V15 - Chapter 177 Healing Bond

"Speaker of the House Lawson Roman of Pennsylvania has brought up the President Interspecies Marriage Protection Act for debate today. The bill has been considered controversial because of what it details; the process of integrating aliens into American society.

The State Department has reported that many US soldiers, NATO personnel, and civilian contractors have been entering into romantic relationships with many Alnus natives. There are reports that some of these relationships have ended up in pregnancies, one being with a Warrior Bunny.

Three weeks ago, President Potts and General Stanford enacted a policy called Courting for its military troops(1). Because of how long the war is, many soldiers have engaged in relationships with the locals of Falmart. For the soldiers and locals' protections, a soldier requests permission from their commanding officer to enter into a romantic relationship. If the woman ends up pregnant, then under the Courting rules, the soldier is responsible for taking care of the child and woman.

Early in the war, the United States annexed Alnus Hill(2) and a ninety-mile radius around the hill, about half the distance between Alnus and Italica. Because of this annexation, US law applies to Alnus. Earlier in the year, Congress waived many regulations to Alnus because of the cultural, economic, and technology gap to allow the development of Alnus Town, but the Constitution still applies.

Under the Fourteenth Amendment, anyone born within the territory is considered a US citizen. However, the mother and/or father might not be US citizens, which creates a legal issue and loophole. The hope is for this bill to fix this loophole and prevent an immigration crisis.

This bill will lay the foundation for how the US government will deal with non-Human humanoids and protect their civil rights. A separate statement is currently being worked on in the Senate Alnus/Uros Committee.

Another loophole this bill is supposed to fix is to prevent the anchor baby issue where a family will come to Alnus to give birth to become American citizens. It continues funding and relation to the Alnus Identification program to help identify who is and is not a legal civilian in the Alnus territory. Only people with this ID will be allowed to own property, use the utilities, the Military hospital in non-emergency situations, permanent residence, and more.

As a compromise and to help lessen the incentive to have natives to come to Alnus to use the medical facilities, the State Department has approved Non-Government Organizations like Doctors Without Borders, International Medical Corps, Ceres, Partners in Health, and others to set up clinics in Italica, Valtris, Atler, Naiktai, and Kapliten. They will be increasing the medical infrastructure in these towns to help offset the load on the Alnus Army Hospital.

In one clause, the topic of international and legal statues is addressed. If a NATO and non-NATO military person engages in a relationship with a native will be granted citizenship of their respective nations. If such a country passes laws to allow marriage and children, the US will recognize it.

In a separate bill, Senator Peter Baxter of Virginia proposed a bill, granting regulation on allowing other NATO and non-NATO nations to establish diplomatic outposts at Alnus, the Elbe capital city of Ardtaim, Italica, and Valtris. The countries expected to show diplomatic outposts are the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Japan, Australia, Canada, and Brazil. Smaller nations are expected to partner up with the leading countries.

The Diplomatic Outpost will also be exemplified to allow immigration processing in the same towns, including Deabis. Any natives wishing to get immigration status or get an ID for trade can go to these towns. This is to help provide security and a stable trading network." - Lotus Eaters Podcast


--- Fort Minick, Dojo ---

Date: April 4th, 2026

Sharpe swings his sword at Grey.

Grey dodges him and hits him in the back with the practice wooden sword. "You are predictable."

He feels his back, and he looks at Grey. "Give me a pistol, and I will show you who's predictable."

Grey shakes his head. "You wanted this training. You have been in two situations where you couldn't use your primary weapon and needed a sword."

He nods, knowing Grey is right. The first time was all the interactions with Krysist. Krysist knew how to disarm him to even the fight. The other time was during the Flame Dragon, where bullets were useless. He wanted to learn this in case he ends up in another situation where he must use a sword. It is the enemy's primary weapon, and Harper always told him it is wise to learn what your enemy uses.

"Let's go again," he says.

He looks at Grey and sees his stance. He charges forward and strikes.

Grey blocks, so he swings the blade at him. He was able to block Grey's attack, but then Grey counters, knocking the sword out of his hands and getting hit again.

