WebNovelWake Up!!11.11%

The Cruel Reality.

It all started with the screams and yells of the peoples coming from the TV that was just turned on. The screams coming from the TV grabbed everyone's attention at once, be it the 5-year-old Fatimah or her 82-year-old Grandfather. They all left their breakfast untouched and focused all their attention on the TV, filled with screams of hundreds of the peoples…. Muslims, being slaughtered and killed by an even bigger number of peoples, clearly non-Muslims.

Hassan who was standing still after turning on the TV was staring on the scene in front of him in shock and fear. The hand clutching on the remote was still in the air. After about 5 minutes when he thought he could not take any more he changed the channel hoping to see something else that can take his mind from what he had just seen but his attempt was in vain because every time he changed the channel the same scene of people being slaughtered and killed welcomed him. At the tired of pressing buttons or scared to watch any more blood the poor kid switched on the TV and half-heartedly turned back to the table that was filled with multiples food. But now, even the smell of his favorite Kheer was not able to bring back his appetite that had been lost after seeing all that blood and hearing all those screams and cries for help.

On the other hand, the elders were in a dilemma. They felt like their heart has been grabbed by someone who was not letting it go, leaving severe pain for their Muslim brothers and sisters that were yelling for help. They were praying nonstop to Allah Almighty for justice and to stop that cruelty that had been happening to them by those peoples. The elders were feeling helpless, they wanted to help but didn't know how to. If it was just about one place maybe, together they could do something. If it was just about their neighborhood maybe they would have convinced the others, their relatives, or neighbors to act against it but it was not just about one state or one country.

It was not just India putting pressure on Kashmir's Muslims, it was not just Kashmiri's that were being killed or slaughtered or being dragged out of their houses for endless cruelty. It was in Israel too and Burma.

By now, the news had approached all the Muslims all over the globe. When the Prime Ministers of all the Muslim countries heard this news their blood started boiling in anger. All of them wanted to help those poor Muslims who were being tortured. They all planned to act…. But differently. None of them bother to seek others' help. Maybe, thinking they are capable enough on their own or just that this idea didn't cross their minds. They send some special men to the countries at wrong and request to stop all the torture.

Have you ever heard of a single man fighting a war against a big army and he still win? Have you ever heard of a single brick stop all that water instead of a dam made of thousands of bricks? No, right? And believe me, you are never gonna hear that either because single we are almost or maybe TOTALLY nothing but together, we can accomplish almost or even everything. But these peoples didn't understand that just yet. Will they ever? Well, the day they understand this they will definitely be able to pull their Muslim brother and sisters out of that cruel world.