
Saturday. A time of relaxation for others. A time to unwind and de-stress from working long, exhausting, hours. A time to spend with your friends or family. A time when Siren should enjoy the most.

'How did it come to this?'

"Siren, look! The people are tiny!"

She frowned, not getting the excitement and hype.

She secretly glanced at the window behind her and almost gasp when she realized how high they were up in the air. And she's right, the establishments and the people look so small, it's scary.

Then she looks at her again, who is still gazing at the window like a kid, her face being glistened by the sun, her hair turning golden brown and her eyes sparkling like a diamond.

'Ah, whatever.'


Flashback to yesterday, Friday

Siren enters the classroom slightly tapping her stomach.

"Did you get a stomachache too? What took you so long? You're lucky the teachers had an emergency meeting, so we got no class, or else you'll get scolded again." Hana scolded like no tomorrow, making her frown. She sits on her chair and lightly smacks her head using a book.

"You're so noisy."

"Tsk." She scratches the part she smacked. "Where's Lea? You weren't with her?"

"I thought she'll be here already. She's not there."

"Oh? Where could she be?"

Siren grins. "What are you, her mother? Leave her alone for a while. The classes aren't over yet, she'll be back here. Just wait."

"It's just that... She's taking too long. Maybe something happened?"

"I don't think so. Stop thinking about that, will you?"

Hana stares at her for a moment before shrugging her shoulders in defeat. "By the way, about what Yujin said last week..."

"What did she say?"

"About going to the amusement park after the exams!" She answered rather loudly while smacking her desk. "So what's the plan about that?"

"We're still going of course. It's already planned. Also, isn't today a half day?" Hana nods. "Then, they should have let us home! Why are we still here?!"

"I know. I heard we are just waiting for the teacher's approval to let us go home. Ah, I want this day to be over so we could go to the amusement park!"

Siren glares at her. "You're so excited. Is this your first time, huh?"

"It's not! But... I'm looking forward to it."

"Then let's talk to Yujin since you're both excited about this." She stands up and stretches.

"Right now?"

"Yeah. Stand up and let's go."

They were about to leave when Lea comes in.

"Lea! How's your dump?"

"H-ha?" Lea steals glances from both of them, her face showing distraught.

"Are you okay?" Siren asks as she holds her in the arm to look at her face more clearly.

"Y-yeah. Where are you guys going?"

"To Yujin's."

"Oh. Why?"

"We're gonna ask her about our trip to the amusement park. The exams are over, right?" Hana links her arm to Lea's and drags her excitedly outside.

"Hey, wait for me!" Siren runs slightly and puts her arm on Lea's shoulder, adding more weight to her.



"C-can we talk later?"

"Sure. But what for?"

Lea remained silent, unable to continue. Her mind's filled with endless debates, on whether she should do this. She wasn't even sure if what she feels right now is for real or if she was just mistaking it for something.

Confusion. That's what would probably describe her feelings right now.

'Maybe I shouldn't do this.'

"Actually, Nevermind... It's not that important, anyway..."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded and walked past her and came across their subject teacher for the day who immediately scolded her for staying outside when classes are ongoing and leaving soon because of an emergency meeting.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it, Lea? I might be of help." A sweet, clean voice echoes behind her.

Her words seemed to get stuck in her throat when she sees Siren and Yujin walking together, the two of them not noticing her presence. They'll stop at Yujin's classroom before Siren heads back to their classroom, which is only two classrooms away from Yujin's.

"Is it about them?" When she didn't answer again, Peach grabs her arm lightly and drags her slowly outside.

"Lea... Do you like her?"

"I... I don't know." She hung her head low, unable to meet her eyes. "I'm having this weird feeling lately... I hate it when they're together, so much that I wished they didn't meet each other. I feel bad about it, She's my friend, and yet... This... This just came out of nowhere and it scared me. What if I was just mistaken?" She closed her eyes and for a moment, an image of Siren and Yujin together flashed in her mind. "B-but what I'm sure is... I feel hurt whenever they're together..."

"And what does it have to do with me?"

Peach's sudden coldness surprised her and when she looked up, her stares have been cold too.

'Did I say something wrong?'

"I'm sorry. I've been bragging about how I might be of help but I can't help you."


"I don't think- No, I don't want to help you."


"Why, you ask? Don't you still get it?" She could only stare at Peach, unable to find the right word to say. "I have no intentions of giving her to someone else."


"P-peach... Do you like her too?"