19. Screwing canon and trying to recruit three beauties

[Warning: Mentions of sex and humiliation in this chapter]

After 10 minutes of going over my notes and finding nothing intresting to do in Paradise, I decided to try to recruit Nico Robin. As she just started colluding with Crocodile she will be at Alabasta now.

Since Luffy already has 'Voice of all things' her position as a Archeologist is not vital in the Strawhats. Even without 'Voice of all things', with his ridiculously thick plot armour Luffy will find a way to read Poneglyphs. Since I'm an unknown without any fame I will have to show her my strength to convince her that I can protect her. If even after that she refuses my offer I will make her forget the meeting with some hypnotic spores (yep, finally figured how to make those).

So I ordered Lavender to set course towards Alabasta. Once the ship started following the eternal pose to Alabasta I started with my daily training.

(One and half months later)

It's been six weeks since we came out of Florian Triangle and started sailing to Alabasta. We reached our destination an hour ago. We have just docked at the major port city of Alabasta Kingdom, Nanohana.

As I walk through the streets of Nanohana taking in the middle eastern themed city I review in my mind what I know about the kingdom.

Alabasta is located on Sandy Island, which is a Summer Island. The majority of the kingdom is comprised of Sandora desert and the Sandora river divides the kingdom into two. It is one of the largest islands in Grandline with multiple cities and towns. Each city or town is built around an oasis. The main cities consist of Alubarna; the capital, Nanohana; the major port city and Rainbase.

Alabasta is an established kingdom with a long and rich history, going back to 500 years before the void century. The royal palace of Alubarna predates the kingdom itself, having existed for around 4000 years. The Tomb of Kings just outside of Alubarna houses a Poneglyph that contains the early history of Alabasta. It is also supposed to contain the location of Ancient Weapon 'Pluton'.

800 years ago the ruling family of Alabasta, Nefertari royal family along with 20 other royal families founded the World Government by overthrowing an Ancient Kingdom. Notably they are the only family to remain in rule of their own country, rather than moving to Mary Geoise and letting new royalty take over.

After having enough of sight seeing I concentrate on my Observation Haki expanding it to it's maximum range. But due to the island's size I cannot cover the whole of the island in my Observation Haki but I got the Majority of it's cities and towns including Alubarna and Rainbase.

After searching for a few minutes I found Nico Robin in Rain Dinners, Crocodile's base in Rainbase.

After giving my crew permission to explore the city I went out into the desert. After I'm out of everones sight I use my Geppo+Soru combination to move 100 meters at a time in the air in the direction of Rainbase. As opposed to moving Kilometers in an instant moving 100 meters constantly does not produce any strain on my legs that can't be handled by my natural regeneration.

I arrive at the outskirts of Rainbase in less than 10 minutes. I am not even out of breath after having covered nearly 50 kilometers in less than 10 minutes.

I decided to do this without any eye witnesses. That means no waltzing in and beating up Crocodile and his minions and then kidnapping Robin.

So I used my devil fruit powers to grow inconspicuous plants all around the city in hard to notice places. Then these plants began to release microscopic spores containing sleeping agents targeting everyone in the city except those in Rain Dinners. This does not immediately knock everyone out but makes them very sleepy. It gradually puts them to sleep in 5 minutes. I did it this way to avoid any accidents from somebody falling unconcious. They are lucky there are no cars in One Piece even when there are cyborgs.

After 5 minutes I confirmed using Observation Haki that everyone in the city except those in Crocodile's base are asleep. They will sleep for about an hour. Then I grow more plants around Rain Dinners that release spores with more potent version of the sleeping agent that can instantly put someone to sleep. ( An: I could have had the MC do this with Conqueror's haki, but since Crocodile and his minions are not like cannon fodder that would faint immediately, they would most likely stay conscious in the presence of it.)

As I check the result with my Observation Haki I can sense everybody except Crocodile are in deep sleep. I was not surprised to see him awake as I knew Logia and Strong Zoan users can somewhat resist it. Logia users because they can turn into their element to make themselves intangiable to my spores. In the case of Zoan users only someone with very resilient body can stay awake.

I then enter the city and make a beeline to the piramid shaped casino with an ugly golden crocodile statue at it's top. Soon I am in the underground section of the casino where Crocodile's base is. The only agents present were Mr. 1, Miss Double finger, Mr.5, Miss Valentine and Miss All Sunday, who were all in deep sleep.

