The Ambidextrous Theory

"Tell me more."

"No!" He stood up making Jessica more curious.

"First, Ms Lennon may tell me about the first murder." He smirked as he kept the condition.

"Huh? This wasn't the deal?!" Jessica was frustrated as she spoke.

"Then make it one." He turned towards her.

"You know since I got to know that one more murder was committed I am really curious about its details."


"Tell me or help yourself out!" He claimed acted as if walking out.

"Okay then..." She sighed. "I'll tell you everything." And he turned around and sat in front of her.

"The first murder victim, named...Eviline was a prostitute too and she was also found under the same bridge. By a cop! If you may ask why no local was involved."

"And...?" He inquired

"And...her throat was slit up to her belly button. The murderer is supposed to be left-handed, concluded by the post mortem."

"How do we know she is a prostitute?" Hebrew asked.

"Well...we did some research on her in secret and found her occupation by her friends, co-workers."

"What about her whereabouts?"

"That day she completely vanished, and a day before, she went to her usual bar...had some drink and went on to her work, following her routine."

"When was she discovered?"

"Her body was found by a cop while he was patrolling around in the evening. It was all dark. He went there because he was curious to find out why there were so many dogs near the bridge. When he checked her clothes it was found that everything related to her identity was missing except for the bill of a hotel under her name inside the inside pocket of her long coat.

"The inner pocket!" He murmured within himself.


"No-nothing...carry one. Anything else?" He asked.

"Her face was disrupted, and, we still don't know if it was done by the murderer or the dogs."

He mumbled something again, inaudible.

"Pardon?" She looked at him being unsure.

Hebrews shook his head and replied, "Anything more?"

She shook her head, "That's it."

"So you were never able to find the murderer."'


"And this case came up even before the last one was solved." Hebrew asked and she nodded.

"What if...I say that these two cases are related?" Hebrew leaned forward.

"How-how can you say so?" Jessica was utterly confused.

"Point number one...both are prostitutes. Two...both were murdered the same way concluding, the murderer is the same."

"Makes sense...doesn't it?..." He questioned and she nodded with a slight frown.

"But how do we prove it to the crime branch? Cause...the second murder was committed by a right-handed man."

"Hmm...point to be noted." He scratched his visage and leaned back on his chair.

"What about ambidextrous? He could be one." He sat straight and his eyes twinkled as he spoke.

"Could be?" Jessica sighed shaking her head.

She stood up and Hebrew's eyes followed her.

"Mr Stone already hates you and now propose your 'Could be' theory, he may kick you out again."

"As if I care, he needs me and I-"

"Stop it, Mr Hebrew!" She yelled and turned towards him.

"I don't know who...told the press about your involvement in the case and made you the target of the bunch of crooks but I-

" wasn't you?" He stood up.

"Why-why would I do something so childish?" She frowned while questioning.

" were almost kicked out of this case because of me." He claimed confidently

She cleared her throat."Not kicked out...I was...just replaced."

"Yeah, you may please yourself." Hebrew said in a dramatic way.

She rolled her eyes, "Well the thing is...I never spread your name out. I know I was quite furious when I heard the news and really wanted to kill you but. But I would never do anything so...childlike." She concluded.

"If it wasn't you...then...who it was?" Hebrew thought, though his mind screamed just one name, Winchester.

"Let's think about it later, first let's make your ambidextrous theory a more solid one. Cause I don't want them to find another reason for your replacement."

"Why? It's already a lot more believable than it should be." Hebrew debated.

"Nope, it isn't." Jessica kept her hands on her waist.

" is Ms Lennon." He ground his teeth.

"Really? you're acting like a stubborn teenager. You know it's rare for a person to be ambidextrous."

"Why? We have Mr Winchester too." He replied quickly.

"Wait...Mr Winchester is ambidextrous?" She was quite surprised

He nodded, folding his arms above his chest.

"Never heard of that. I thought he was full time left-handed." she leaned back too.

"He usually uses his left hand in public but he is a well known right-hand user too. My concerns are with you if you didn't know about this, Ms Lennon."

She sighed in frustration, Hebrew was getting over her nerves.

"Thanks for your concern but...I don't think this will satisfy Mr Stones ever."

"I guess we should at least try..." Hebrew claimed.


"Wait...I am your senior in this case, ain't I? And you've chosen me for this place. So why am I even asking for your permission?" He thought out loud

"Mr Hebrew-"

"Sir! Call me sir!" He instructed while sliding into his overcoat. "And let's go. We have two cases to solve, consecutively."

He left Jessica running before him after she locked the door of his apartment.

"You should be careful Mr Hebrew with your home. What if the murderer steals all the material we have against him." She panted.

"And why would he do so?" He questioned.

"Umm..." She went blank, making Hebrew scoff.

" speak absurd, Ms Lennon." He taunted as he ascended in the taxi leaving Jessica to chase the taxi and glare at him while settling herself down on the backseat

"Why don't you change?" He asked.

"What?" She looked at him.

"Your heels. The clattering it does makes my head hurt. Like someone banging it into a wall."

"It would stop clattering if you won't leave me behind to run after you." She answered harshly.

"Can't help." He looked at the front.

"And neither can I." She looked out of the window of her seat while Hebrew glared at her from the corner of his eye.

Hebrew had never thought that a woman would be so arrogant until he had met Jessica. He had that stereotype of thinking of women as inferior to him. And this thinking had made him more arrogant and egoistic.

While on the other hand, Jessica was a well-educated woman coming from a stable family. Her parents encouraged her and made her study whatever she wanted. It was her dream to solve a case being a lead detective but...all these years she came to know that a woman could never be a leader in between males. And so she kept quiet and kept waiting for that one day when she would find the opportunity to solve a case on her own.

And that day...she would show the whole world how capable she was of being a detective...