The following morning, Natalia and Levi were issued new, matching, uniforms and ushered to the auditorium where the Planetary Exercise Team Briefing would be held for all first year students.
"I'm still not used to this system thing." Natalia whispered to Levi.
**When Natalia speaks telepathically it will show as; ×Words×**
×Right, sorry, I forgot.×
[]Now I'm babysitting two fledglings, for now.[]
×I guess that's a yes.×
"Hurry up you two, I don't know why you're walking so slow!" The Sergeant charged with escorting the two students snapped at them.
Levi and Natalia walked at a brisker pace so as to not agitate the Sergeant any further. Inside the auditorium, around 14,000+ first year students from all four pawn schools were crammed inside, and in the center were the four Top Generals of each school. As well as all the Archs and Kings.
"Uh, what's going on Sergeant? I thought only our schools first years would be attending." Natalia inquired of the Sergeant.
"I'm going to pretend that you didn't just speak without proper respect, but I'll answer your question, since you weren't present in your respective dorms last night. A Decree came from a Convention held by all the Archs and Kings. So now all the students of all first years are here. More will be explained during the briefing. Now find a fucking seat!" The Sergeant snapped and left. I looked around and realized we were in an all desert uniform section.
"Separation I suppose, judging from how its sectioned into three groups all around the arena." Levi commented as he observed. There were twelve sections of three. Three different uniforms for each school. Justice had the American Woodland Camo, Desert Digital and the NWU Type 1. Greed Pawn School sported the German Schutzstaffel's, which were grey and green, mostly known to be used by German SS during WW2, for their fame and style. They also had British Battledress, a simple green and brown variation camo. Finally was the Italian Esercito Italiano SCUs. A uniform similar to deserts but with more dark browns and blacks.
Lust sported the Chinese Universal Type 07s. A base grey with green, brown, and blue camo patterns, the Russian VBKOs, which were an extreme green digital pattern and finally the Japanese M98s, a khaki uniform used during WW2, simply for the style and popularity.
Hope was the simplest. Sporting the Demon Factions, Purple and Black Uniforms, Angel Factions White and Gold uniform, and then finally a White and Purple camo uniform.
"All this history and culture, in one place, absolutely amazing." Natalia stated in awe.
"Cool, I guess." Levi sighed, not really understanding anything.
"ATTEN-SHUN!" Greybrow shouted, causing all students to stand and salute. All four Generals Saluted back and dropped the salute, the signal for the students to drop theirs as well.
"From this point on, the Archs and Kings will give their speeches, DO NOT DISRESPECT THEM, OR I WILL PERSONALLY FUCK YOU UP!" Greybrow concluded, silence washed over all of the students present, giving the speakers a quiet, obedient audience.
"Thank you General Greybrow. Good Morning my beloved brothers and sisters! Today, we wish to speak to you all about the change that will happen from today onwards! As you all know, my name is Sentiel! I'm the Arch of Hope, and I Hope, you all will accept these changes with open arms! Thank you!" A muscular man wearing a ripped green t shirt and cargo pants with shiny black leather boots bellowed.
"Thank you Sentiel." A man wearing a full tuxedo with long black hair, pulled back in a ponytail stood and thanked Sentiel. His demeanor exuded a demand for obedience, as well as overwhelming power.
"KYAA! GABRIEL-SAMA!" Was heard echoed out all over the arena from the Lust School.
"Say what?" Levi looked in that direction.
"What?" Natalia whispered.
"That speech pattern... I know it." Levi muttered.
"What, you're a weeb now?" Natalia gave Levi a slightly disgusted look.
"What? No, what's a weeb? No, never mind, not important. Anyway, four hundred years ago, there was this girl who was on a team with me, she spoke just like that." Levi explained.
"Oh, okay. Well, perhaps she was Japanese then?" Natalia still wasn't over the fact that Levi was an Original Pawn with some extensive history.
"Correct." Levi nodded.
"Okay, okay. Silence please." Gabriel smiled and raised his right hand. Immediate silence.
"Thank you. Now, these changes were discussed at length. As you see, it's so important, these fools dare stand in the same space as us." Gabriel motioned towards the more luxuriously dressed seven, which Levi assumed was the Seven Kings of Hell he'd been hearing about. Those seven gave Gabriel infuriated looks, but said nothing.
"A war will soon be breaking out, as peace cannot persist for long between us. This human military will no longer have control over the development of Pawns. After the first year of development I should say really.
As such, You will be sorted as Second years into your respective Factions, that we will scout ourselves. Of course, you will leave Earth behind and join wherever you are put. There are now many Academies dotted across the vast universe. As it were, Earth remains Neutral. But we will leave it behind as a base of operations. So pawn schools, are just Military Academies. Students will stay only one year, and then they will be sorted after their Planetary Exams.
Which brings us to the next point. Michael, you may now speak." Gabriel was very descriptive, which Levi very much liked.
