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Chapter 22

"Thanks I will take you on your offer then and will play with you reluctantly then," Soji said in a haughty voice while patting Kaida's shoulder.

Knowing his intent Kaida decided to act with him.

"I see I'm really honored to play with Soji-sama on the weekends."

"So how is your club doing Takeshi-kun?" Soji ask


Chapter 22

"We are on a pretty strict schedule as our coach wanted to enter nationals again this year and win some award instead of just participating."

"That was pretty wild last year when your club celebrated getting on the nationals," Kaida said

"Yeah, but our seniors got complacent last year after getting to nationals so our coach is upping our training menu so that doesn't happen again."

They continued talking about their clubs and ends up finishing their lunch so they just waited till the break ends.

After school, all of them go to their respective clubs.

Arriving at the boys' tennis club locker they both see that it is barren as they are the first ones to arrive so both Soji and Kaida quickly change their clothes for one that is more appropriate for training.

Soji wears a white shirt with red shorts which is the P.E. uniform while Kaida wears a black shirt with a red outline and red shorts which signifies his status as a regular.

"You look good in that outfit Kaida-kun," said Soji

"I know right I was posing in front of a mirror for a while after I have received these things."

Since they are both already dress they waited outside for the arrivals of the other members.

"So are you nervous about your first official tournament in middle school?"

Although the interschool tournament has already started their preliminaries the official team members don't get chosen till before golden week.

So the ones participating before the golden week training camp are all 3rd years as the coach makes use of this so that they won't have any regrets in joining the club.

"A little bit but I am mostly excited since I am now able to participate."

"Well keep me updated about the tournament and also try to keep winning so that I have a chance to participate this year," said Soji jokingly.

After the preliminaries and unto the regional tournament the club will once again have a tournament to determine the next regulars but there will be no change before the nationals as that might break the existing synergy.

After waiting for a while most of the members arrive for the afternoon practice.

When a man with short gray hair and a tiny beard on his chin that looks well built despite his age arrive, all of the club members behave as Coach Hiroshi, Ikkie of the boy's tennis club arrives.

Seeing that all of them are ready the Coach Hiroshi then make them do laps to boost their stamina and endurance.

Although most of the members here are pretty well-built bodies Soji manages to outlast them as this is his forte.

Coach Hiroshi is really impressed by Soji's will to train since he was the first year and hopes he could get into the regulars but he could only blame Soji's bad luck at facing against Yoshiyuki, Hara.

As the boy's tennis coach, he mostly focuses on improving their overall physical ability and precision.

While teaching strategy and techniques only to the regulars which is why he has managed to make their school one of the best in the nation.

After the grueling physical workouts and warmups, Coach Hiroshi then makes the regulars go with him while leaving those who are not to their own devices.

So seeing that they have been left out all of them move to the free courts to either practice or just play around.

While some club members decided to monopolize one of the courts for their own use which is mostly third years Soji decided to try and tell his friends and the remaining ones about his suggestion.