all but the man that killed him is still around. I failed to protect him, I failed him by not finding you, and failed him again by not killing the man that murdered him. I'm mad at myself more than you... but you knew he was here for a month and didn't even think to tell me that the man that killed my pup is here and threatening my family again. I'm disappointed that you don't trust me enough to talk me." He says with tears in his eyes and I start crying. I throw myself onto him as he sits in the chair wrapping my arms around him.

"I'm sorry Aaron! It's not you I promise. I didn't tell anyone. I didn't mean to hurt you. You mean so much to me. You and Clay help to fill the hole my poppa left. I didn't want anyone to get hurt." I sob as Aaron holds me like I'm a little pup.

"That man deserves to be hurt, Bella. If you would have told me I would have taken care of him in an instant and we wouldn't be in this situation. You have people around you now, little one. We solve problems together.. as a family." He tells me and I nod.

"Come on, Luna, let's get you some food and in bed. With any luck your mate will be back when you wake." Aaron says as he leads me to the kitchen where Clay is already cooking.


Alic's POV

"How far?" I link Mic. He is the best tracker I know so I'll take his word over my own sences but I know we're close.

"A few miles. I don't think he has realized we are after him. He seems to be slowing down." He responds.

"Or he is an old fart that can't keep his pace." My wolf snorts ready to gut his prey.

"I'm gonna let you loose Wolfey. Take him out." I say and give him control. I can only do it in this form but he loves having the power. He let's out a ferocious growl and storms past our men ready for the kill.

In no time we find the Brandon. The man is with a small group of rough looking rouges. I know one of them must be the man he was going to sell my mate to.

On that thought my wolf growls through the mind link.

"Kill them ALL! No survivors!" A chorus of 'yes Alpha' and 'yes my King's echo in response.


Our victory was easy. I leave a few men to clean up and run home to my mate.

"How is she?" I ask Aaron as he answers the door of my Dad's house.

"Fine. Sleeping." He answers as I come in. I know I look awful. I'm dripping sweat, caked in mud and blood, and only wearing a par of shorts. I ran straight here not bothering to clean up the residue of my night.

"What about him?" Aaron asks growling the last word.

"Dead along with all his gang." I answer and he nods.

"This is the first time you've killed not in self defense. How are you handling it?" He asks in a fatherly tone. This man will always be my Alpha no matter how strong I am. He knows me well enough to know I don't like the idea of killing but I can honestly say I'm at peace with this.

"It was in defense of my mate... don't worry Alpha. I'm okay." I assure him and he laughs.

"I'm not an Alpha any more Alic, but I'm glad you are okay. You did the right thing." He tells me.

"I've told you before, you will always be my Alpha." I tell him.

"What ever you say My King." He laughs giving me a hug.

"Alaric Steven Grayson! You better not be dirtying up my house. Do you want your mate seeing you like that?" My dad asks as he joins us in the living room. "And get off my couch, pup!" I stand up seeing the mud and blood that transferred from my body to the fabric I give a guilty grin.

"Sorry Dad." I say.

"No sorrys. I'm getting a new couch. Right son?" He says and I nod.

"Yes sir." I answer.

"Good! Now go shower and get dressed your mate has been worried about you." With that I run upstairs knowing he keeps some of my clothes here just in case I need them.

I shower happily knowing we are safe. My mate, my pup, my pack. It's a new world and we will still have struggles I'm sure but for now we are safe.


Author time!

okay so I'm curious about which characters resonate with My readers. We all have our favorites so tell me yours!





Clayton (Alic's dad)



let me know!