"Of course. Good morning kiddos! I'm Michael, Arch of Light! Yes, you heard correctly, it is no longer an Exercise, but an Exam. I will begin to explain in further detail, of what that means for you! As you all know, you woke up to the confiscation of all your military weapons, those won't be necessary anymore! That being said, your individual abilities must be used to their full extent. You will not be monitored. You will not receive the safety switch. There is no saving you, no help, only survival.
The planet of choice will be chosen by an Arch or King and will take on a group of a thousand to send to the planet chosen. Now your all thinking, 'But there's only three to choose from!' Not true. We, as Faction Leaders, chose to hide away several planets discovered, because they were declared unfit for humans.
But, now, those planets have equaled out decently enough for exams. Now you wonder just how many. Six, six total planets. Six different exams of equal difficulty. Judging from your faces, you must be confused as to why. Castiel." Michael walked back to his seat and sat.
"Good morning. I'm Castiel, Arch of Justice. I'm going to be blunt. You're all way too weak. Recently we've received a great quantity of Pawns at poor quality. You will be our way of obtaining quality Pawns that can help you evolve further, an experiment of sorts.
It's as Gabriel stated, war is nigh. Because now, we've discovered more planets and now dimensions, with sentient races similar to you. Of course, there's been no advancement, because whomever moves first, initiates the war. So a shaky stand still pursues.
Obviously, not a lot of you will survive. That's apparent. Right now, a Sergeant is walking around in each section, handing out a piece of paper with a number and letter. That will be the section you move to. An Arch or King will address you, and pull a planet randomly from a helmet, as usual, and you will be immediately sent there. No preparation. No warnings, well, except for this one.
You may decide on whether or not you want to form teams, make allies, or fly solo. It matters not to me. Points will be given when you are transported back here. As you all know, you were issued this set of uniforms, that you're wearing, because they have a built in spell to transport you back when the Exam ends. Dead or alive. Also, if you die, it deploys a Time Barrier. It freezes at moment you died, like suspended animation.
That way we avoid having to explain why there's no body, because you'd be eaten otherwise. Congratulations on being the first to be Elites, maybe." Castiel finished his speech of impending doom and walked away. Uriel stepped up next.
"I'm Uriel, Arch of Peace." Uriel greeted.
"PFFT! HAHAHA!" Levi burst out laughing.
"Shut up!" Natalia slammed her hand tight against his mouth swiftly, silencing him mostly. Muffled giggling could still be faintly heard.
×At least nobody can pin point you, I was able to silence you quick enough.×
Levi had stopped laughing and re-composed himself, but not before catching the attention of Gabriel. Gabriel was staring intently at Levi and Natalia with great interest.
"I do wonder... why do those two make me feel angry?" He muttered softly to himself. He then pushed it aside as just pent up anger and frustration at the impending war hanging above him. But he kept it at the back of his mind for just in case his feelings were no coincidence.
Soon a Sergeant came by and handed them both a paper.
"Look at the paper, and move to the corresponding location." She barked the order and moved on.
Levi looked at the paper.
Location 13 Juliet.
×We got the same it seems.×
[]Great deduction.[]
[]I swear I'll kill you![]
×You love your fights enough to pick one with someone who could easily destroy your body from the inside huh?×
<…That's fair, and I didn't think of that. Sorry Rachel.>
[]…I like this girl.[]
Everyone was bustling to get to their areas. It took a few moments, but soon the once organized sections, became nothing but a sea of uniforms in no order.
"Okay, great. Now, I'll announce each section and their Arch or King. Remember, these will be your Judges when you arrive back. When you arrive back here, a new group of first years will have taken your places. This exam, will be two months long, rather than two weeks. Good luck.
Section eight Mike, Mephistopheles. Fourteen Charlie, Gabriel. Three Tango, Sentiel. Thirteen Juliet, Azazel. Six Oscar, Beelzebub. Section Five Delta, Raphael. One Echo, Belial. Seven Alpha, Castiel. Twelve Bravo, Michael. Four Victor Piamon. Two Romeo, Astaroth. Ten Lima, Ariton. Eleven Foxtrot, Astriel. Finally, Nine Golf, Me." Uriel began listing off until she got to hers and all Groups of a thousand or so had their respective Arch or King.
"Well, I don't know any of you, probably won't ever know you either. I'm Azazel, King of Lust. This Helmet, holds one of six fates. I will draw, announce it, and say seeya." Azazel, a fairly handsome man wearing a luxurious looking suit of red to accent his bright red hair and dark skin. He reached into the helmet mentioned and pulled out a small strip of paper. He opened it and laughed.
"Hahaha, you're so fucked! This planet barely passed the stabilization phase. It has a time acceleration of three to one Earth time! See y 'all in half a year! Planet Gaias is your destination. Buh-bye!" The arena twisted and turned, morphing and then a extremely bright and nauseating flash of light, and all the 13 Juliet kids were sitting in an old crumbling building, spread out and confused.
**Somewhere in the abandoned city the students arrived in.**
"Oh me oh my! What was that I do wonder? Perhaps I have guests! Oh boy how exciting!" A man in a tattered three piece suit and ragged top hat exclaimed gleefully as he began skipping and hopping through the deserted and overgrown vegetative streets.