Twenty - Season Finale

A silent gasp escaped Hana's mouth as she tries her best not to create any more noise by covering her mouth. She just wanted to use the comfort room but saw something else instead. Fearing that she may disturb them, she slowly backs away and almost runs away until she bumps into someone.

"Are you blind? Tsk. So annoying" The student rudely pushed her away and walked away hastily, much to her surprise.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Her loud voice echoed the empty hallway and earns the attention of a teacher in one classroom.

"Hey, no shouting at the halls!"

Hana apologizes quietly and heads back to their classroom to see Lea playing with her phone. She sits beside her frowning while crossing her arms.

"What happened?"

"Hmph! There was a rude person in the hallway earlier." She sighed loudly as if to erase the feeling of displeasure.

"Yeah. I can hear you yelling even from here."

"He told me I'm annoying! He was the one who bumped into me! He could've just said sorry! Who's being annoying now?!"

Lea only nods at her, obviously not interested in her rants and more focused on her games when Siren comes in and sees her in that state.

"You really have a loudmouth." She greets her slightly smacking her on the head. Hana gets quiet, her shock coming back. She stares at Siren who frowns looking back at her.



Siren only shakes her head and dives into her desk and soon enough drifts into sleep. Hana stared at her for some more time.

"Did she do something?" Lea's voice startled her. "Why do you keep staring at her?"

"N-nothing. Can't I look at her?!"

"You look creepy. Don't tell me you like Siren?"

"H-Ha? That-that's impossible! How can I..."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it."

"No, you don't!" She hastily grabs Lea on the shoulder and shakes her, causing Lea's phone to fall on the floor. She glares at her but Hana doesn't seem to notice it.

"What if it's someone else? Not me... But someone else?"

"Why are you repeating your words? Have you gone mad?" She smacks her hand and reaches for her phone, only to be disappointed when she saw the words 'Game Over' on the screen.

"I mean..."

"I don't think it's that surprising that someone might like her." Lea turns off her phone and secretly glances at someone else. "Why are you making it seem like a big deal?" She then glances back at Hana, who already looks pale. "Does Siren look that ugly and unappealing to you?"

"No! But wouldn't it be weird if..." She purposely trailed off, hesitating to continue. "If it's a girl too?"

Lea stares at her, her eyes slightly judging her. "I didn't know you think that way, Hana."


"It's not a big deal. Whether it's a girl, or it's a boy, why does it matter? All that matter is how you feel for that person." Lea stands up and stretches while glancing at the window beside her, watching the other students playing outside. "And besides, I like girls too."

Hana stares at her dumbfounded. It seems like her mind is processing too much information and cannot handle it. Lea grins and lightly smacks her on the head.

"But that doesn't mean that I like you, or Siren. Well, I like you guys but not romantically. You're not cute so you're not my type." She grins once more and gets out of the classroom.


Siren lets out a loud yawn slightly startling Yujin. They made an agreement the other day to eat outside together and now they're on their way to eat. She yawns once more, letting all out the stress and fatigue she feels.

"You seemed tired. Shall we just go home and rest?"

"Hmmm? No, it's fine. We planned this a long time ago. Besides, I'm looking forward to it." She side-eyes her. "This is our first date. Aren't you excited?"

Yujin's face once again turned red upon the mention of the word 'date.' Siren smiles secretly adoring her cuteness.

"Of course I'm excited. It's just that... You might be tired and-"

A strong force suddenly comes in their way forcing them to let go of each other's hands. Siren frowns upon seeing the reason.

"Peach..." Yujin calls out silently.

"Nice to see you again." Peach comments while smiling widely. Siren avoids her gaze and looks away.


"What's wrong? Do I look that scary to you?"

"N-no, I'm sorry... I-"

"You talk really quietly, it's cute. By the way, it seems like you two were on a date." Peach commented once again. When they didn't answer, Siren can see her expression going grim, but it was gone in an instant that she's thinking that she might be just imagining that. "I might be disturbing you. I gotta go. See you around."


