Leaked Information

The telephone had rang again, continuously. But this time Hebrew was sitting just beside it, ignoring those calls. His hair was messed up and his slight eye bags could tell he wasn't able to sleep properly last night.

After the argument with Jessica, he realised he won't be able to sleep and so, he waited for Eric to visit him. But there was no news from him, Hebrew was worried about his friend who was in a huge trouble which might lead to his death. Yesterday's meeting with that lady wasn't a joke. She seemed serious even though she was wearing a dramatic smile.


"What are you doing here?" Hebrew clenched his jaws when he saw that lady standing inside his house without his permission.

"Oh calm down Flynn. Your anger will do no good to you." She leaned forward on the arm of the sofa kept near the fireplace.

"Oh! And by the way, I lit up the fire. You know it's cold." She rubbed her arms dramatically.

"What do you want?!" He yelled as he made his way near her.

"Well, if you want to know then; Let's come to the point."

"Your friend, Eric. He is run again without leaving any note. My men were finding him but then I thought, Wait! Why don't we ask our best friend Flynn? He might know!" She looked at him as if teasing him.

He sighed helplessly, and she further continued, "I know he might come and see you, he is broke and has nowhere to hide."

She came forward while speaking. Dusting off his shoulder lightly with her well-manicured hands. She smiled at him.

"I know you'll help me."

"And what if I don't!" He jerked her hand off.

She leaned sideways towards his ears and whispered, "Then you know what I might do to him when I find him on my own one day."

Hebrew glared at her and she went back straight with her usual dramatic smile.

"I would've enjoyed a drink with you but, you know I'm busy finding him. He has many things to deal with us. So, find him before we do. It's a humble request." Her sarcastic words made Hebrew clench his fists.

She walked towards the exit door, "Won't you send off your guest, Mr Hebrew?" She asked.

Helplessly he went towards the door and held on to the doorknob tightly almost ripping it out.


Thinking about it he brushed his hair abruptly and suddenly his gate flung open.

"Oh! Wait- how did you-"

"Flynn, there's bad news!" Winchester cut down his sentence as he reached him.

"She didn't even bother to lock the door!" Hebrew mumbled angrily, thinking about Jessica.

"I don't know how but...everyone has come to know that you're handling the case."

Hebrew stood up,

"How can she be so careless?!" He was continuously murmuring.

"Flynn!" Winchester yelled out his name.

"Uh!" Hebrew looked at him

"Are you even listening?" Winchester lowered his voice.

Hebrew's mind wasn't able to comprehend what Winchester said just now and he ended up staring at him.

Winchester sighed and rubbed his forehead,

"There are people outside your house. It was quite hard to enter the apartment without letting 'em in."

He sat on the sofa in front of Hebrew.

"Can I-" He cleared his throat.

"Can I get a glass of water?"

"Uh! Yeah!"

Hebrew stood up and went inside the kitchen and suddenly he saw something which he was most afraid of, a crowd of people outside screaming and yelling his name in anger. From the window, he could see many people holding banners of his names and many people standing there holding stones just to throw at him.

The jug and glass Hebrew was holding were still in his hands while his eyes were stuck outside. His mind repeated the same incident which occurred five years ago. The same crowd, the same banners and the same yelling and screaming. His breathing became unstable and he started to shiver at the thought.

His biggest fear was, an enraged crowd.

"Flynn..." Winchester stood beside him.

He kept looking outside the window,

"Those people, outside, you see the anger in their eyes. They don't think you deserve this case. They believe, you're just a fake detective." Winchester whispered in Hebrew's ear.

Sweat drops formed on Hebrew's forehead could tell that he wasn't so confident right now as usual.

"I don't know who told them but I can guess."

Hebrew gulped,

"Wha-what do you mean?" Hebrew looked at him with his unstable breaths.

"Yesterday...Jessica came to my house finding reasons for, why we don't recommend you until it's quite important. Though you're handling the case it still doesn't change the fact that once she was the lead detective for the same." Whispering this he tapped Hebrew's shoulder.

"I'll take my leave now. Maybe, they'll call you to the station, be prepared."

Hebrew kept looking outside the window, his eyes stuck on the crowd. How they were trying to barge in. Hebrew's eyes showed fear today, fear of the people, fear of this world. Fear of what happened five years ago. He still hasn't gotten over it.

Suddenly the telephone rang again. And he just stared at the telephone through the kitchen door. He slowly took his steps toward it and finally, he picked up the call.

"Hello." His voice sounded rather weak.

"Mr Flynn Hebrew, the head of the detective branch wants to see you. You'll be picked up by a car in the next thirty minutes."

"I'll be there." And the call declined.


Wearing his brown overcoat and black hat, he came down with the officers surrounding him. He was now standing in front of the door, outside people yelling and pushing the door could be heard. He gulped and took in a deep breath,

"Shall we go Mr Flynn?" An officer asked.

Hebrew nodded and the door was finally opened exposing Hebrew to the people. They tried to catch him, snatch him. They abused him, used stones to throw at him. But he was successfully rescued and taken inside the car.

The black car in which he was sitting was followed by another police car. People punched the window of the car making Hebrew restless, without being a culprit he was again made feel the same way.

"Shall we leave, sir?" The driver asked and after a small nod of Hebrew, the car was taken ahead.

Hebrew wiped out the sweat from his forehead and laid back on the seat of the car. He wasn't feeling quite fine and since his encounter with the crowd, it made him even more nervous.


"Mr Flynn Hebrew, we tried hard to find who reported your involvement in the case to the media but no one came out as in particular to be blamed. We consider it as our carelessness and we sincerely apologise for it. But..." Mr Robert paused.

"But?" Hebrew raised in one eyebrow.

"We have decided to replace you from this case with Ms Jessica Lennon." He declared.