"Ahh…," he says as he holds his arm.

"I think we should stop for today," Grey says.

"No," he replies.

"You are too distracted to take this training seriously," Grey replies.

He places his hand on his chest. "Ribs are fine. I just need to be careful."

"I don't mean your ribs," Grey says. "I mean your mind. Your mind is too full."

He takes in an annoyed breath hearing that but understands what Grey means. Life has been stressful in recent weeks, and his mind is stuck with Selina and Sarah in the hospital.

During his time with Delta, he did not have to worry about such things. Yes, he had wounded soldiers he thought about, but that was easy to block out during missions. It came with the job. It is different when it is your daughter and girlfriend.

"You're right," he says. "I have a lot on my mind."

"I understand," Grey says. "While I had many women in my life, I never had children. I never had time between all the wars. I never considered adopting a child; it isn't normal."

"Are you trying to tell me that I should be thankful that they are alive, and I should think less of my job?" he asks.

Grey puts away the wooden sword. "Not at all. What I want to say is that you need to learn that you cannot control everything. The more you try to control things, the harder life will hit you."

He doesn't understand why Grey said that. He has lost soldiers and understands that all plans go out the window once the first bullet flies past your head.

"I know I cannot control everything," he says.

"I don't mean you and the battlefield," Grey says. "Ten years ago, I was a great knight. But then I was forced to lead the Princess Rose Academy. I am not complaining about the opportunity; it turned into a great experience. Events happen outside of your control, and there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot allow what happened to wind you up."

Grey walks over to him. "You cannot change what happened, but you can focus on the future. Be thankful that neither of them are dead."

"Yeah, but they could have been," he replies. "If it was an assassination besides a kidnapping-."

"But it was not," Grey states. "If it was an assassination, there's nothing you could have done. Focus on what you can control; otherwise, you will drive yourself crazy. If you cannot stay focused, then you are useless to everyone here."

He takes a deep breath. He knows what Grey is saying is correct. That is what is bothering him; he does not have that control. "I guess this is why you wanted to do practice today?"

"Correct," Grey says. "You have a lot of technology which has brought many positive things; however, I do believe there are some older customs that would benefit your kind."

"Being a Knight is more than just swinging a sword," Grey explains. "It is about what you control. Your skill level, your stance, how you react to your opponent. It is the discipline around the art. You cannot control the action of your opponent; however, you can control how you respond. They struck at you through Selina and Sarah. Getting angry every day won't fix that."

"I get it," he says. "Been told that before. But it is good to hear it again. Let's go again."

"I think we are good today," Grey says. "We will continue tomorrow."

"Can't," he says. "I have 2 meetings and a training course. Two days."

"Alright," Grey replies. "Let's get something to eat. Tomorrow, I think I'll join the JSDF's kendo class and the day after that it will be the Kali class of Sergeant Carlos. I am excited to learn some swordsmanship of the samurai and Akimbo fighting style of the Filipino."

"I am fine with that," he says. "I'd like to hear some old war stories."

"I have one or two," Grey says. "There was this one time where I fought this Orc Captain…"

--- Fort Minick, Mess Hall ---

Pina sets down her plate and sits down. "Hello there."

Faira looks at her, setting down her fork. "What do you want, your highness? I prefer to sit alone."

"I know and I understand," she says nervously.

She looks at Faira. She was once in the Rose Academy long ago and was a promising student. Many believed that she would become the best Knight, even beating her.

The last time she saw Faira was when she was thirteen years old. Now she looks like a fully grown woman, making her realize how much time has passed since she last saw her.

"Bozes told me she saw you during our assault on the Darlko research facility(3)," she says. "She was shocked to see you."

"I noticed that too," Faira states. "I am a Legrath Knight, and we were called to battle. Why wouldn't I be there?"

"Good point," she says.

She can see the disdain in Faria's eyes when their eyes meet. She can see that Faira remembers what happened at the Rose Academy.

"When did you join the Legrath Knights?" she asks. "I don't remember seeing you at Legrath during the battle."

