[]Someone who seeks out battle. It excites them.[]
[]Of course you can. Because you are.>
"Ah, fuck!" Levi held his head from the sudden outburst.
"Did you get a brain freeze in there?" Emilia scoffed sarcastically.
"Did you get hit by a lower tier?" Levi responded.
"Not a good comeback guy." David sighed.
[]For his level of intelligence, it is.[]
"Its more of an insult... to injury." Levi replied.
"I stand corrected. Love the pun." David chuckled.
"I don't see how any of you have room to laugh. You're all going to die." Emilia scowled.
"Then I better take as many of you down with me as I can." Levi brandished his blades with more enthusiasm.
"Ah, fuck this guy!" One of the blade users shouted as he jumped towards Levi. Like Levi, he wielded two weapons. Axes of some sort. The closer he got, the more familiar they became. Levi had seen some strange men wielding that style axe before when they traded with his father. One went so far as to teach him how to use them, though Levi memorized and perfected the movements, his speed never came to par, and though the man was impressed by his adversity, he was dissatisfied with the performance, never bothering to come back.
"Ah, a good pair of Nordic Tenja Axes. But, you're wielding them incorrectly." Levi commented as he dashed towards the amateur, knocking aside both his axes with one dagger and stabbing with the other towards his unguarded chest, only to have his dagger shot from he hand before Levi could connect.
Levi jumped back before another shot could be made.
[]You can always try.[]
Levi tried to form an ice shield perfectly form fitting to hide his body, but what actually formed was a rough edged oval that only obscured his upper half when raised.
(New Skill Created. Please name creation.)
[]Oh, it actually worked. Damn your ability is scarily OP.[]
(New Skill: Shatter Shield Lvl 1 created. Summon a small rough shield of ice with low durability. Impervious to ranged attacks up to 2nd tier. Due to sharp edges, can be used as a blade. Once shattered, if enemy is within a two meter range, opponent will take shrapnel damage.)
[]You just had to turn a nerfed ice shield into something OP. With just a name no less.[]
**Note, while Rachel and Levi were talking via mind, only a few seconds have passed in the real world.**
"How is that possible? David, since when could you cast support magic?" Emilia growled.
"You're wrong, that's all him. That's his ability." David scoffed, he was busy fending off three students. The remainder were focused on Levi.
"You have ice magic too? But, you never used that during the exam.... what's your real tier?" Emilia began to question Levi.
"Find out yourself." Levi blocked two hits from the sword user before the shield shattered, peppering the student with extremely sharp shards of solid ice. Causing him to scream and stumble around. Blood dripped from various wounds, including his now blinded eyes.
Levi also got the Tenja user with the indirect attack, his left arm and leg bleeding from the impact.
(You've defeated your first low tier Pawn! Bonus EXP received! Congratulations on reaching your first milestone! Tier 4 achieved, full final functions added to the system! Please wait for system download. All abilities and stats Reduced to Tier 3 until Download Complete. Time Remaining until download: 01:15:15:00)
Levi felt a brief surge of immense power and then something like an invisible force of fatigue envelope his mind and body.
[]Oh no. I forgot that I limited all your abilities until Tier 4, Or, really I took away a level or two from some of your abilities.... Get out of here, quickly![]
Levi dove out of the way for the next strike, but he was immensely slower, getting caught in the right thigh by the Tenja thrown by the Tenja wielder.
"Ah fuck!" Levi exclaimed.
"Ha, got him Boss!" Tenja guy shouted.
"Finally, I'm gonna end this myself. All of you fall back. If I kill him, the other two will get the point." Once again Emilia's weapon changed, into something far more familiar. Something Levi had seen in his fathers study.
"A flintlock?" Levi cocked his head. Emilia raised the flintlock at Levi, and every fiber of his being screamed run. Levi tried, but the moment she pulled the trigger, emptiness filled his chest. Levi coughed and puked a massive amount of blood and he looked down at his now missing chest. A giant hole that spanned from just before his left peck to just after the right had appeared.
"Oh... shi-bleck!" Levi spewed more blood and fell, he couldn't breathe, and that same nothingness he had forgotten made itself known once more as he slipped back to the unknown void known as death.
[]No! I will not lose you again![]
(Emergency Protocol Arch Mode, Activated.)
Levi fell to the ground, undoubtedly dead, and Emilia felt an incredible sense of accomplishment and euphoria.
**As per usual, when someone speaks mentally, it will show as,
"You two! Make a choice. Grovel at my feet, beg for my mercy. Or, end up like Levi over there." Emilia grinned maliciously.
"I'll take my chances." Drake coughed. Something told him not to worry.
"Hmm, such a shame cuz. I really thought you'd stop trying to beat me. But, such is a disgrace. Always being disgraceful to the end." Emilia pointed the weapon at Drake, but before she could pull the trigger, a coldness filled the room.
