Peaceful Battle?

During the tragic event, the medics have quickly pronounced Vector as dead, because he had a huge wound on his body and even his heart. However, Larry, Tito, and Robbie were still alive but heavily injured, so they were quickly hospitalized for 2 weeks to recover fully.

2 weeks have passed, and they have been fully recovered, with advanced medicine. During their recovery, Gadgerito has developed Advanced Sharp Claws for Larry, which are more destructive than the preceding claws. Robbie has been given a 1 year long-lasting, heavily-resistant battery. Tito has a device that gives muscles, 8 packs, and super strength.

When they got out of their hospital beds, Gadgerito also showed the crew that he has discovered some strong projectiles and tools, and the entire crew took some stuff from the wall. Samantha took Yowinghoh's Armor along with the Dark Sabers, Gadgerito took a nuke, Larry took the Intense Rifle, Tito took the Adamantite Musket, Robbie took the Disc Shotgun and Vector took the Cement Cannon.

The Jetfloat has almost arrived in the village, and the crew, along with most of the soldiers, were ready for war for sure.

Larry wanted to extend his crew so that a few more people would join in and help out the crew, but just for this battle. He invited Carred Tezzis, Geckoslizer, Penorami, Zac, and John to join the crew. Because they have joined, each newcomer has been given a weapon. Carred has been given the Crystal Chaingun, Geckoslizer has been given the Chestnut Rifle, Penorami has been given the Engine Twins, Zac has been given the Plant Sword and John has been given the Afterburner.

2 hours later, the Jetfloat, along with the immunity ships, have finally, and officially, reached the land where the village is in. The crew, along with the rest of the soldiers, took all of their heavy artillery and went outside the Jetfloat.

There was a tiny stone base where 4 additional soldiers have been waiting for everybody else. They were named Swegz Filberz, Radwesool, Roffo Ebolin and Semens Sender. They came to help the rest of the soldiers. Swegz intended to hack through the Peaceful Girl Village but has failed to do so.

All of the soldiers, along with Swegz, Radwesool, Roffo, and Semens, were going to the village violently. Though, before they did so, Swegz used to have entire civilizations who would try their best to defeat Peaceful Girl, but they never were enough. The current army is the first army to attack Peaceful Girl that didn't originate from Swegz's civilizations, and to him, they seem like the first army that was really organized.

The soldiers have finally seen the village, but nobody, except the crew, along with Swegz, Radwesool, Roffo, and Semens, has stepped in through the village, and Peaceful Girl has seen them. She thought they were her "cute, lovely, caring and beautiful friends", and she acted as "nice" as possible, and then they ran away as fast as possible.

After several minutes, the crew has started to feel weak, and Larry, Tito, and Robbie have fainted to death. The rest of the crew felt weaker, sicker, and in the process of being transformed more into aliens. Their arsenal has disappeared, except for Larry's sharp claws.

The soldiers have found out that Larry, Robbie, and Tito died, so they attempted to attack the village, but the village had some sort of invisible barrier, which deletes any attack possible. Peaceful Girl had the advantage to deal with all of the other soldiers, which was trapping them and confiscating their weaponry under the village. Crack Ebolin has gone so crazy and impatient that he has exploded.

Larry, Tito, and Robbie were having some sort of dream, and they were all in the same dream. In this dream, Vector Reeses randomly appeared and wanted to directly send a message to the trio. Vector reminds them of the sacrifice that was done for them. So, he told them to get up, and they were revived.

Larry, Tito, and Robbie have woken up in a much furious way. They were immune to any love power whatsoever. They were able to punch and kick Peaceful Girl very easily, making her extremely vulnerable to them. They were also throwing pieces of stone at her. Larry has planned on killing her, Tito planned on breaking the Peace & Love system, untrapping all of the soldiers and making the soldiers grab their weaponry and Robbie planned on healing the crew with many potions that heal them. As a final touch, Larry fiercely stabbed Peaceful Girl has hard as he can with his sharp claws, and has actually killed her in the most intense way possible.

Larry has found out that Peaceful Girl has friends by the names of Beautiful Girl, Cute Girl, Sweet Girl, Flower Girl and Geek Girl, so he let each newcomer in the crew kill one girl.

After all of the damage was done, the crew was like "That's it? Have we won?", and then so on, there was no sign of the "Peaceful Girls" or the aliens, so they were happy and celebrated their victory once again.

All of the soldiers have gone to the Jetfloat or the Immunity Ships, and have traveled into an entirely new world called Cultural Island, which was basically the center of where the soldiers can be in and have a perfect rest over there.

Larry liked it over there, so he decided to chill in the pool and do whatever he liked. However, the only thing that was missing is a portal to Earth. So, Larry had to wait a week for Gadgerito and the others to build this portal.

A week has passed, Larry announced his departure and was happy with the friends he made during this war, then after his announcement, he decided to go to the portal.

He arrived at his hometown, Norfolk, where several houses were being rebuilt after the abduction event. He went to a nearby store to buy a bike then ride home with it (since he doesn't know how to drive a car). When he returned to his home, as a surprise, he received flawless artificial hands from his local doctor which look and act almost exactly the same as natural hands. They couldn't be removed unless if he asks his hands to get off of him, and he was happy about it and lived a happy life as a typical human.

There was an epilogue where Yowinghoh used her powers, Yowinghoh Minions and Adriculopoli to destroy the entire village with no mercy, making it a perfectly forgotten memory. However, Yowinghoh's mindset became twisted and is now infected from the overcharming alien disease.