Chapter 15

Maybe because he is raised by a designer and an editor who is very fussy about every little detail Soji learns so much just by watching one match.

Before going to bed he is reminded to watch shot highlights to try and burn the forms to his mind.

Since he lost because of Aki's drop and lob shot where he couldn't even react.

Because he knows himself too well he sets up an Alarm for 10:00 pm to have sufficient sleep for tomorrow's practice.


Chapter 15

So he goes and grabs it in his room and goes to the kitchen sink to wash it.

Noticing Soji Uchika praise his ability to wake up early.

"You really an early riser eh Soji-kun."

"Well, I'm used to waking up in this type of time as my parents gotta get to their work early and they always drop me off at school so I have to adjust to their schedule."

"I see. So what are you gonna do here in the kitchen?"

"I just want to this thing," He said while showing off the container. "As I have put sports drink in it so the smell might stick to it."

Hearing that Uchika shows Soji where the washing supplies are located.

Soji uses it to wash the container thoroughly so that the smell won't stick to it.

After washing it and wiping it dry Soji goes back to his room to store it there.

While walking towards his destination he sees Aki going to the living room.

"Good morning Aki." he greeted with a smile.

Still, groggy Aki greeted back. "Thanks, good morning to you too."

After saying that she keeps going toward the living room like she is in a trance.

Although he feels a little awkward about it he just ignores it and just attributes it that Aki just woke up.

After soring it in his room he goes to the living room to see Aki watching some sport news.

He sits on the opposite side of the couch to not disturb her as they wait for the food.

Hearing Uchika calls them to the Kitchen table they go and eat the food that Uchika presented.

After eating Soji goes and helps Uchika clean the dishes as he normally does at home.

After doing that they spent some time watching some T.V. to wait till the food get somewhat digested better going to the covered gym to train.

Arriving at the gym they spent some time warming up so they don't get injured. Like yesterday Soji spent most of his time perfecting his forehand topspin with a series of drills.

While Aki spent most of her time conditioning her body so that she doesn't get injured in what looks like a house gym connected to the court. Since that is the most important asset for a player.

Seeing that Soji's forehand topspin is improving Uchika plans to have him train his court positioning after they eat lunch.

Like yesterday Uchika just orders some food for lunch.

After eating lunch she has Soji do another wall training to further improve his forehand topspin so that he feels confident enough to use it on a match.

While Uchika has Aki train in court positioning so she doesn't forget doing it and also to further ingrain it to her body.

It is a type of training where you cut off most opponents' shot options and force them to do a difficult shot like what Aki does to Soji when they have a match.

After doing all that they have a bath, dinner, and watch another match before going to bed.

Waking up, all of them eats breakfast then Uchika brings them to a park where there is a tennis court.

Uchika brings a ball machine so that Soji can practice his spins since she is mostly making him hit easy balls and the speed which she did it is pretty slow.

Also to instill a sense of depth and feedback for ball placement which Soji can't get on wall training.

So she has the machine at maximum speed and has it alternate spins to get most of the time they gonna to spend here.

Hearing Uchika call them to the Kitchen table they go and eat the food that Uchika presented.