
10. Char

For Char it was just another day. He swept the house, helped his wife with the small garden they had, made them lunch, and sat down with his pipe and his research. He chuckled to himself as his wife said what she always said when he did this. "Once a scholar, always a scholar."

Marc and his family had left for town not that long ago and Char was deep into research. He was looking forward to the family's return since everyone knew that young Bex would be getting the droid he had so badly wanted. Char was thoroughly impressed with the boy's ability to absorb knowledge at an almost frightening rate.

Char would sometimes forget the boy was just turning five when talking with him. It made him feel like he was back at the academy debating topics with colleges and rivals trying to come up with explanations and theories. Even when trying to shut down certain suggestions Bex always seemed to have a reason for thinking in such a matter, especially when it came to droids and automation. The boy was young enough as well to understand that he did not know everything so he was always open to different ways of thinking.

Back when Char was a scholar and later when he worked at a larger droid facility, his main focus had been personality chips and their programming. Most of the R series droids were programmed using his design and codes. Sure it was all the company Industrial Automaton's property since he worked there under contract, but Char knew it was only because of him that the company even made half the droids they have. Over the years they have stated they have improved the personality programming but he knew you couldn't get much better than what he had put into them.

Because of the fact they had taken his life work, slapped their name on it, and sold it by the cargo hauler load, Char had left the company and devoted himself to a quiet life and to focus on his family. He barely even thought about his past work, that is until Bex had shown such a keen interest in the topic. Because of Bex he was working on a surprise for the boys birthday. He could hardly wait to give it to him. He had really outdone himself this time.

As Char was having these thoughts, the alarm bell could be heard ringing throughout the village. If it wasn't for Eve, his wife, shaking him out of his thoughts he might have missed the alarm all together.

Most of the villagers had already ran outside with whatever make shift weapons they had around. Marc and his family had the only ranged weapons with them to protect the shipment. Char looked around to see at the east side of the village raiders were fighting the villagers into submission.

It seemed that they were not here to kill anyone so Char did what he thought best and found Kan, a young girl who's family owned most of the communication equipment.

"Kan, you know how to use your fathers equipment to send out a SOS broadcast on the emergency channels right? Char quickly said to her in a hushed tone.

"Yes Elder Char, but no one ever responds to those" she said with a glum expression and panic in her eyes.

"I know sweetie but it's the best we can do. Now hurry run and ask for assistance from anyone. Mention a reward and it may draw some help that we can deal with later." And with that she turned and ran to her house.

"Everyone put down your weapons and let me see if I can reason with them"Char said before the blaster rifle shots would take the lives of the people he cared dearly for.

Since Char and Eve moved to Tatooine, into this small village, the people had looked at his older age as a form of wisdom for their every day problems. With there small garden of vegetables and herbs they were the villages go to for simple medical treatments as well.

As the villagers dropped their weapons and raised their hands Char approached the nearest raider with his hands raised except to make the necessary conversation movements to speak to the raider in their language.

The raider's language was a series of grunts and clicks accompanied by hand signals. They were skilled at stealth and hand to hand combat. The villagers didn't stand a chance and Char knew that.

"Please don't hurt us you can take what you want but please just leave these people alone." Char said in the native raider tongue.

"Our tribe has a blood feud with settlement. Many of our people were killed here."

"Your people have started the conflict with us. We were simply defending what is ours." Char rebutted.

"You people had no right to these lands. They have been ours and our forefathers." The raider yelled.

After he said that one raider a little better dresses than the rest walked towards Char. The other raiders backed away slightly without leaving the villagers room to room to move. A scream was heard as a raider dragged Kan out of the house. She had a bloody nose and was being dragged by her long hair.

"I found this scum using a communication device in there" the raider called out while he drug the screaming girl behind him.

"Calling for help" the large raider who Char assumed was the one in charge.

'Poor girl probably never heard the raider sneak up behind her' thought Char.

"Please don't hurt her" Said Char.

"No one will be spared from our blood feud" said the raider who started to laugh with a sickening sound as all the other raiders raised their weapons chanting "blood blood blood" witch sounded like a series of barks.

When the raider looked down at Char he yelled "search every home and take anything that looks to be of value or can feed the tribe!"

Char looked on helplessly as the raiders who were not fairing the villagers began to pillage the homes of everyone.

"You are going to pay most dearly eldest one." The raider snarled. As he finished this sentence he back handed Char across his face. He heard his wife scream and plead. Char was well beyond his prime and he knew his jaw had been broken. A moment latter and a kick was felt and the air escaped his lungs. This continued on and on until Char was drifting in and out of consciousness.

The raiders had loaded almost all of the belongings of the people. Char was coughing up blood as he knew his lung had been punctured. He was fighting for every breath with wheezing effort and no progress being made.

"Take the transports ahead. We will have our fun with these people and make them suffer to satisfy the blood feud!" Cried the leader.

The transports leaving were the second to last thing Char saw as his vision faded. When the transports where a distance away a red flash was seen as the leader fell in front of his face. That was the last thing he seen when he passed out.