"See you guys tomorrow." Peach cuts her off and walks away as if nothing happened. She sighs in defeat.

'I really don't get her.'

"Are you okay?" She asks as she inspects her hand. Yujin nods an answer. Peach was too fast earlier that they didn't even notice her presence.

'Suddenly barging in like that. Tsk.'

Siren fight her urge to call her back and stop her from going. She held Yujin's hand again and almost dragged her to their destination with her mind still on the encounter earlier.

'And why would I stop her? It's not like I don't want her to go! I need to stop thinking about her, it's disrespectful to Yujin.'

Their date ended up smoothly, much to her relief that they already planned out their next one. After sending her home, she immediately rushes to her room and lays down, and falls asleep as soon as her body touched the bed.


"What happened to her?"

Siren asks Lea while looking at Hana in a daze. She didn't even notice them coming earlier. Lea shrugs and sits down.

"I just told her I like girls."


"She's been like that since yesterday."

Siren furrows her eyebrows and studies Hana's expression for a brief second before standing up and smacking her lightly on her head.

"What is- Siren?! And Lea..."

"Is there something wrong with what Lea told you yesterday?"

"Ha? What-"

"Don't tell me you're homophobic?!"

"No!" Hana slams the table and stands up, trying to match Siren's height by tip-toeing. "I don't really mind that, at all!"

"Then what is wrong with you? You've been like that since yesterday."

Hana fidgeted, hesitant is clearly clear in her actions.

"I'm really gonna think that you don't like it, Hana, if you don't speak up now." Lea's nonchalant tone made her even more fidgety.


"It's just that I saw you and Yujin kissing in the comfort room yesterday!" Hana almost shouted, her eyes closed tight.

"What?" Lea slowly stands up and approaches them. "You what?"

"Yesterday... I... I was about to go to the comfort room but then I... I saw you, Siren... And Yujin... You hugged her and then you kissed her... I can't get that out of my mind so... I'm sorry!"

Siren sighed. "That's it?"

"Ha? Of course! I'm telling you, I don't really mind that you like girls. I think it's cool..."

"Since when?" Lea's cold and serious voice interrupted them. When they looked, her face either shows grim or sorrowful.

"What's wrong-"

"Since when?"

"N-no... Just recently."

Lea stares at her, her eyes brimming with tears.


She storms out of the room even before they could understand what was happening.

'Don't tell me...'

"Siren! Where are you going?!" Hana frantically follows Siren outside.

Peach watched as the three of them walk outside the classroom, her expression also grim.

- - -

'What the hell? Why didn't I notice?'

As Siren searched for Lea, the guilt she feels just keeps on increasing.

'If I rejected Yujin, maybe this wouldn't happen.'

She stopped at a staircase and sat there.

'Am I that desperate to avoid Peach? Why did this have to happen?'

She sighed. But that only made her heart grow heavier.

'This is all my fault. Why do I have to involve innocent people in my confusion?'

"Found you."

A sweet but cold voice disrupted her. When she looked up, Peach is standing in front of her, her eyes looking at her indifferently.

"What do you want?" She asked dejectedly. "I don't want to fight so just leave me alone."

"You were the only one who fights, Siren. I don't remember attending to your childishness."

She glared at her. "What is wrong with you? Why can't you just leave me alone?!"

"I should be the one asking that to you, Siren." Her expression turned gloomy, with the corner of her eyes brimming with tears.


"What is wrong with you?"


"I'm done acting like a good girl, especially to you Siren." She stepped forward, their distance growing closer.

"W-what are you doing?"

She kneels and corners her. "I'm gonna take back what's mine."

Peach closes the distance between them as she pressed her lips against her. Siren stared into nothingness, processing what is happening right now.

'Wait... This isn't right...'

The kiss ended with Peach staring right into her eyes.

"I'm going to make you want me. And you will be mine."


See you in Season 2! :)