chapter one


Sometimes in order to find the person you are looking for.

You should look for places that you do not expect


One year ago

"Sir, the car doesn't work yet. It may take a while."

"Alright then, I'll go for a walk." Xavier says "call me when you finish."

Xavier start walking around London's street thinking about his mother. She kept nagging on him to settle down and find a wife and have children. She only wants to see her grandchildren before she dies.

Xavier loved his mother so much. He couldn't help seeing her so sad,but he doesn't want to get married so soon . He's only twenty eight,and he likes his bachelor life.

Giggles broke him of his thoughts. He couldn't help but admire this sound, it's like thousands of angels are singing, he could listen to it all his life .

Xavier turned around to see where the giggles come from, only to see the most beautiful woman he ever seen before. The little thief stole his breath. Her laughter was music to his ears ,and the way her eyes sparkle with innocence and happiness sent wave of shivers down his spine. That moment,He new,he has to make her happy forever .

Xavier wanted to make her his and only his. He wanted to lock her away from the world's cruelty , because a person like her must kept pure .

The moment he saw her , he knew his life wouldn't be the same. She makes the beast's heart beats again,beats only for her . God how he longed to hold her in his arms and whisper sweet nothings in her ears until she falls asleep in his embrace.

Six years after

"Have you found her,yet?"Xavier says through the phone.

"Sorry boss, but she still missing. I will let you know the exact moment we find". With that he hangs up the phone.

Xavier let a furstrate sigh .

Where the hell is she. It's Like she's vanished from the face of the Earth.

He thought looking at a photo of his beloved Copper hair angel.

"I'll find you my angel , if this is the last thing I'll do. when I do , I'll never let you runaway again". He said with determination .