Special Chapter - Halloween

[This is a special Chapter I wrote in celebration with the upcoming Halloween. This is not connected to the story. Regular updates will resume next week. Thank you.]


Title: Scaredy-cat Siren

It is already the end of our class but for no reason, Lea and Hana wanted to stay behind. Because of that, we're stuck in our classroom doing absolutely nothing. I really wanted to go home right now. Tsk. This better be worth it.

"So, why did we stay?"

"I actually heard a story earlier, and I wanted to know if it's true," Hana answered with a serious face.

"And that is?"

"They say that a long time ago... A student failed a subject and lost her scholarship so she got really depressed and took her own life..."


Hana let out an exaggerated sigh. "C'mon, at least act like you're interested!"

"I am! That's why I'm asking you what's next!"

"Just continue, Hana, or I'll go home," I said with a threat in my tone. Hana cleared her throat and continued.

"With that... She's been said to roam the hallways after class that's why no student ever stays up late in this school..."

"So... You wanted to stay up late so you could see if it's true?" Lea asked.


"Are ghosts even real?" I leaned on my chair and crossed my arms. I honestly think that ghosts aren't real and parents just used them to scare children... Which is quite effective sometimes. But me? Nah. My sister's Moodswings are scarier than ghosts.

"Have you seen one, Hana?"

"N-no... But it wouldn't hurt to try... Right?"

I sighed. "Your story is just not that scary. At least make it gory or something. It feels like you've heard it through the kids."

Lea nodded in agreement. "She's right. And that story's been overused. Don't you have anything else?"

Hana didn't answer but her face went even longer, suggesting that she was getting annoyed by us. But what can we do? Her story is really not that scary.

"I'll go to the bathroom, after that let's go home," I said and walked towards the door only to stop when I got welcomed by darkness.

"Oh? It seems like the bulbs are broken. Do you want us to go with you?" Lea asked when she saw the dark corridor.

I gulped secretly as I try to hide my nervousness. The truth is... I'm afraid of the dark. I don't know when it started but I grow up hating the dark. I even sleep with the lights on! But... I can't say that to them right now... After all the blabbers I've said earlier... Hana's probably going to laugh her heart at me.


"N-no... I have my phone with me... I-I'll be back soon."

After gathering enough courage, I finally went outside. And wow... It really is so dark. Why does this school doesn't have any windows like the other schools? I could at least get a light from the moon! But this is not the time to be scared... I really need to pee... At least there's a light in the bathroom... I'll just ask Lea and Hana to meet me there so I don't have to go back there alone.

I swear I could feel my heart coming out of my mouth as I walk in these dark corridors. And why the hell is Hana's story popping out of my mind right now?! It should be lame... And childish... But... But...

'They say that she roams the hallways after class that' s why no students stay up late in this school...'

I shake my head violently to remove that thought. It s not real... There's no way it could be real. Ghosts aren't real... Right?

I stopped, frozen on the spot when I seemed to hear a faint footstep coming from somewhere. Any moment now and my heart will come out of my chest. Why is the CR so far?! How long have I been walking in these dark places?! I started walking slowly until it became faster... Until that walk became running. I felt like I'm in a marathon right now. The CR... I don't see it! Where is it?

Panicking, I stopped running and looked around using the flashlight on my phone as the light. Where am I? Oh. The stairs are a few meters away from me. If I just walk calmly... I could go down that stairs with no problem. Okay... That will do...

T-the footsteps! I can't hear it again! I think it's getting near. What should I do? I can't run anymore... I want to cry right now... Lea... Hana... Save me...

The footsteps stopped, and I could smell flowers. Is she coming to get me? But why me? Is it because I doubt their existence? I won't do it anymore... So, please... Spare me!

"What are you-"


That's probably the loudest voice I've ever produced in my whole life but I don't care. I just want to go home right now!

The 'ghost' hugged me while giggling. Being this close made me smell her clearer. Wait... Her scent's familiar... And her giggle...


She let go of me and laughed. I pointed the flashlight at her face and it was indeed Peach. I sighed in relief. I got scared for nothing.

"You look so cute, Siren. I wish I recorded that."

"Shut up. Why are you still here, anyway?"

"My club activity just finished, and I saw your class still has the light on when I looked, Lea and Hana were still there and they told me you went to the CR so I followed you."

"Why didn't you call me sooner?! Do you know how..." I purposely cut off my sentence. I don't want to embarrass myself even more.

"I called you but you seemed so scared so I went along with it." She answered with a big grin on her face.

I glared at her. "And you think that's funny?"

"Yap! I didn't know you were such a scaredy-cat... Siren."

"I'm not! I'm just... Afraid of the dark..."

Peach went quiet. I can't say what she's thinking as it's dark and my phone died. I didn't even notice that it went really dark as my focus is on her.

"P-peach? Don't scare me like that... S-say something..." I called when a minute passed by and it was still quiet. "Peach? H-hey... Don't do this to me..."

I saw a flicker of light from afar and a faint voice calling my name but I ignore it as I still tried to call for Peach. Where is she? Did she just run away from me? Is this still part of her prank?


The flicker of light went big and I could clearly tell who was coming towards me.

"Siren! What took you so long?!" Hana shouted as she points her phone at me.

Huh? There's no Peach in front of me?

I held Hana's hand and pointed the phone around. "Hey... What-" There's no sign of Peach everywhere. Could it be my imagination? But she hugged me!

"What's wrong, Siren?" Lea asked when she noticed my uneasiness.



"Peach was here!"

"But you were alone..."

I stared at them. "Didn't you meet her? She said she went to the classroom and..."

"But Peach didn't come to our classroom..."

The three of us grew silent with only Hana's phone giving us light.

"Right..." Hana whispered. "I forgot to mention that the ghost can copy someone and pretend it's them." Hana's scared eyes shifted at me. "Could it be?.."

"Hey, don't joke like that! H-how could it happen..." Was it really a ghost? Did she really copy Peach and tricked me?

"L-let's go home... I don't like the atmosphere now..." Lea said with a trembling tone. We all agreed to her and walked closely together until we reached outside the school building where it was finally bright.

"I'll never stay up late in school anymore," Hana said with determination in her voice.

"Who's fault is this, anyway?!"

"Oh. You're walking alone. Be safe, Siren. You can run fast, right?"

"Tsk. Just go home."

I walked away before they could even say anything. That was really too much just now. Was that really a ghost? Or did I hallucinate because I was too scared of the dark? Either way, I'm not going to the dark anymore. I'll stay where there is light and...

"Siren. There you are, I've been waiting for you."

My eyes grew wide as I stare at her in Infront of me. Did she... Follow me here.