**The system voice will be announced aloud as such, ^Words.^**
^Protocol Arch Mode Initiated. All threats to be eliminated.^ Levi's system spoke out in a feminine robotic voice. A glowing sword formed instantly in Levi's hand, the hole in his chest slowly began reforming. Everyone could see the vessels and arteries connecting to a reformed heart of pure soul energy, every vessel and artery made the same, giving off a red glow. Which startled most everyone there.
"That's not Angelic Energy, or Demonic Energy.... what is that?" David asked in a very terrified and confused manner.
"He's a weak 3rd tier at most, just get him while he's mortally wounded!" Emilia summoned the MP40 and began rapidly firing. Though the bullets hit, the wounds just reformed with the same energy.
"AHHH! YOU CUNT! DIE! DIE! DIE!" Emilia screamed hysterically as the rate of fire increased, sacrificing much of the power. Although peppered with red dots of energy, this did not faze Levi in his new form.
^Resistance is futile, surrender or die.^ The same robotic feminine voice echoed monotonously.
"DIEEEE!" Emilia screamed maniacally.
^Understood. Elimination process initiated. Arch Pulse authorized. Good bye.^ Levi pointed the glowing sword at Emilia, the Red energy flowed up the blade and shot towards Emilia, enveloping her and obliterating her in a mere instant. So fast, no one properly saw it. Just a brief red pulse, and Emilia was gone.
^Enemy successfully erased. I will repeat, Surrender or Die.^ Levi began looking around at the remaining offenders, each one either passed out, or fell to their knees in overwhelming fear, the raw power emanating from Levi was enough to incapacitate their minds.
^All threats eliminated. Arch mode deactivated.^ The moment those words left Levi's mouth, he once again collapsed.
A few moments later, General Greybrow arrived with several other officers and sergeants.
"Did you contact Arch Castiel?.... Well contact him immediately. Tell him the levels were in the Arch Plus Tier... Yes, I'm serious, if I tell you again, I'm personally coming up there to put your head through a fucking steel wall... Good, make sure you don't. Stupid fucking receptionists." Greybrow scowled. He began casting his lightning magic in preparation. His 19.9 tier magic wouldn't hold a candle to an Arch Plus Tier, but he wasn't backing down either. If he had to, he was prepared to remove the constraints keeping him at the Lowly Tier levels.
The moment he entered the hallways, he discharged the magic along the ceiling as a warning, bolts of electricity barraged the area in which the students were in, striking a few, including Levi, right on his bare chest.
"General Greybrow! Cease Fire! Cease Fire! These are students!" One of the other Generals exclaimed upon her arrival to the scene.
"Understood." Greybrow responded and released the stream of magic and hurried to the location of the students. When he arrived on scene, he was astonished. The new student was laying on the ground with most of his uniform blasted away, and strange red energized lines patterned around like spiderwebbed glass all across his chest.
One student was bleeding profusely from many wounds including his eyes, another was sitting against a wall, most likely with internal injuries including broken bones. Six were on their knees with horrified looks on their faces and ghostly pale skin. The last one was standing, holding his left arm and bleeding from the left side of his face.
"You, tell me what happened!" Greybrow immediately ordered.
"Emilia.... she... uh-"
"Used the enhancement drug. It went wrong, she exploded." Drake cut David off.
"I wasn't asking you. David, is that what happened?" Greybrow snapped furiously. David snuck a glance at the unconscious Levi and sighed.
"Simplified, yes. That's what happened. Levi took the brunt of it." David nodded towards Levi. Greybrow stood there for a moment, processing the information.
"That just doesn't make sense, how could the Enhancement Drug release Arch Plus Tier energy from such a small child?" Greybrow muttered.
"Does that really matter? If a pulse of Raw Soul Energy like that went off, there's obviously some issues that need addressed within the students.... This is General Valoria, I need immediate medical response to Quadrant 3 Sector 4. I've got one KIA, one critical carry, one critical no carry, one serious carry, one serious no carry, and six trauma carry..... Yes, that's correct, eight students in need of carry... YES THAT MEANS WE NEED EIGHT FUCKING STRETCHERS DIPSHIT! FUCK!" Valoria radioed in medical assistance but got a rookie student instead of staff.
Within minutes, around twenty personnel carrying stretchers and emergency first aid arrived to help the surviving students, and right after them, Castiel arrived.
"What happened?.... Get him isolated immediately!" It took Castiel less than two seconds to spot and recognize Levi.
"I know, look I was going to-"
"Shut up! Not here. Gabriel could be listening." Castiel hissed.
"Understood. Shall we isolate him 'there'?" Greybrow whispered.
"Its the only place we should isolate him." Castiel responded.
"I'll personally carry him 'there'." Greybrow took his leave and relieved the personnel in charge of Levi's care and carried the boy off.
"Why now of all times Levi? Another couple centuries, and war could have been avoided." Castiel sighed.