A Child's Song

"The London bridge is

Falling down

Falling down, faLling down

The London bridge is

falling down

My faair ladyyyy!!!"

I laugh as I finish the song, imagining that it played with the type of jack-in-the-box music I used to be afraid of in movies.

Yup. I'm delirious.

I've been hanging by my bloody limb for three days now and there is so much blood in my head I'm acting like my mother when she was drunk. My old mother of course, not my adoptive mom. I've tried everything to get out of this snare- even shifting back and trying to climb back up, but I failed because I couldn't move my leg. By now I wish the Eclipse pack would just throw me in that Silver Vault of theirs.


OoOoh, what was that? I tilt my head in the direction of the noise to see, what I assume to be, a male werewolf.

I'm not a psychic, ok? He could be human. But he is probably a werewolf since he's on Eclipse Pack territory.

He had very rough features, black hair and dark eyes that screamed-

"I'm an AlChOhAlIc!!!!!"

I screech the last part, but he can't understand me because I'm a fox, so I decide to shift back like the deranged being I am.

Total shock and confusion covered his face as he witnessed the first werefox shift. He mumbled a rhetorical 'what' at the horrific sight of me. I'm pretty malnourished and I haven't brushed my hair in a really long time.

"I said, IM AN AlChOhAlIc!!!!!!"

I burst into laughter.

"I'm sorry, I rhink I'm drunk right now. Maybe it's hereditaryry and I got it from my mum? Orrrr... maybe my dad, but I have no clue who he is. Or I could be because this FRIKIN STUPID SNARE, decided to hang me by my leg for... Theee? Ye, I think it's been-"

I hold up three fingers and pause.

"Yeah, this many. Ah, where are my manners? The name's Kitara."

I hold out my hand to shake his, even though I'm upside down.

"Being a hooman reaaallly hurts right now, but I gotta be polite, ya know. That's what my mom taught me before she AbAnDoNeD me, and then my other mom before she was KiLleD by your alpha, but you don't need to hear my life story. Just throw me in the vault to die already. Just so you know, yEs I'm a rouge, cuz I'm a fox, so I'm not a werewolf, so my I don't belong in a pack, but even though I'm a fox, Im still a rOuGe!!!"

I sing the last part and start giggling again.

dude, shut up. You might have been able to get out of this, but now he knows everything!

My fox starts scolding me, so in between laughs I let out a 'no you shat ap"

I continued laughing at his expression as it went from confused to angry and he realized I was a trespasser. "Rouge!"

He snarled as he shifted into a massive wolf and sped toward me.

"Awwh, whoose a cute pupwy! You are! Yeah, wour a cute wittle puppwy wuppy!"

Yup. Baby voice and calling them a puppy always helps to calm an angry werewolf down.

Girl, you know you're naked, right?

"Frickity frick frack fock!"

I screech as I shift back to my fox form.

Werewolf dude uses one of those big 'ol claws of his to break the snare and proceeds to grab me by the scruff. Wow.

I'm a LOT smaller than him.

A realization hits me

"OoOoO your Ehark, the beta, right? Ye, I remember you. Not surprising you don't remember me though. You were too busy killing my sister, and before that, training with my mother's murderer."

Dude, you seriously need to stop. Your giving him information that can be used to manipulate us.

"No, you"

Wha- ya fool. I'm not even saying anything. Plus now he probably thinks your crazy, saying random shiz out loud.

"Meh, just add crazy to the list."

The surface of the Vault was just how I remembered it- a heavily guarded elevator made of silver and surrounded by boxes of protective gear. It reeked of blood, vomit, and other bodily fluids.

I practically gag on the stench

"Ugh. You guys do have access to air fresheners, right?"

The guards still know the drill, and so do I. All rouges are required to be in human form and are forced to wear a special muzzle that fits both humans and wolves. Either the beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, or in special cases, the alpha, takes the prisoner down to their cell. The cell bars are made of pure silver, and the floor and walls are sixty-five percent silver, diluted with steel. The purpose is to cause the prisoner severe pain but not enough to kill them. The more severe cells have seventy, eighty, or if they still won't talk, ninety. Most of the rouges talk pretty easily, but not all of them.

How do I know this? Wellll....Uhhhh... I may have been a bit obsessed with torture as a kid. Call me twisted, call me sick, call me a psyco, whatever you want, but that's the truth. Wanna know what else I know?

Silver doesn't hurt me.

But I'm betting whatever drugs they put into my system and whatever torture divides they use will, so I'm not completely immune to the extra pain they have in plan for me.

By now I've been handcuffed with silver and thrown onto the floor in the elevator, a taser stick held to my back. It was already set on the lowest setting, warning me to be submissive.

Turns out the vault smells worse on the inside, and soon, I'll be part of the smell.

Eligha P.O.V.

Two pack members found me. Not just any two, Abby and Kasey, the two pack sluts. They were identical triplets that could only be told apart by their hair, one pastel pink, and the other pastel purple. Since wolves are telepathic, they always spoke as one.

"You need some help there, Eli?"

Ugh. They practically purred it.

"Not from you I don't."

"Well, we're always... available."

They were definitely hinting something as they winked at me and sashayed away.

A less obnoxious voice came after they left.

"You sure look like you need help."

It belonged to the third, less identical triplet with brown-red hair who actually gives a crud about my emotions. For some reason, she is always barefoot, but she refuses to tell me why.

I feel her warm hand embrace mine as she lifts me off the ground.

"Are you okay?"

I guess she saw the tears.

"How are your feet not frozen from the snow? You should really start wearing shoes."

I try to deflect her question, but I know it won't work. She always knows how I feel, even if everyone else is fooled. Erica grabs both my shoulders, her arms straight, and stares into my eyes.

"Eligha. I know somethings up. Who do I have to kill?"

I force out a little laugh even though I'm trying not to cry. She is dead serious and I know she wasn't joking but it was funny.

Her face has a look like she knows I'm stalling.

She wraps her arms around me in a hug. Not a normal hug, a hug that filled me with warmth even though we were a week into winter. A hug that took away most of the pain and made me happy. It's like she could make me feel better no matter what happened.

After a second of being stiff, I hugged her back.

Erica wasn't normally into physical contact, but I didn't mind. She's been here for me for so long, I know she was just trying to help. Honestly though, who doesn't like a warm hug?

"I get that you are hurting about something right now. I don't know what, and I won't make you tell me, but I'm always here to talk."

She whispered into my ear.

Erica pulled away, the warmth going with her.

"You were on your way to the packhouse, right? I'll walk with you in case you trip over 'one of those cowardly tree roots'"

she cited me in the deepest voice she could, way deeper than how I actually sound.

I sniffled out a simple 'k'