
4. A Droid of His Own

The traders shop was a hovel of wonder to Bex. Things that he had no clue what they were, were scattered across shelves or in piles in corners. The whole store was set up like a maze just row after row of the droid that would be perfect for him.

The shop owner was a Cerean. A humanoid species that had a elongated head that housed an oversized brain. It was said that the Cerean were able to think of one hundred different things at once. This shop owners name was Ku-Kara-Chacha. Bex always giggles when he says his name outside of the shop. He didn't want to offend him and risk not getting his droid today.

Chacha was unlike all the other Cerean Bex had heard about. They usually stayed away from droids and never really traveled. They were to busy trying to have babies on their home world or something like that. Bex didn't care as to why ChaCha was different or so obsessed with droids, he was just happy to be here and shopping.

As always Chacha had multiple projects going at once behind the main counter. Since he was the only repair specialist around he was always very busy.

"Ahh master Mac, and a young master Bex! How are you two today? I will be with you in just a moment" Chacha said behind the bright blue glow of his ion torch.

"Why don't you take a look around Bex. I am going to talk to Ku here for a minute. Make sure you don't touch or break anything I can't pay for."

Bex started down the closest row that had the used droids and parts in it. There was no point in heading towards the row that held the new stuff because they would never be able to afford it.

Looking around he seen a ton of miscellaneous parts and bulbs and joints and servos. Nothing was really a full unit. A part would be missing here, an armature there, some didn't even have power units.

Bex was lost in amazement at the absolute number of parts. He felt like he could spend an eternity in the store just exploring and tinkering. It made him jealous that Chacha did this and made credits off it! Bex knew he wanted to tinker for as long as he could every time he walked in the store.

"Find anything good son?" Marc said causing a focused Bex to jump.

"Don't do that dad! You know I hate it when you scare me like that!"

"I didn't mean to scare you son" chuckled Marc in that I totally meant to scare you sort of way dads do.

The second Bex caught his breath he spotted it. A R4 droid under a pile of scrap. Bex ran to the pile moving part by part gently making sure not to break anything.

"What do you think it is son?" Marc asked.

"It's an R4 droid dad! I heard some Jedi have and use these to help them explore and protect the galaxy!" Bex said while continuing to move parts out of the way.

Bex could see his dad shutter at the word "Jedi". Marc didn't trust anything he couldn't see and the way those wizards would make things fly about made his skin crawl. No matter how safe they made the galaxy.

As Bex pulled the last c series leg off of the dented and dirty droid he noticed a lot of work would need done to it. It was completely missing a trac, personality matrix and versions other components.

"It looks pretty beat up son, are you sure this is the one you want?" Marc said skeptical that the thing could even be fixed.

"I think I can dad. I will need some parts though. Do you think we can afford it?"

"This scrap pile for certain son." Marc said seeing the joy in his sons eyes.