"I joined after that," Faira says as she continues eating. "I joined four months ago."

"Cool," she says.

"Cool?" Faira asks. "That is an Other Worlder's term."

"Yes, I suppose it is," she mumbles, feeling awkward about this conversation.

"Your highness, why are you here?" Faira asks. "Just leave and go back to your Rose Knights club. They are your people. I am not, so don't pretend you can come here and think everything is forgiven."

She leans forward feeling ashamed. "I know and I don't expect you to forgive me."

"Why would I forgive you?" Faira asks. "You lied about me and ruined my life. You have no idea what happened afterward, and I can see in your eyes that you never even thought about me after you kicked me out."

She takes a deep breath as she thinks back on that day.

Faira came from a lower Noble house from Telta. Just like most of the Rose Knight girls, she didn't want to live the standard life of a woman, being married off for favors or for building alliances. She wanted more out of life and a chance to see the world so she made a deal with her family that she could raise their family social status by becoming the members of the royal princess's knights in exchange of her not being married off.

When Faira came to her Rose Academy, she was one of the most experienced trainees, having had Knights train her how to use a sword in the past. She was so good, and she felt worried that Faira might end up being better than her in sword fighting and would become the leader of Rose Knights. She was the Princess of the Empire, after all, she should have been the best. Especially to be bested by a lower-ranked noblewoman, it would be humiliating.

She then framed Faira for stealing a rare jewel from the palace. The Royal Guards took her back to Telta and she never heard of her again, securing her position within the Rose-Order of Knights.

"I know I lied about you and framed you for stealing the jewels, and I am sorry," she replies. "I was young, stupid and spoiled. I know you wanted more out of life and I stole it. I was jealous and felt my position was threatened by you."

"You think it was that simple?" Faira replies, stunned. "When I got back home my father was furious with me. Do you have any idea how hard it was to get out of an arranged married and get to your school? When I got back home, I was forced to follow through on that marriage with the Loda Noble house."

She understands the feeling. She did not want to be shipped off to some Duke or vassal kingdom and marry someone she didn't love just for the sake of selfish political gains for her late father.

"But I see you got out of it," she says. "Otherwise, you wouldn't be here."

Hearing that Faira leans forward, looking directly at her and shouts. "You cunt! You have no idea the horrors I went through. After I was married off, that bastard of a husband physically and emotionally abused me constantly as he treats me much like a sex slave and an object than a wife just because he was from the more influential noble house. He never forgave me that I chose to become a Rose Knight, only to be forced to marry him. After he learned that I couldn't give him a son since I am infertile, he kicked me out of the house like a stray dog."

She already knows where this is going. For most women, especially noblewomen, beside their beauty, the number one and most vital value is their womb. While most children carry their mother's surname, the father needs a son to carry on the legacy of the family. Without a son, there was no future.

She understands how bad an infertile daughter is in a noble household. No nobleman or noble family would want an infertile woman as they cannot produce a child, so the daughter brings no value to the family. It also becomes a black mark on the house, seeing it as a curse and the sign of a declining house.

"My parents cast me out and declared to me that they have no daughter," Faira states. "My own parents disowned and abandoned me because of your actions. I had to leave Telta so I went up north. I had to survive in the wild and become a bandit to live through days until I was captured and enslaved by a rich merchant. He used me to make better deals within the Merchant Guild Posts. During my time being chained in the cage, my parents accidentally passed through the town where the merchant took a stay for two days and saw me. Do you know what they said to me when they saw me! They said the lesser of a woman like me is only good and useful to be a sex slave since at least those that gonna raped me would not be worried about having a bastard child and the price for me would be very high because of it! They then spat on my face and abandoned me a second time!"

Pina shocks and leans back, feeling a huge amount of guilt and shame. She never intended anything bad to happen to her. She is also shocked that a noble family could do that to their own child. She knows that family members are willing to enslave their own kins for various reasons but that only happens in common folks, not in noble families. She heard stories however thought they were not true. She just wanted to win and be important.

"I am sorry, I didn't know." she remorsefully says.

