The Leaving Of One World and The Entering of Another

Once everything settled down, I staged my death and left that world. As fun as that world was, I had things to do, worlds to ruin. I decided to head to one of my worlds. When I was alive, I had been a very good author. This made me famous. At least, until some new up and coming author took the spotlight. I decided to go to the world of my longest story, the World That Shines.

When I appeared there I sat confused. This definitely wasn't the right world. "Excuse me?" I ask a passing elf. "Where am I?"

"The Kingdom of the Rainbow Sands."

"Thank you." I smile with a bow. "Casai mi no Chi."

"You- How? You're a demon right? How can you speak the Elven Language and recognize me as King?"

"Magic." I laugh. "Actually, I created you. That's how I know you."

"What?" I could tell I was freaking him out so I simply smirked and gave another bow, turned, and left.

"Now...." I sigh. "I am in the correct place. This just isn't what I had imagined it to be."

"Who are you?" I hear a soft feminine voice behind me. "Why are you here?"

"Hello." I turn, smiling. "My name is Kayla Frost." I bow yet again and extend my hand to her.

"Hello Ms. Frost! I'm Princess Faelynn Clearsword!"

"You are, are you? What's your mother's name?"


"I see. Can you take me to her?"

"Yeah!" I follow the energetic young girl to a fancy door. "Mom!" She knocks.

"Yes Lynn?" She opens the door and I gasp. She was exactly as I had imagined.

"Hello." I grin. "My name is Kayla Frost. I hear you're the Queen here?"

"Yes. I am-"

"Ashera Clearsword k'Treva, Goddess of Adventurers, Daughter of the Time-Traveler, Herald-Mage Lizzy Clearsword k'Treva, mother of Phantom Clearsword k'Treva, and Bonded to Teardrop and Nissy."

"How do you know that?"

"I made you."


"Nevermind. Where's Teardrop, Nissy and Phantom?"

"Why should I trust you?" I sigh.

"Search my mind."

"What? Do you really trust me that much?"

"Of course." I had made her to be a good person even though I gave her a terrible backstory.

"If you say so...." She closes her eyes and I Feel every single one of my memories play through my mind. "You're good." She sighs. "Phantom is in the Demon Realm and Nissy and Teardrop are in the fields."

"Thank you Fair Lady Ashera." I bow and leave. Him being in the Demon Realm is no big problem. First, I need to speak with the Bonded Ones. "Hello? I'm looking for the lovely ladies named Nissy and Teardrop."

:Who are you?:

:I am the one known as Kayla Frost. I am the creator of you two.: I hear a slight whisper in the back of my mind.

:She's telling the truth.:

:I can tell.:

:What do we do?:

:Just talk with her.:

:Fine.: She mentally turns back to me. :What do you need to talk about?:

:What happened in this world. I only got to Ashera's time in Valdemar.:

:I see.: She sighs. :After traveling a while longer, she met her dream guy and settled down. A few years later, Faelynn was born. It was a massive event for the Gods.:

:Ah.: I smile. :It was wonderful to meet you lovely ladies.: I bow and walk out.