Chapter Ten

"I think I need a better understanding of this school, V. Could you?"

Taehyung nodded a bit from his place on Jungkook's lap, smiling lightly at the Druid.

"Well, from what I know, this school is meant for beings who have nowhere else to go. It gives creatures a place to understand themselves and hone their powers and abilities."

Andreas gave a short nod, and then proceeded to stare down Taehyung with a blank look. While everyone else was uncomfortable with the intense eye contact between the Olympian and the Druid, Taehyung was completely relaxed. Andreas was merely thinking.

"You would be better off as an instructor. You've had the better half of five thousand years to hone your abilities. I think you should be an instructor here."

Everyone, especially Taehyung, was shocked.

"What? But- I'm already enrolled as a student. If a student suddenly becomes a teacher out of nowhere, wouldn't that be- I don't know- weird? Unusual? Abnormal??"

Jungkook chuckled lightly, tightening his grip on Taehyung.

"Actually, Andreas is right, baby. You're already very powerful, and have made that known. I think it would be less of a shock if you became a teacher. You have all the qualifications."

"Kook's right, actually," Namjoon muttered. He was sitting on an open chair with Jin cuddled onto his lap, gazing thoughtfully at Taehyung.

"Taehyung, you have more than enough experience with your own abilities, and as an Olympian, you would do much better here as an instructor. Because this school isn't for normal people, the rules and regulations have all adapted to what is needed for a school filled with supernatural beings."

"Not only that, but your relationship with Jungkook would be accepted, because you've proven to be far more superior than the students, despite being one yourself. Andreas has a good thought process going as well. Your years of experience would actually be useful to the school. Maybe you could teach some of the common classes, lighten the load on the few teachers there are for so many students."

Everyone eventually agreed, minds becoming open to the idea now that two of their own had agreed and stated the benefits.

"But how would I even become an instructor? Wouldn't Ms. Jeong be against it because of the incidents so far? I've barely been here three months."

Andreas hummed a bit before moving to his feet.

"Namjoon, V, and Jungkook, bring me to this Ms. Jeong. I will sort this matter out with her personally. Assuming that she knows your true age, V, she shouldn't have any objections."

- - - -

"An instructor...?"

Ms. Jeong stared at Taehyung thoughtfully before looking down at her hands, which were folded on her desk.

"I'm sorry, but with the recent incidents, I don't think that it is safe for him to teach the students. Many are afraid of him, and I personally am concerned that there will be another issue regarding him degrading another race."

Andreas stepped forwards, emerald eyes glowing brightly with a mix of determination and anger.

"V has thousands of years of experience! What good will it do him to learn how to use his powers if he already knows how?! He will be able to help your students hone their skills, and it will also teach him control! I have known him for long enough to know that he would not lose his cool in such a way without having been provoked."

"As you are probably aware, V and Jungkook are soulmates. Therefore, assuming that Jungkook is quite popular among the female students, V probably acted out of natural instinct because his bond with Jungkook was challenged. I have learned of the encounter that happened, and I believe that V was not entirely at fault for what happened."

Andreas leaned forwards slightly, eyes glaring into the Fay's.

"Please do well to consider my proposition, and I am not the only one who thinks that an instructor would not be a bad option for him. After all, he is an Olympian. A rare being to live among humans and other creatures. This is also a rare opportunity. Do not turn it down so easily, Ms. Jeong."

After a few moments of silence, the Fay nodded her head, eyes still locked with the Druid's.

"Very well. We will try your ways. If things do not go well, he will be unable to attend again as a student, and will merely stay on the grounds to serve his place as Mr. Jeon's soulmate."

When Andreas grinned brightly, the Fay blushed just as bright, her lower lip being pulled into her mouth ever so slightly as she stared at the Druid.

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other, knowing smiles on their faces.

"So! V, when would you like to start?"

Taehyung was snapped back to reality as he broke eye contact with his soulmate, looking towards Andreas with wide, doe-y eyes.

"Well, I was just marked an hour ago... Maybe- maybe Kookie and I could spend tomorrow together, and I could start the day after? I-I have no clothes fit for a teacher... I-I need to go into the human town nearby first, and I need money for it, I don't have much left after I bought normal clothes, a-and I can't exactly wear a student uniform.."

Ms. Jeong smiled lightly, and opened a drawer in her desk, handing Taehyung a bundle of colored currency for Korea.

"Take this, and go out tomorrow with your soulmate. You aren't required to wear fancy clothes, just simple, yet formal clothing will do. Jeans are acceptable so long as you have a nice shirt to pair with it."

Taehyung grinned with excitement, and nodded his head enthusiastically, arms clutching to Jungkook's defined bicep.

"Okay! I can do that, I'll try my hardest!"

Ms. Jeong smiled softly, eyes fondly staring into Taehyung's chocolate eyes.

"I'm glad, Taehyung ssi. I think you'll be a wonderful teacher. I'll send you a schedule later this evening, and you'll need to come up with a lesson plan before you start. It won't be too hard, you can take it easy until you get a feel for the classes."

Again, Taehyung nodded, eyes bright and smile wide.

"Yes, ma'am!"

With that, everyone filtered out of the office, and soon enough, Taehyung was squealing with excitement.

"I've never taught before! I'm so excited, Kookie! I'll finally be useful to other creatures! I'm so happy!"

Jungkook only smiled, watching as the Olympian skipped in pace with Jungkook, their fingers pleasantly linked together.

"Congrats, baby. I'm proud of you, I know you'll be a great teacher," the werewolf uttered softly.

Almost instinctually, Taehyung stopped skipping to lean closer to his lover, and peck his lips gently.

"Thank you, soulmate. My erastís. Your encouragement means everything to me."

Jungkook leaned down the slight bit, coaxing Taehyung's lips into a pleasant kiss.

"Of course, love. I'm glad I can help you feel more confident by supporting you. Let's go back to the dorm, hm? Get some rest for our big day tomorrow."

Taehyung nodded obediently, a smile still drawn over his face as he continued skipping. Finally, things were looking up. Taehyung was content with his partner, his life, and for the last time, his family.