Faira tosses her tray to the floor after hearing that and stands up, leaning at her. "You feel sorry? You think that fixes anything?"

"I killed my master by strangling him with the chain he put on me when he tried to rape me and escaped," Faira continues. "I have a death warrant in five cities. The only reason I was not taken prisoner was that I was able to get to Elies before the Americans were able to conquer it. If it wasn't Beluutie and her Knights there, stopping those Adventurers from taking me back to Knappnai."

She stands up, trying to show some strength and starts to cry. "I am deeply sorry!"

"Stop saying sorry you bitch!" Faira says again. "You ruined my life!" This time showing more emotion. "You think you can change that by walking over here and having a friendly conversation? Like nothing happened? You are no better than your rapist and tyrannical brother! At least he knows who he is and he is honest about it. You are him but trying to be righteous. You screw everyone over when they threaten you."

She was about to reply but stopped herself. She knows that is true. Early in the war, she tried to use Sharpe and the peace treaty with the US in which she ruined in order to increase her station in the Imperial Senate(4). She had to do much soul searching to learn that she did not like who she was.

"Just listen for a second," she says, trying to calm her down.

"Leave the Princess alone!" Bozes says as she marches over.

Faira looks at Bozes. "And none of you defended me. You are no better." She then tries to punch Bozes.

She grabs Faira, stopping her. Faira then punches her in the cheek.

She moves back and gets ready to throw another punch. She stops herself, realizing if she punches her it would only confirm everything Faira thinks of her.

Faira comes at her, punching her. She blocks with her arm. "Please listen to me. I am sorry! I am no longer the selfish princess you used to know"

Faira grabs her and she is pushed into a table, everyone getting out of the way.

She falls into the seat. She orders Bozes not to intervene and she gets up, dodging another punch.

Once she turns around, she is hurt by a surprise kick. She falls to the ground and Faira ends up on top of her. She then grabs Faira fits with both hands, trying to push it away.

"Faira. You are right!" she admits. "You are completely right. I was my brother, and I was my father. I was them and I am ashamed of it. I valued my title and my station above everything else. I once treated Hamilton like a servant rather than the close friend that she is. I screwed you over just to protect my ego and image. And you weren't the only victim of my inflated pride and ego either! I hurt so many people, I know that now."

"When I first pushed for peace, I knew I had their people as prisoners, but I used a technicality to justify why I didn't return the Other Worlders prisoners," she says. "The Haryo Tribe kidnapped many of the American slaves the Empire had and they butchered them(5). If I just saw people as people and not subjects or tools to be used to gain glory and station, then they would be alive today."

She begins to cry as she reflects on her past. "I created the Rose Knights for women and men to gain personal glory and respect and I turned it into my own personal club who were just loyal to me. You are right, I am worse than my brother. I hide who I am while he embraces who he is. I just hope I can repay the damage I have done to people by trying to do what is right today. I will never ask for forgiveness."

Faira looks at her angrily and sad. She then throws her fist at her.

Before the first hits her a hand block it. It was Tyuule who blocked her fists.

"Enough," Tyuule says. "This isn't the place for you two to resolve your issues." Tyuule looks around the mess hall. "We all do bad things. Things we regret. Some hands are cleaner than others, but none of us are clean. I know many of us to have a history because of what side of the sword you were on."

"Why are you protecting that woman, Tyuule? Zorzal destroyed your home, slaughtered your people and enslaved your kinds! Pina never gave a damn about you for three long years. You have more reason to despise them than I!" Faira exclaims, not understanding how Tyuule could defend this monster.

"Things have changed!" Tyuule states, taking control of the situation." The Princess and her knights are no longer the same people. Pina has been through too much to change for you to insult her like this. Instead of trying to vent your rage, hatred, and pain toward the princess, you should stay back and realize that it is extremely painful for the princess to be remorseful for what she had done to you right now. You have been through so many pains and sufferings and those pains and suffering are now accumulated in the form of extreme guilt within the princess heart! The paint of guilt is far more painful than the fists you throw at her"

Tyuule then looks at everyone. "We all have something in common here. Alnus is a second chance for us. We all are here because we wanted a second chance, for one reason or another. We can look at each other because of some past deed or look at each other understanding that we are trying to accomplish something together. Everyone here is trying to find forgiveness for something, and if we understand that, that we are looking for our peace, then we are all free. Then we are worthy of what the Other Worlders are offering. Otherwise, we are no better than the Empire and the League."

