Season 2 - Page Five


My peaceful day has long been gone ever since the start of the school day and ever since I've come to know that jerk named Bryan. Not once did he ever let me out of his sight. I mean, he will always find a way to annoy me every chance he gets! I'm so stressed right now, I feel like I already have a wrinkle on my face. Ugh

When I told Siren and the others about it they just ignored me! Do you know what they said? I'm overthinking things and I'm not that special for that jerk to annoy me! Do I need to be special, huh? Why can't they see that their dear friend is getting bullied? I feel sad. Hmph

"Hey! What... What are you doing?!"

I shouted in annoyance and surprise when I felt the cold water splash on my face. Lunch break has ended so I decided to wash my face at the sink near our gym but I didn't realize that I spaced out until this jerk sprinkled water on my face. Why is he here anyway? Don't tell me he came here on purpose?! Now tell me, Am I still not special, huh?!

"Stop dozing off. The class is about to start." He sneered at me before sprinkling my face with water one more time and running away.

"You could have just told me that nicely! Why do you have to do that?!" I shouted even though I know that he won't hear me. I am glaring at the air while I wipe my face with my handkerchief and walking back to the classroom when I saw Siren walking - no, almost running so that she didn't see me. Come to think of it, she didn't join us for lunch. Yujin is looking for her too. Where did she go?

I looked back to where she might have been and saw the infirmary, which is the only room I could see there. Oh. Is she sick?

Then I saw Peach going outside that room. She smiled when she saw me.

"Hana. Are you going back to the classroom?"

I nodded and we started walking. "Yeah. Are you sick?"

"Not really. My head hurts but it's tolerable."

"I saw Siren too. Is she sick? She didn't join us for lunch."

I looked at her when she didn't respond to me. Somehow, I can't read her expression. But I noticed that her cheeks are slightly flushed. I think her head really hurts.

I didn't get an answer from her because we already reached the classroom. I'm thinking of asking Siren but she's busy talking to Yujin so I decided against it. I'm actually curious but I'll just keep quiet.

"Siren, Are you sick?"

Hnnggg. Me and my loud mouth. What happened to not asking about it?!

Siren looked at me as if I said something horrible.


"I saw you coming out from the infirmary so I was wondering if you're sick."

"You're sick? Why didn't you tell me?" Yujin asked with her voice full of worry. I almost forgot that they are dating. Maybe it's because they were never really that open, to begin with (And I happen to catch them so they were forced to admit it which I still feel guilty about.)

"No... M-my stomach hurts a little so I decided to lie down a bit."

"And now?"

She smiled at Yujin. "I'm fine now. No need to worry about it."

I felt a menacing aura infront of me and when I looked, it is Lea who is glaring at me. What did I do?! It seems like her eyes are telling me something but I'm bad at guessing games so I just stared at her hoping that I would know why she is acting that way.

But I never get to find out as our teacher enters the room and announces that we will change rooms for a subject and gave us five minutes to prepare.

Siren and Yujin were already out of the classroom to my surprise. Why are they in a hurry?! More like, why is Siren in a hurry?! Lea left me too. What is wrong with them?!

"You're not just noisy, you're nosy too."

I glared at the owner of the voice.

"What is it this time? I haven't forgotten what you just did earlier so don't come to me like that!"

I stormed out of the classroom but he quickly followed suit. Ugh

"There are things you shouldn't meddle with." He continued, completely ignoring my warning earlier.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"She might not be really sick, you know."

I stopped.


He only stared at me before walking past me and entering the classroom leaving me with a lot of questions.

Just what is wrong with everyone today?!