1. Meeting God and Transmigrating

[Warning: Heavy sexual content from chapter 11. This may include rough sex, anal sex, public sex, watersports, humiliation etc, though all done with willing participants. Also not to get confused the MC is alpha. So if you can't handle it don't read it and then bitch about it.]

I open my eyes to blinding white light. 'Where am I? Last thing I remember is getting hit by truck - kun while carelessly crossing the road with my phone up my nose.'

After adjusting to the light I look around, there is nothing but a white expanse as far as I could see.

'This don't look like a hospital room, am I really dead? is this after life? If so then its a crappy one. I can't imagine spending eternity in here.' As I continue to look around for anything at all I was startled by a voice from behind.

" Hello young one."

I turned around to see an old man in spotless white clothing with a long white beard sitting on a couch and another couch opposite him both of which were not there a second ago.

" Take a seat young man, all will be explained" he said. I cautiously approached him and sat down. His sheer presence is so overwhelming that I swallow the hundreads of questions I have.

" So I guess you already figured out you died and accepted it so thats one thing over with." I'm an orphan and grew up in an orphanage, I didn't form any frendship with my fellow orphans and got out of there as soon as I hit 18 so nobody is going to be distraught over my death.

" As for who am I you can think of me as The God, I created this Omniverse. Now on to why you are here, from time to time I randomly select a recently dead individual and reincarnate or transmigrate them to a fictional universe and you happened to be that lucky guy. So which world do you want to go?

'Is this really happening?' I am over the moon but quickly brings myself back and asks "This seems too good to be true, what is the catch? what do I have to do for you?"

"There is no catch, I am omnipotent and omniscient what I want to happen will happen. This is a whim of mine, if you refuse you will be sent to the cycle of rebirth with your memories erased. So what will it be?"

Realising there is no strings attached I sigh in relief. " Ok then I'm in, will I get to choose where I will go?"

"Yes and you can choose whether to transmigrate or reincarnate."

" Then I choose One Piece world and transmigrate there."

" What appearance and age do you want to be?"

" I want to look like Aizen from bleach and my age to be 15."

" What is your starting location?"

" Anywhere I can train for a number of years without interuption."

"What timeline do you want to be in?"

" 12 years before Luffy sets off."

" Now since you have chosen One Piece world I will let you choose 1 devil fruit and 2 wishes."

I was surprised at this, I thought he would toss me out there without any advantages. Guess he wasn't an asshole after all. Now which devil fruit should I choose, I should clarify somethings." Can I have a totally new devil fruit and what happens if I choose an already eaten devil fruit?"

" Yes you can and if you choose an already consumed devil fruit the original will be replaced by a similar devil fruit, for example if you choose rumble - rumble fruit it will be replaced by electricity fruit etc."

" Ok then I want a fruit that can grant me the wood style of hashirama." Some might consider it dumb to not choose something like rumble rumble fruit or magma magma fruit or glint glint fruit or any other logia fruits or mythical zoan fuits. But where is the fun in that, besides wood style is one of the most versatile and survival oriented ability. You are lost and need shelter, create a wood house; you are hungry, grow a fruit tree etc. And to see the power of trees in One Piece one need not look further than Sabaody archepelago, it is a massive mangrove forest in the middle of the ocean made up of 79 seperate trees known as Yarukiman mangrove that rise from the bottom of the ocean. So yeah not a weak ability at all.

" You can have the plant - plant fruit, with it you can create, control and modify any plants and trees.The devil fruit will be on a nearby tree to you landing spot"

" Sweet, now for my first wish I want a body that can be easily strengthened through training but still maintain a lean muscular figure and have high talent for martial arts, weapons and devil fruit control"

" Granted, you will find it 20 times easier to learn martial arts, weapon handling and devil fruit control"

" As for my second wish I want a system with a shop function."

" Granted but it will not be an overpowered system, you can only improve stats and skills by training. You can use it to only see your stats and skill levels. As for the shop only one piece world items are available for purchase and yes you can sell fruits and items created from your power to the shop."

'I could live with that' I thought he would close that loophole. All in all I got most of what I wanted. Let's hope it is enough to survive in a world of pirates, marines obsessed with absolute justice and the biggest scums, the world nobles.

" Now enjoy your new life"

Next thing I know I was being sucked into hole on the floor before losing consciousness.


'Where am I?'

I grogily wake up to the sound of waves lashing against the shore. After shaking my head to clear it I look around to get a sense of where I am. But i'm not prepared to see a goldfish about 400 meters in length and and eel twice that length fighting in the ocean. 'F**k, that wasn't a dream I'm really in One Piece world.' with that thought I ran into the edge of the forest I see in the distance. I scream in my mind 'when I asked for a place for uninterrupted training I meant an uninhabitated island in one of the blues not to put me in the calm belt surrounded by sea kings.'