As she listens, she is surprised by what Tyuule said. She is surprised that she intervened. She thought Tyuule still hated and resented her after all these years.

As she gets up, Tyuule helps her back to her feet. "Why did you stop her?"

"It was embarrassing watching the Princess of the Rose Knight get her butt kicked," Tyuule says. "And besides, I was listening to what you said, and I have to say, you have changed!" Tyuule grins at her, affirming her words.

"I have?" she asked. "I mean, I have been trying. To be worthy. Sometimes I wonder if I should even lead the Rose Knights."

"Yes, you should," Tyuule says. "I don't think anyone else could lead it right now. If you can change, the rest of us surely can."

As Tyuule leaves, she is surprised by that. She then sees Faira angrily leave the mess hall and shout out.

"Faira! I know I cannot heal all the pains and sufferings you have been through! But I swear to you! Once this war is over, the corrupted system and culture that damned you and treat women like you as sexual objects and selfish means to gain political powers will cease to exist, and all women of this world will never carry your scars ever again! I want you back, Faira! Be a Rose Knight once again!" Pina shouts out to Faira.

Faira ignores her and leaves. She then turns back to her knights.

She looks around and feels embarrassed. Everyone was looking at her and now they are ignoring her. She wishes she did this in a more private area now.

"I am so sorry, everyone. I made you lose a valuable member and good knight that day." Pina tearfully states. "I acted in a selfish manner and dishonored the Rose Knights long ago."

"It is ok, princess! As much as I abhor your action for making me lose a big sister, at least you are brave enough to accept the responsibility of your misdeeds, so we forgive you," Bozes states with slight anger.

"She shouldn't have attacked you like that Princess," Panache says. "But I do wish you told us about this long ago.

"I hope Faira can be with us once again and let go of her past," Bozes states.

"Look like you and us have to earn her trust like with Sharpe once again," Hamilton states.

"I think you guys need to check yourselves," Ginebra Sanc Mikel says. "I had a horrible childhood with my noble family. It is very cut through. You girls who grew up in the royal district never experienced what we did. You realized that none of us even questioned it. None of us even thought about her after she was falsely accused. Even though our leader lied, we all went with it. We are all guilty.

Ginebra has always been a troublemaker in the group. She used to live on the streets of Sadera so she knows how hard life can be outside the elite class of society.

"Ginebra is correct," she says. "However, I take responsibility. One thing I learned from Sharpe lessons is that the leader sets the culture of a team. If no one noticed that I framed her is because I let everyone down. I need to set things right."

"We all do," Beefeater states. "Assuming we can. But I don't think she will join the Knights after what we did. Lots of hate."

She now understands why Sharpe is hesitant to throw Sofia into prison.


--- Fort Alnus, Hospital ---

April 5th, 2026

Sarah watches as Noriko leaves the recovery room. She looks over at Selina as she waves goodbye. Before Noriko, the other Girls and some members of Vanguard-7 came in and checked up on her.

Sharpe has been here at least once a day since Selina was admitted to the hospital. Twice if he is staying at Alnus.

Selina is going to make a full recovery after her surgery. Karlin saved her life before any damage became permanent. However, she will be in hospital for a while.

"Happy, she came over?" She asks.

"Yes," Selina replies. "I wonder how she is handling the school."

She thinks about that and realizes the horror. While she thinks Noriko's personality is cute, she is not assertive. The kids would overwhelm her if she had to run the class.

Mentiv, on the other hand, imagines her walking around like General Patton from World War Two, taking no bullshit. That is why she placed her in charge until she was released.

"I think they will be fine," she says.

Selina looks at her. "Why did you become a teacher, Sarah?"

