Big Break

The crew has gone back into the base. The soldiers were all cheerfully partying and were living it. They were having fun, and couldn't even sleep because of it.

The next day, the crew has found three free lantern-shaped cabins near the rest of the military camp. Larry, Robbie, and Tito decided to stay in the biggest cabin, Gadgerito, and Samantha in the medium-sized base while Vector stayed in the smallest base, as he is sometimes introverted and wants to play some personal solitaire. They haven't really done anything special on that day.

The next day, Tom Breto announced that the planet was created by aliens and the aliens originated from a location called the Peaceful Girl Village, so their battle wasn't over yet. There is a portal that allows going to another dimension with the Sacred Concrete to contact the goddess Yowinghoh who apparently knows everything in the universe.

Larry, Robbie, and Tito decided to go to the Sacred Concrete to get to know more information about Peaceful Girl. They did so, by using a portal in the base that allows direct contact with the goddess. They asked a couple of questions, including the question of who created Peaceful Girl, and had long discussions. Yowinghoh didn't want to admit that she created Peaceful Girl, but as she did, she admitted that she created Peaceful Girl, but unintentionally. After that, she doesn't want to tell anybody that she did. Larry thanked Yowinghoh for the long day they had.

When the evening came, Larry, Robbie, and Tito have heard that there is one huge supper for everybody. They were excited and went down to the restaurant, in a semi-fancy look. Gadgerito read a note, and it said that Samantha was working on the supper. Vector came into the restaurant as well, along with Gadgerito.

They were actually surprised by the next-level technology used in the restaurant tables. They happily, but seriously discussed, until that moment when Vector spoiled the fact that Yowinghoh created Peaceful Girl (unintentionally). Larry asked in a surprising face from where did he get that information from. Vector said that he actually sneaked near the Sacred Concrete and heard all about it. Vector was super curious as to where they were going, so that's why he secretly followed them. Many other soldiers were surprised by that same fact until Vector has told them that her creating Peaceful Girl was a complete mistake.

Larry couldn't believe what has happened in the restaurant. However, he moved on from that message. The other people in the restaurant were super curious as to how this happened.

Meanwhile, the 5 civil engineers were restlessly constructing the Jetfloat all day and all night. They had to do this, to finish it as soon as possible, with the help of Adriculopoli, given by Tom Breto. They didn't even have to spend money on the resources because the Adriculopoli gave them as many resources as possible. The Adriculopoli had a slow process of turning into Immunity Ships while giving resources.