Chapter Fourteen

Once Taehyung and Hermes had landed at the base of Mount Olympus, Hermes handed Taehyung a royal Himation, colored a beautiful, pale white shade, along with a ceremonial cloak the same shade as Zeus's eyes, which he had to wear in order to gain entrance to his birth place. 

Taehyung dressed himself, and had Hermes place his human clothes inside his bag, and then they made the accent to the tip top of Mount Olympus. The Greek humans never ventured near the Mountain, as it was written in their beliefs that the Mountain was home to the gods they worshiped, which wasn't inaccurate. 

The stairs seemed to go on forever, and the silence and seemingly never ending stairs made it harder and harder to keep his resolve. He swore to return to his soulmate, to his friends, his students. And he wanted to. Being so far away from Jungkook killed him inside, and a large part of him wanted to ask Hermes to return him to his new home, but the other part of Taehyung knew that it wasn't possible. 

His father was on his deathbed because of him; at the least, he needed to apologize for what he had done. He had never meant to harm anyone that day. He never meant to break the seal on Pandora's box, he never meant to end his father's reign on Olympus with a flick of his wrist, the blink of an eye. 

Finally, they arrived at the top of the mountain, being greeted with the statues of Zeus and his father, whom was never spoken of, but still regarded with respect, as he had created the existence of the father of the gods and goddesses. 

Slowly, Taehyung crossed the threshold, his eyes going to the gods and goddesses that immediately surrounded him and Hermes, their eyes glittering with amusement and curiosity. Taehyung glanced at each one for a moment before he sighed, allowing his eyes to shine that same electric blue that they always had when he wanted to reveal his bloodline. 

"I do not want the throne. I am only here to see my father and apologize for my mistake. Please do well to remember that while I am his son, I have the power to break my father's seals. If any of you choose to challenge or fight me, I will walk away unless you harm someone I love. If you do so, I will have no mercy upon you. I will rip you to shreds, and scatter your body parts across the world so you may never be brought back to life." 

His true voice rang with authority, and as soon as he finished speaking, all the deities before him went onto one knee, heads bowed as they acknowledged his power over them. He waved his hand, and allowed them all to stand before he ran a hand through his hair, and continued through the large, open building, searching for his father.

But it wasn't hard, as his father was spending his last days upon the throne, where he felt he deserved to be. As soon as Taehyung entered the throne room, which didn't have any doors, much like most of the temple, their eyes blazed an electric blue, challenging one another silently. 

However, Taehyung backed down, allowing his eyes to fade to a soft, cocoa brown. 

"Father. I know we have never met before, but you may rest easy, I don't intend to take the throne. In fact, I don't want your throne. I never have, and I never will. I am only here because of the gravity of your situation. I caused this, and I do not know how to reverse this, but at the least, I wanted to apologize. I had no intention of breaking seals on her box. I never meant for this to happen."

Taehyung did not bow, as he felt he was an equal to his father, but his did dip his head slightly downwards, understanding that he at least owed his father that much. 

"I will not bow down to you, as we are flesh and blood, and equals in terms of power and status. However, I owe you at least that much for my mistake."

When Taehyung lifted his head up to look at his father, the latter male was staring at Taehyung with a mix of disgust and fear. 

"You lie. You are my flesh and blood, and that makes you just as selfish as I. You will steal my throne away from me! I know you would! E-equals? Don't make me laugh, boy-"

Rather than finish insulting Taehyung, he burst into a fit of loud, dry coughing, a small bit of blood slipping through the man's lips. Taehyung just scoffed, his gaze just as cold as his father's, his eyes flashing between blue and red, exposing his anger. 

"Don't treat me like you would humans. You are the reason I was raised by humans. If it weren't for my mother, who you murdered because she gave birth to your children, I would be exactly like you. If you weren't afraid of me, if you weren't terrified that I would steal all of your power, fame, and glory, you would have raised me to be a replica of the disgusting, hellish thing you are now."

Taehyung smirked a bit as he slowly walked closer to his father, his electric orbs glowing brighter than his father's, his pace slow and predatory, clearly intimidating his father. Taehyung chuckled as Zeus's face paled considerably, and he stopped advancing on the God, instead choosing to fiddle with his robes. 

"You know, father, I once felt a memory from you. I could feel the robe against my skin, and in that memory it felt amazing. But now, I'm not so fond of this material. My lover's clothing is far more comfortable, despite the quality being of lower status that this. I'll leave you now, but I hope you will open up some to me before you die." 

With that, Taehyung took his leave, deciding to wander through the halls in silence, his mind far away from his reality. 


Taehyung's first week of teaching had ended, and the moment he stepped into the dorm his shared with his soulmate, he was pinned to the wall, his lips being blessed by his lover's warm ones, their bodies pressing together, heat being shared between the two as they kissed passionately.

"Mm- Kookie- what's this ab-about?" 

Jungkook responded with a low growl, his clothed length pressing against Taehyung's. 

"Need you, missed you, want you... Please baby. Let me make love to you. Please." 

Taehyung couldn't help but smile in between his soft moans, allowing Jungkook to kiss and lick at his mark, his eyes fluttering shut in content. 

"I'm all yours, kookie. You can do anything you wish to me." 

And so Taehyung was lifted up, and carried to their room. Jungkook was gentle, loving, and careful. He slowly undressed Taehyung, slowly prepped him, slowly slid inside. Their fingers intertwined, Jungkook panting softly against the Olympian's neck as the younger carefully thrusted in and out, moaning softly along with Taehyung. 

Their bodies were completely pressed together, lips locking occasionally, loving looks and words whispered between each other. They loved on each other for what seemed like the entire night, wasting away their sleep with love filled kisses and small smiles. 

That night, when both males finally became tired, they cuddled up together beneath fresh, clean sheets, and drifted off to sleep, love blooming in their hearts. 


Taehyung sighed softly to himself as he entered an expansive garden, sluggishly wandering through the mass of plants, bushes, and trees, feeling how his heart began to ache more and more for his lover. 

Tears slipped slowly down his cheeks, one by one, as he thought of every memory that he had of his soulmate. From the first time they met eyes, to their first kiss, their first time sharing a bed, their fight when Taehyung had broken the seal on Pandora's box, kneeling to him the day he had forced others to kneel to him, all the way to their last moments together just six hours earlier, where they shared a passionate, loving kiss, and Taehyung was whisked away to his home country, which he had vowed never to return to. 

And yet, here he was, all alone, as not even his father wanted him around. Wordlessly, Taehyung stared up at the sky, wondering how he could see Jungkook's face in every twinkling star, when the werewolf was miles upon miles away, in a completely different country on the other side of the world. 

More tears slipped down his cheeks, until all he could do was watch them fall down, disappearing into the velvet cloth of his Himation. 


Sorry y'alls, this was really fuckin angsty. 

I mean yeah I love a bit of angst but I feel bad for poor Tae. However, if y'all don't know what a Himation is, go look it up if you're up for it and not feeling lazy lol. It is basically a type of robe that, for men, would wrap over their left shoulder, and under their right, exposing part of their chest, but covering the rest of the body down till the knees. 

I think if you imagine Tae with it he looks pretty Greek haha. 

A good day/night to all (strongpowerthankyou).


Fighting! 💜

-Jei (제ㅣ)