"Well," she mumbles as she collects her thoughts. "I fell in love with Alnus. Besides all the other species, it reminds me of home: the small-town feeling and the countryside openness. The US will be here for a long time, so there is a future here, and I want to be part of that future. If I am going to be here, I want to invest in that future in more than just being a soldier."

"It is because of dad?" Selina asks. "You two are going to get married and have babies?"

She blushes a little. "Little too early to talk about that, Selina. What is up with you and babies."

"Babies are cute," Selina replies. "And you didn't say no."

She glares at her, then chuckles. "I didn't."

"Are you two going to marry?" Selina asks.

She is always surprised how direct Selina can be. "I hope one day. And maybe we will start a family. My mother would be pissed if I didn't have a few kids, but it is too early to talk about this. We are in love but the war, but more importantly, you need to come first."

"If you want to be a mother, why did you become a soldier?" Selina asks.

She thinks about that, debating if she should tell Selina everything. She has wanted to get closer to Selina, which has proven harder than she thought. But she can see that she has been able to establish trust, enough to the point Selina feels comfortable coming to her with questions.

"I almost didn't," she says. "As you know, my father was an officer in the Army and served for five years in the War on Terror. I was an A+ student in school, and my dad encouraged me to apply to West Point, a top military school."

She then remembers Selina was talking about boys before the ambush. "But before that, I was with a boy."

"His name was Travis as we were high school sweethearts," she says, noticing Selina taking an interest. "We were talking about marriage after high school. My mom is a stay at home, mom, and I have a lot of respect for her for taking care of us. I always wanted my kids to see me like that when I have them, but I also wanted to do something early in my life before settling down."

"What happened?" Selina asked.

"Travis and I always had a complicated relationship," she says. "While I love my dad, he was gone for a long time, so I didn't have the best male role models. So, I let Travis walk over me at times."

"But I saw you stand up to Nassico all the time," Selina says, surprised by that.

She chuckles. "I know. I had to learn to be strong like that. When I was accepted to West Point, we were going to be engaged. I wanted to go to West Point, seeing it as an opportunity to serve and do something in my life before having a family. Travis did not want me to. I didn't understand it at the time, but he just wanted me in the kitchen pregnant."

"We fought for weeks," she continues. "I didn't understand why he didn't want me to go to West Point. I loved him, and I wasn't going to leave him. Then one night after we fought again, he hit me. I broke up with him and went to West Point."

"Oh," Selina says as she figures out her response. "Why did you stay with him for so long?"

"Because I was in love, and I thought he was hot," she says, rolling her eyes at herself. "I thought he was the one, so I ignored so many defects about him. When he hit me, I realized he only liked me because he was controlling me. When I realized that I left."

"You are growing into a woman Selina," she says, looking at her. "I see you are starting to notice boys. Nothing wrong with that but don't rush yourself. I know your faith pushes having children early, but you don't need to. You are young, enjoy life. There will be a day, you can have a family, but when you are ready. Not because someone tells you to."

"I understand," Selina says. "I think Karlin has been saying something similar."

"Let me tell you something that I had to learn," she says. "You want to be a strong woman Selina. I realized I was a rug woman."

"What is a strong woman?" Selina asks. "Is that being a soldier like you and Alicia?"

"No," she replies. "The Army helped me a lot, but that is not what I mean. I mean to know yourself. Be comfortable with who you are and be strong with your values. To be there for who you love but not be walked over. And not being emotionally and mentally weak. Be who you are and be proud. Don't lessen yourself for someone else. If someone likes you, they will meet you at your level or excel past you. Otherwise, you will make the same mistake I made with Travis."

She thinks about the topic. She has noticed Selina has not been pushing for the outer part of her faith. She assumes Karlin's more moderate views have been influencing her.

She never expected that Karlin was the Apostle of Miritta. That explains why Karlin took such an interest in Selina early on(6). Selina followed an extremist version of the Miritta faith. That was that the women had to prostitute themselves to gain Miritta blessing of removing the chance of miscarriage.

