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A Mission for Hashir!

Let's go to give some tasks to Hashir and Nasir, so we will get some help in our mission, said Aliza.

Yeah! Let's go said Amjad with happiness.

Shahid asked Amjad "Why are you so happy about going there?"

Because it feels like an action movie and I think I will be better for the role of hero, Do you know when I was young I wanted to be a hero.....said Amjad.

Oh! plz don't start again Amjad, said Aliza.

Ok, Let's go then, said Shahid.

Is it their house Amjad? asked Shahid

Yes, it is, said Amjad.

Then let's go into the house, said Shahid.

How are you Hashir and Nasir? Said Aliza

We are fine. Good to see all of you here, said Nasir

We are here to tell you about our plan. We have some tasks for you, you have to accomplish them, said, Shahid.

Doesn't this old man, what was his name Umm Yes Hamid, doesn't he speak because I never see him talking, whispered Hashir to Amjad.

No, it's not like that he can talk, but he talks when he needed to said Amjad.

Oh! ok said Hashir

Listen we have a plan we have talked to Pakistan intelligence and they said that if India once again does the oppression on Kashmir's people so we have strong and very dangerous equipment that can destroy the whole India within seconds and China and Turkey is also with us.

First, we have to do some work, if that plan work we will do nothing but if this plan doesn't work so we will ask Pakistan to attack, and of course, due to that dangerous equipment India will be destroyed within seconds, and Kashmiris will be saved.

Hashir you have to go to Indian's Army barracks and have to fit a bomb there and asked them to stop their cruelty and oppression towards Kashmir's people they are innocent asked them to show some kindness towards the Kashmir's people.

Ok As you wish Shahid, said Hashir

Why are you sweating Nasir, asked Amjad

No, I am not sweating you are mistaken, said Nasir with a shuddered voice.

Ummm Shahid in any case India doesn't listen to you so what will you do then, asked Nasir.

The answer is simple Nasir I will ask Pakistan to attack, and I already told you about the equipment.

I also have a question that Turkey and Pakistan will do war for their saving their religious brothers but why China is helping them China is not a Muslim country why they are trying to save Kashmir's peoples asked, Hashir.

Hashir it's not about religious this is about humanity, they are killing Kashmir's people such as Kashmir's people are not human, it's not understandable that they are killing innocent kids, women and all the human being which relates to Islam without any reason, there are many religions in the world but neither any religious allowed to kill innocent people, this oppression is against law answered Shahid

Do you get your answer said, Aliza?

Yes, you are right Shahid said Hashir

Ok then go to your mission which I give you, we have not as much time to accomplish this said Shahid

Ok, give me your blessings I am going said Hashir.

God bless you! Hashir said, Aliza.

God bless you! Hashir said, Nasir

God bless you! Hashir said, Hamid.

God bless you! Hashir said, Shahid.

Amjad why aren't you giving him blessings he is going on a big mission said, Aliza?

Because I don't like him, whispering Amjad to Aliza.

Amjad says him God bless you, ordered Aliza.

No, said Amjad.

Amjad! shouted Aliza.

Ok ok I am saying it God bless you, said Hashir with a pity face.

Thanks, Amjad, thanks to all of you, said Hashir.