I reach Crocodile's room where he is waiting for the attacker. I can tell by his expression that although he is a bit spooked by me knocking out his subordinates he is still confident in his devil fruit to win the fight.

I didn't waste my time with useless banter and directly attacked him. I like to say he put up a good fight but then I would be lying. After the first Haki infused punch to his gut it was a one sided beatdown, though I had to control my strength or else he would be a bloody smear on the wall after the first hit. He tried to escape by turning into sand and scatter away but I quickly caught up to him with soru and resumed the beating.

When Crocodile finally lost conciousness he was in such a shape that even his mother won't recognise him. I then had my wooden tentacles carry the beaten Crocodile and the asleep five agents to the meeting room. I also pocketed the den den mushi I left to record our fight, I intent to use the recording when it is advantageous for me.

I originally only intended to come and kidnap Robin then ask her to join me. But looking at the all the free devil fruits for my picking I decided to screw canon and expand my devil fruit collection. So while they are still unconscious I extracted the devil fruits of Crocodile, Mr. 1 and Mr. 5 which were Sand Sand fruit, Dice Dice fruit and Bomb Bomb fruit respectively. I also recorded this for future use as I cannot always knock someone out and extract their devil fruit every time I have to prove I can do it.

After storing the three devil fruits in my storage ring I searched the whole place for evidence against Crocodile. The idiot had kept detailed notes about his plans for Alabasta along with many other incriminating evidence against him in his personal locker. After sweeping every valuable into my storage ring I made some wooden tentacles to carry the three women and follow me to the outskirts of the city.

As it would be inconvinient to simultaneously carry the three and use Soru I made a palm tree connected to my tree network and tree walked us to my ship. I then carried the three to the brig and deposited them in adjacent cells.

While waiting for the girls to wake up I made a trip to the Alubarna royal palace. Using the same method I used in Rainbase I put everybody in the palace to sleep except the King. Then I visited the King Nefertari Cobra in his room. He was shocked to see me waltzing into his room unchallenged. For the next few minutes he was frantically shouting for the guards and making threats to me, so I had to restrain him to a chair I grew.

He calmed down once he realised that I had no malicious intentions or he would be dead by now. I then reassured him that nobody is hurt but only in deep sleep. Then I freed him from the wood bindings and presented all the evidence I collected from Crocodile's safe. After skimming the documents the King was furious to find out that the drought this year was artificial and was a plot to incite a civil war to take over the country. The rage spiked when he found out the mastermind was a Shichibukai that was tasked to protect them.

I then Informed him that I took care of Crocodile but seeing him skeptical I took out the out Sand Sand fruit as evidence. After confirming it is Crocodile's devil fruit by checking a devil fruit encyclopedia the King was ecstatic. After waving of his question of how I got the devil fruit I distracted him playing the recording of my beatdown of Crocodile, by the end of which he had a satisfied smile on his face.

After calming down, Cobra offered me anything in his power as my reward for saving his Kingdom. As Alabasta is one of the founding kingdoms of the World Goverment it is deeply intwined with them. So I didn't ask for the Kingdom to be part of my territory now, but I plan to make then join me volunterily in the future after I have built a sufficient power base and fame. So to leave a good impression on the citizens I asked the King to spread the news of what Crocodile attempted and me defeating him. The King agreed to this and my other request of seeing the poneglyph was also granted.

He then escorted me to the Tomb of Kings and lead me through a secret entrance to the Poneglyph. It looked almost identical to the one I found in Skypiea. I took photos of all sides of it and from various angles. After that was over with I moved the tree connected to the tree network to a courtyard of the palace and explained it's use to the King. I also gave him a secure den den mushi than can only contact me and told him to only call in an emergency. He was pretty ecstatic to have someone powerful to ask for help in a national crisis. After declining an invitation to stay in the palace I wished the King good luck and tree walked to my ship.

All three women were already awake by the time I came back. They were powerlessly sitting in the cell after finding their strength zapped because of the seastone. I walked into the brig with Perona crawling besides me wearing only a collar ( I sensed she fully submitting to being my pet just after my fight with the dragon turtle, so I removed the bomb collar) and buttplug. They must have got the impression that I was a slave trader as they look at me with a frightened expression. Can't blame them, in this circumstance I do look like one with a naked girl wearing collars by my feet and them in my prison.

I then grew a chair infront of their cells and sat on it with Perona squatting on it's right side with her hands by her breast closed like a paw and acting like a dog. I began to rub her head while looking at the three nervous women.