Selina explained it was needed to replace the men who died in all the wars against the Wood Elves, and the Empire.

"What do you think about Karlin?" she asks.

"I don't know," Selina replies. "Our Apostle disappeared centuries ago no thanks to Taylin, and now she is here. But I am friends with Rory and don't want to give that up."

"Rory is not going to care if you're friends with Karlin Selina," she says. "I think it is cool that your Apostle saw you, and out of everyone she could teach, she wanted to be with you. I think it is an honor."

"And she saved my life," Selina says. "And that means everything she has been teaching me is the true path of Miritta. My people have corrupted the teaching of Miritta all this time."

Hearing that worried her. She is not upset that she is more active, leaving her people extreme views. She does not want her to become racist towards her people. That could make her resentful later in life and lead down a dark path.

"I wouldn't think like that," she says, being careful. "I would just say a misunderstanding. It is your life; you can choose what direction you want to go."

"Ok," Selina says as she thinks.

She chuckles and hears a knock on the door.

To her shock, she sees Private First-Class Sofia Everett standing there. "Private?"

"Permission to enter ma'am," Sofia asks.

She is wondering why Sofia is here. She knows she hates Selina and the Girls for what happened to her home. That she blames everyone Falmart for what happened to her home. She wonders if she came here to hurt Selina, but she cannot believe she would be that dumb to cross that line.

"Permission granted, Everett," she says.

Sofia walks over to Selina. "Sorry, but I was ordered to come here and drop it off." She then hands Selina this small, wrapped box. "Here you go."

Selina takes the box. "Who is it from?"

"I don't know," Sofia says. "I was ordered to drop it off, and that's it." She then salutes to her and walks out of the room.

"That was strange," Selina says.

"Yeah," she replies. "Open the box."

Selina rips the wrapping off and then opens the box. She then pulls out a beautiful dark red oak angel figure. "What is it?"

"It is called an angel," she says. "In my faith, Christianity, we believe that there is one all-powerful God that created the universe. Everything you see here. Angels are the ones who serve God by helping his followers. They help guide us, fight off bad spirits, protect us, whisper advice, and so on. They are with us when we need them, as the voice of God."

"Wow," Selina says as she looks at the angel. "I know that your world has thousands of different religions and gods on Earth. Like the Greek God, Ares and Norse God Odin are both gods of war. However, I still find it hard to believe that you people now believe in a single god."

"Well, we used to worship many different gods in different regions of the world. However, most of us now just believe in one single all powerful and all-knowing God while discarding the worshiping the Greek gods, Norse gods or Egyptian gods, and calling them Pagan Gods," she explains.

"Ok," Selina replies. She then looks back at the angel. "It looks nice. I wonder who sent it."

At first, she wondered that. However, that is bothering her is why Sofia would be the one who delivers it. That makes no sense until she realizes it was Sofia's gift. "It was from Sofia."

"But she hates me?" Selina says. "She hates everyone, I thought. Why would she lie like that?"

She thought that too. After Sofia's city was attacked by the Empire, she had this deep seed of revenge against everyone on Falmart. When she got into a fight and nearly killed Pina out of rage(6), Sharpe arrested her but stopped a Court Martial(8).

She was against Sharpe on this one, but he made up his mind. He thinks that he can help her; however, she and most people think she is just a time bomb. She wonders if he was right.

"Selina," she says. "Sofia got you that. She was just lying that someone ordered her to drop it off. I think she felt bad about what happened to you but unable to say it publicly."

"But? That doesn't make sense," Selina mumbles.

"I know," she replies. "But not everyone is strong enough to say what they truly feel for Selina."

Selina looks at the angel and smiles. "I want to do something in return. In my country, if someone gave you a gift, you had to return the gift with a gift or favor."

She thought about it and smiled. "I like that. Once we get out of the hospital, we can do something."



(1)Chapter 161

(2)Chapter 20

(3)Chapter 40

(4)Chapter 170

(5)Chapter 79

(6)Chapter 85

(7)Chapter 166

(8)Chapter 167



Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman






Discord: https://discord.gg/xe7nNHS