Investigating Further

Jessica woke up earlier today, feeling excited to work with Flynn Hebrew, the best detective among all.

She fast-paced to reach the bus stand. Not always she could take cabs as it is quite expensive. Wearing a navy blue dress and a black overcoat, she kept her hands in the pocket, feeling them still freezing.

The winter is in the air, she can feel it.

It took around thirty minutes to reach Hebrew's apartment. She stood outside and took in a deep breath.

And as she pressed the knob and turned it, it was obvious for her to find it unlocked again; she sighed.

"Mr Hebr-" She paused as chills ran through her spine.

The maroon and cream coloured carpet was all red with bloodstains

She covered her mouth with her palms, her eyes widened.

"Mr-Mr Hebrew..." Her breath hitched as her brain ran through multiple possibilities of what might've happened here.

She took small and unsteady steps to follow the trails of blood drops, which were all over the wooden floorboard, as if someone was bleeding.

The trails went inside Hebrew's room; the door was slightly ajar. She gulped and slowly opened the door, only to find Hebrew lying beside the bed, his back supported by it.

"Mr Hebrew!" She yelled and gushed towards the probably unconscious Hebrew.

From outside he seemed fine, with just some bruise over his left eye and nose making Jessica wonder whose blood was it, if he doesn't seem to have my wound?

"Mr Hebrew! Are you..are you alright?" She squatted down and slightly jerked his arm.

After some failed attempts, Hebrew's eyes flutter opened, looking at Jessica.

"Mr Hebrew..." she whispered.

Hebrew blinked gradually while looking at her, his breath slow than usual.

"Do we need...ambulance?" She asked, to which he shook his head.

He gulped and sat upright with some great effort and some help from Jessica.

"Are you...really alright?"

He nodded and tried standing and eventually tripped when Jessica held him up.

"Ugh!" He groaned, holding his stomach.

"I-I saw blood." She said.

Hebrew just ignored her and made his way to the bathroom. He left Jessica alone on the threshold of his room. She looked at the limping Hebrew, who seemed fine from outside.

"Are you...really alright?" She whispered questioned to herself.

Hebrew came out with his usually stern face and looked for Jessica. Standing near his bed, she was diligently waiting for Hebrew to come.

"What are you doing here in the early morning?" He asked as he grabbed a face towel and wiped his wet face abruptly.

"Umm..yesterday you'd said that we'll work from today, I came."

"You could've called m-"

"Never had your num-"

"For God's sake, just have it this time!" He yelled but, this time she didn't flinch.

His yelling led him to cough. He coughed quite hard, holding on to the door. He covered his mouth as Jessica rushed to the kitchen to fetch water.

"Drink it." She said, giving out a glass of water to him.

He looked at her, took the glass, and turned to the other side to drink it.

Jessica found this behaviour of him unusual, but she didn't interrupt.

"Mr Hebrew-"

"Wait outside...I'll be back in a minute." She nodded and left the room quietly, leaving him all alone.


"So you want to investigate," Robert asked, to which Jessica nodded.

"But what?"

Jessica looked at Hebrew busily leaning on the door of the station and eating his burger.

"Umm..." She hesitated, and Robert laughed.

"Ms Lennon, you need a suspect, an eyewitness or- or any proof to investigate further. In didn't know."

He wrapped his neck around his muffler and walked further.

"You need some time...figure it out and then investigate." He scoffed and walked away until Hebrew kept his hand on Robert's shoulder to stop him.

"You remember those days, Robert, when we both were being trained together?" He took some steps forward and now stood in front of Hebrew.

Robert looked at him, a slight frustration in his sigh, which he let out just now as he blinked.

"We...used to be friends-"

"And then you went to jail and despised me over nothing." Robert interrupted and folded his arms, probably blocking away Hebrew. Or did he feel slightly uncomfortable around him?

"What does it have to do with the present?" He raised his one brow.

"Nothing, you remember what Mr Soames used to say?" Hebrew questioned confidently, while Robert gave out a blank stare.

"Investigations find proves, suspects and witnesses. Even vague information and imaginations can lead to successful case solving."

He patted Robert's shoulder and further added, "In case you didn't know." He smirked.

"Let's go, Ms Lennon, we've got a lot on our plate today."

Jessica nodded and followed Hebrew without uttering a single word and ignoring Robert's glare.

"Where do we go now? You know they won't provide us a room for interrogation."

"Why need a separate room when we have legs to stand?" Hebrew replied, his voice full of excitement, which was the first time to be noticed by Jessica.

He fast-paced towards the first taxi. His eyes caught and sat in it, followed by Jessica.

"Towards Flowers and Dean." He smiled for the first time.

Jessica looked outside the window as the car descended on the road from the parking zone.


"Does it feel nice?"

Jessica asked Hebrew, and he looked at her with confusion spread on his face all over.

They both now headed towards the red streets of Flower and Dean.

She scoffed a little. "I mean...about Robert." She completed.

He scoffed too, "Nice? I might not describe it as...nice." He thought for a second.

"Maybe...satisfactory." He smirked as he looked at her.

She shook her head. "Why you hold grudges against Mr Winchester and Mr Stone?"

"Grudges? I never hold grudges."

"But then why you...are always so irritated when you meet 'em?"

"But that doesn't count as holding a grudge." He made her think.

"Did I ever confess myself, it was always they."

He walked away while Jessica slowed down, eventually stopping. His reasons made sense this time, an absolute sense. It wasn't he whoever said or behaved as if he had grudges against them.

"Walk faster Ms Lennon, our suspects and proves are waiting." He said to which she ran towards him.

"Good morning Miss, I'm Flynn Hebrew, a detective. Have you ever seen her working here?" Hebrew asked showing the driving licence of the victim to the woman standing in front of him.

"Where did you find it?" Jessica whispered and looked at him, brows furrowed.

"Not everyone has beady eyes like me." He responded, his eyes fixed on the woman scanning the small passport-sized photo on the left side of the card.

After a second she shook her head, "No Mr, I've never seen her. But...she seems familiar. There are many working women here, you might ask someone else. I think I've seen her in this street quite multiple times."

"Thanks for the information," Hebrew said and left the threshold of the house immediately.

"Why are we in a hurry?" Jessica asked.

"Cause the more we will delay, the more dangerous it will get for the women living here." His eyes scanned the entire street.

Every woman standing there or passing by were now a part of Hebrew's memory.

No one seemed suspicious or any unique...

Like they were living a usual day as if they knew nothing about the murder.

"Miss, wait for a second." He stopped another woman passing by. She hesitated, but eventually stopped.

"Have you seen her?" He showed her the licence and her eyes widened at the photo of the woman for an instance but then she quickly covered her expressions.

She gulped and looked at Hebrew, whose eyes narrowed at her reaction.

"I'm sorry but...I-I know nothing about her." She sprinted away from Hebrew even before he could stop her again.

And that was when his mind realised something, and he looked at the entire street once again. Every woman passing by him seemed to notice him, even for once. They took a glance at them and soon walked away, as if minding their one business.

"Mr Hebrew...what happened?" Asked Jessica who stood just beside him, but her voice sounded more faded and inaudible than in reality.

Hebrew was confused and rather restless about the fact that when the first time he looked at those women, how did he miss out on these details.

Sweat beads again took over his head, and everything got blurry in front of him. This wasn't the first time he had felt dizzy, and he knew it was just the strong sun upon his head making him feel so. He shook his head. But nothing seemed to work.

And he ended up almost fainting when Jessica held him...