After The Great War- Pilot

After the great war the 5 great armies began to fight among themselves. No one knew why at first but they knew that the army from the kingdom called Japan. Japan was the first kingdom to birth two attribute users. Japan was up against 4 other kingdoms they were known as Germany, Italy, The Solvent Union and China. They were all weakened after their fight against the world, Another kingdom saw this and invaded Italy there name was Africa. Africa led to the downfall of Italy and Germany. Japan took down The Union and China with relative ease. Japan took over the world with it's massive might and strong attribute users. It is said that Japan knew of magic that was forgotten after something called a mini ice age happened. Legend says that the Ice age brought about the end for the other kingdoms and it also led to the creation of monsters and mutated magic attributes. After the Ice age ended small groups of mages started to appear and they would go out and slay these monsters. They would be extremely good at it and it would lead to the birth of guilds. The guild masters would be the most renowned people with original magic attributes. The mages would get paid money and earn honor by slaying more and more monsters. They would also get stronger and they would be able to claim land for themselves if they decided to stop hunting. They were highly respected for the r 'noble' deeds. 1539 years after The Great War a boy was born. He was weak, annoying and attributeless. He was labeled as a piece of trash and bullied until he decided to leave for other kingdoms. This boy would forget about his past and adopt the name John. He still had the same dream though. The dream of becoming the strongest mage. John also wants to know why Japan looks so beautiful compared to the other kingdoms. Follow John on his adventures of becoming the greatest magician.