Nico Robin is a tall and slender young women with shoulder-length black hair, large breasts, a lightly dark skin tone and eyes that have dark, wide pupils. She also has a long thin and defined nose. Her most defining feature is her very long limbs especially her legs.

Mikita known by her alias Miss Valentine is a tall slim young women with short blond hair and bright green eyes. She also has very long legs.

Zala known by her code name Miss Double Finger is a young slim women of average height with curly dark-blue hair, thick lips, dark green eyes, pale skin and a curvaceous figure.

After silently observing them for a while I projected the video of me beating up Crocodile on the wall behind me. Seeing me toying with their boss got them even more frightened. After that video I played the video of me fighting the island sized dragon turtle captured by my ships telescopic cameras. Got to say I look badass in both. The second video got them shaking. Once they are terrified enough I spoke.

" You may be wondering why I showed you that. It is so that you won't doubt my strength." seeing them nod their head nervously I understood they got the message.

" Before I tell you why you are in a cell, I got bad news for you three. You see, after I beat up your boss I found a safe full of incriminating evidence against him and all his subordinates of trying to incite a rebellion. The King was very thankful to me for delivering that to him. Now you are all declared criminals by this kingdom and the World Government." Hearing that Zala and Mikita go pale but Robin has no change in her expression. I'm not surprised by this as she is used to it, being branded as a criminal from childhood by the World Government.

" Now onto why you three are here instead of in the prison of a marin base. You see my devil fruit gives me some special powers one among them being the ability to extract devil fruits from their users." I said as I play the video of me extracting crocodile's devil fruit while taking out the said devil fruit into my hand from my storage ring for them to see. All three look horrified now that they know I can turn them into ordinary defenseless women. I then kept the fruit back in my ring.

" I was planning to extract the devil fruits of all the Baroque Work agents. The only reason I haven't done so to you three is because all of you are beautiful. I like to have beautiful women as my subordinates. You three are beautiful and have potential so I would love it if you can be convinced to join my crew. You already saw my strength so you can be assured of your safety from the marines if you join my crew." I saw the three of them blush a little when I call them beautiful. Then Mikita gathers her courage and asks while looking at my pet.

"If I join your crew do I have to act like that." Hearing that I chuckled.

"Only if you want to and enjoy being humiliated." I answered her

"It doesn't look like she enjoys it but more like she accepted her fate." Robin questioned me nervously.

"No need to be nervous Nico Robin." she goes pale when I mention her name but I continued

"Don't be afraid of me knowing your name. I invited you fully knowing your status and the trouble that brings, while also being confident I can protect you from the World Government." she looks relieved hearing that.

"No to answer your previous question. Yes, Perona here did not willingly become my pet. She is the only living member of another Shichibukai's crew the Thriller Bark pirates. They attacked me and my crew to steal our shadows to power zombies or some other nonsense. I extracted the devil fruits of the rest of her crew and left their fates to their former victims. I think they quartered Gekko Moria." the three look pale at the mention of Moria's fate but without minding them I continued.

"Anyway after I extracted her devil fruit the only choice I gave her were to be my pet or stay imprisoned and horny forever without a means of release. She chose the former." I get nervous glances from the three as I said it.

"Don't worry, since you didn't attack me or my crew I won't be that cruel to you. If you reject my proposal I will just extract your devil fruit and make you forget ever seeing me, then deposit you unconscious on the next island I come across." By their horrified looks I can say that they don't want to go back to being defensless women after having the power to protect themselves. Though I was only bluffing, as I would have only erased their memory of the meeting and would have let them keep their devil fruits as I have no urgent need for their fruits.

"But if you accept my offer there are some things you have to be aware of. First is you have to be ready to have sex with me any time I want. Second, I will be the dominant partner whenever we have sex and you will be my submissive. Third, be prepared to have sex in many positions that are humiliating to you. Last and most important thing you need to remember is 'never betray me', if you do your fate would be much worse than my pet here." all three have small blushes at hearing my first 3 conditions. Seems like that all three of them have a hidden masochistic side. Though all of them shivered when I metioned the punishment for betrayal with Robin going pale. She must be afraid I would find out that she betrayed all her partners till now. So I reassured her.

" Don't worry Nico Robin, I won't judge you by how you betrayed your former partners. But you only get one chance in my crew. If you betray me I will make you wish you were dead by the time I'm done with you." Strangely Robin looks relieved hearing that.

"Anyway you three have the whole day to think about my offer. I will need an answer by tomorrow morning." I said as I left the brig with Perona crawling behind me.