Season 3 - 2

I sighed heavily as I watch my hands trembling under the camera I am holding. I thought I am prepared for this but guess, I was wrong, very wrong. Why... Why do you have to show up at unexpected times?

5 hours earlier...

"Siren! Are you going to do it or not?" My sister, for some unknown reason, is so noisy on a Sunday afternoon. I am lying peacefully on the sofa watching a movie when she suddenly barges in and shouts.

"What is?"

"I told you, My friend wants you to photograph their wedding!"

I threw her a glance. "You have friends?"

I screamed in pain when she suddenly kicked me at the back, making me fall on the sofa.

"Just give me an answer now, Siren. Or else."

"Why does it have to be me?" I answered, flinching and frowning as I go my way back to the sofa. "Does it need to be done by a professional?"

"Of course, there are professional photographers there, you idiot. It's just that, one of them call in sick that's why they have to find a new one as soon as possible."

"How soon?"

"We'll be leaving in three hours."

"What?! Are you kidding me? You won't even give me time to think about it?"

"That's why I'm asking you now!"

"Do I have a choice?"

Sorelle only smiled at me in return and that's when I knew that I don't have a choice. I sighed and walked out of the room.

"You cruel old maid."

"Hey, I heard that!"

- - -


As I am busy taking pictures of people and places, I can't help but admire the set-up of the wedding. It is mostly butterfly themed, so they are everywhere, from the guest's clothes to the interior of the things. It also adds to the outdoor theme they were having, with violet and blue as the motif.

After the last guest was done, I excused myself to sit down and rest for a while. This is what I hate about events, they are long and exhausting. I'm pretty sure this will go on until the evening. I guess I'll just steal some sleep on my way to the university. Why do they have to do this on Sunday? Ugh.

I reviewed the photos I took one more time before I stand up and looked for Sorelle to ask for a snack. I won't be able to notice the time if not for my stomach growling.

On the way to the venue, I heard some people giggling behind me but I decided to ignore it. They must be guests and they are already tipsy. I honestly wanted to drink too, if not for this work and my sister warning me about touching alcohol. Bummers

The giggling went on and my mind is already thinking of the worst things. Surely, they won't do it in the daylight, right? Well, it actually is night time but no sane person would make out in the public, with a person in front of you. Unless you have that kind of kink then I feel sorry for them.

Just how long till where the reception is? One thing I added to my hate list today is how far the venues are. Like, the photo booth is so far from where the reception is. My feet are already killing me with these heels and I feel uncomfortable with my dress. I want to change and lay down in bed now.

"S-stop it..."


Oh great. They really are making out. Freaking drunkards. If only I could walk faster, then that would be really great.

"Peach, wait-"

I paused on my track upon hearing that name. Did she just say Peach? Wait. But I must be hearing things, No- she's not the only one whose name is Peach.

Then they walk past me and a familiar scent lingered around me. It's as if time went back and I could feel that familiar tingle in my heart.

Was that really Peach?

In front of me are two girls wearing violet dresses, their hair elegantly styled and adorned with butterflies. They are also clinging to each other, with the other almost eating the other person out.

But even with their back only facing me, I know one of them is Peach. Not because of the scent but because of how my heart reacted. It was always like this, whenever she was near, or just when her name is mentioned. It even got worse when I admitted that I like her. And I feel like it's going to be so much worse now that I've seen her again.

They continued walking while flirting until they were out of sight. My knees feel weak and I don't think I could take another step again. My hands were shaking and I feel my throat hurting. I wanted to cry but no tears seems to come out.

Of course, she'll be with someone. It's been almost a year since we graduated high school so it's a given. It's actually similar to how I am with Meraki.

Oh right. Her.

With my still trembling hands, I reached for my phone that is hanging around my neck and dialed. I got an answer almost a minute later.

"Wow. It's rare for you to call me first. Where to?"

I sighed to stop myself from crying. "You have a car, right?"


"Then come pick me up. I'll tell you where I am."


"Okay. Wait for me. I know it's none of my business but... Are you okay?"

"Of course I am." Slowly, I started walking again. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"It's just your voice..."

"Just come here and pick me up."

Meraki chuckled lightly. "Alright, princess. I'll be there."

Sorelle greeted me when I reached the reception.

"I've been looking for you. You should eat now."

"Actually, I have to go."

"Huh? Why?"

"I... just remember about the project that I was supposed to finish. I left the pictures in the darkroom so I have to go and check it."

"Is that so? Then, at least say goodbye to them." Sorelle softly grabs my arm and drags me to where the couple is.

Which is a wrong move.

Peach and that girl are also there, talking to the couple. I nervously looked at Sorelle. I just hope she didn't remember Peach.

"Mia! My sister needs to go to finish a project at school. She'll just send you a copy of the pictures in your email." I smiled politely at the bride to silently apologize.

"Is that so? It can't be helped if it's about school. Thank you so much for filling in at the last minute, we really appreciate it." She stands up and approaches me to give me a hug.

"I don't really mind. I hope the pictures are up to your liking."

"Of course, it will be."

My phone vibrated and saw Meraki's name on the screen. I immediately bid goodbye to my sister and the bride before finally leaving the place.

I can only breathe well when I reached Meraki's car. I can feel Peach's gaze towards me the entire time I was talking to the bride. But good job, self, for ignoring her. We two have nothing to do with each other anymore.

"So, where to?"

I leaned on the car and closed my eyes. "Your place."

There was silence before I could hear soft jazz playing.

"My place, it is."