
Siren can't hide her annoyance any longer as she strolled into the packed specialties store. It's a humid Saturday afternoon and she should be at home, resting. She let out a murmur and almost forced herself to walk. The mall's air-conditioned but the number of people makes it harder to feel it.

'Where do this amount of people come from? Tsk.'

"Siren, what do you think about this?" Peach, the reason she needs to go out on a Saturday afternoon asks her and lifts two crepe papers of various tones, one is red and one is pink. "Do you think it's a good idea for us to buy the two or do you need another color?"

"Why crepe paper?" She asked sluggishly, attempting to sound more interested.

"We can plan better at crepe paper since it's inexpensive." She replied and smiled at her.

"Then, buy both." Siren can't take it anymore and left the artworks store. All she needed right now is to return home and rest. Why did she need to come today? Also, why is she with Peach, the girl she dislikes, suddenly?

Flashback to Yesterday, Friday.

"OK, class. Pay attention. The school festival's one week from now. Any plans?" Their adviser asked. The classroom abruptly turned quiet. "Who's the class president?"

Peach lifts her hand and holds it up.

"Come here. You should've talked with your classmates about it. Are you all going to rush to it again?"

'Tss. Class President, she doesn't feel like one.' Siren thought as she lay her head on her desk.

"You need to assign people now begin planning for it. Assuming nobody volunteers, pick somebody. And if they decline, tell it to me immediately so I can give punishment." A sea of protest occurred in the homeroom yet their adviser is quick to stop them.

"Peach, go on, I'm giving you the authority."

"Alright, Sir."

Peach then, at that point began appointing tasks, it went suddenly as a handful of their classmates volunteered.

"And now, for the plan and design group. We all will assist with the design but I will assign who buys the supplies. Anybody?" Nobody lifted their hand. "Then, I volunteer." She said.

"You need to bring someone, you can't possibly bring all of it." Their adviser recommended.

"Then..." Her eyes filtered the spot and halted at Siren quietly sleeping.

"I'll bring Siren with me." She proceeded and grinned. Lea and Hana's looked staggered as they look at Siren who actually has no clue about what was going on. Peach knows Siren doesn't her, so for what reason would she pick her? Now, they're actually wondering what goes on in Peach's mind to bring someone who doesn't like you.

"Siren? Where's Siren?" Their adviser asked. "Can someone wake her up? She needs to take part here!"

Lea reluctantly wakes up Siren.

"What?" Siren asks, still sluggish and slightly annoyed at her interrupted rest.

"We're having a meeting," Lea replied.

"I know, But why do you need to wake me up? Is it over?"

"N-not yet."


"Ah- "

"Siren, you'll be with me to buy stuff for our school festival." Peach interrupted and gave her a sweet grin. To say that it astounded her is putting it mildly.

'Me? and, Peach? Has she gone off the deep end?'


"Anyway, Has everything been decided? If so, then we should end this here. See you all on Monday." The entire protest that Siren had in mind liquefied as she watched her adviser leave the classroom and as she see Peach stroll towards her.

She scowled at her as she comes nearer.

'She' s doing this on purpose, I know it. Ah, this is so annoying. Why... Of all people.'

"Siren, are you free tomorrow? We could start shopping so we could begin the design on Monday." Peach asked merrily, ignoring her glares. Lea and Hana could just watch them with sickening dread.

"Can I go with Lea and Hana? Why does it have to be you?"

"They as of now have their own tasks, and Hana's taking part in a competition so she gets an exclusion. Because of that, Only you are left with nothing to do. If you haven't slept, then maybe you could choose what to do." Siren didn't reply.

"Then, we should meet tomorrow, at the mall. See you!" She turns away before she could react. Siren could just murmur in annoyance. As if being her seatmate wasn't enough, now she needs to be with her on the weekend.

So annoying. Tsk.'

End of flashback.

And so this is why she's here with Peach. She gazed at the crafts store entrance thinking about what was taking Peach too long.

"Is she planning to buy the whole store?" She mumbled softly as she strolled back to the store and began searching for Peach.

She discovered her almost immediately, in the children's section gazing at the stuffed toys.

"Hey, what's taking-"

She caught up on her words when Peach got a stuffed toy and gazed at it with such cherishing eyes.

Siren could feel her heart skirting a thump when Peach smiled at the stuffed toy and touched it.

'I-it' s this feeling again.'

Peach probably felt her presence and glanced at her, making her pulse much quicker when their eyes met.

"Siren. I was looking for you." Peach said and strolled towards her. Siren swallowed subtly as she attempts to quiet her wild heartbeat.

"Are you alright? Your face is red." She asked with concern in her tone as she inspected her face.

'I can't tell her.'

"What's taking you so long? Are you planning to buy the whole store?" She, one way or another figured out how to cover away from her anxiety by acting discourteous.

"Ha? I was looking for less expensive things..."

"What less expensive things? You're at the shopping center. You can't discover less expensive things here. Are you finished? I'll go to the cashier and pay." She snatches the cart she's holding and left, her heart actually pulsating quicker.

She's really annoying, so irritating.'