An Unpleasant meeting

"Shall we?" Jessica asked before stepping into the police station.

"You know, sometimes I feel why don't I have a room of my own, in which I could investigate."

Jessica looked at him and back at the building standing in front of her.

"Then why don't you have one?" This was supposed to be a mumble, but it came out loud as if she was teasing him.

Her eyes widened. 'This wasn't supposed to be this loud...' she said in meditation.

"Because of my fate..." He replied in a low voice.

Jessica looked at him, and he exhaled a deep breath. His eyes were sad and lonely, which made her wonder what had happened.

Hebrew went inside, leaving Jessica to stand there.

" can't sympathize with him." She mumbled, reminding herself.

This was the second time she was concerned about him when she shouldn't. Shaking off her thoughts, she followed him inside the station.

"Good morning, Mr Hebrew and Ms Lennon!" Emma said with a smile.

Hebrew nodded, and Jessica greeted back.

"Umm...Ms Simpson, can Mr Robert?" Jessica asked.

"You can have to wait, he hasn't shown up yet."

Hebrew frowned restlessly. "Then call him! It's urgent. We have to meet him as soon as possible."

Emma looked at Jessica, her eyes worried because of this sudden change of mood in Hebrew. Jessica nodded, and Emma picked up the telephone. But before she could dial his number, Robert stepped inside the station with Winchester by his side.

As soon as Winchester saw Hebrew, he gulped. His eyes weren't able to meet Hebrew's. And on the other side Hebrew narrowed his eyes on Winchester. He wondered why Winchester was acting strange.

It was purely clear that Hebrew doesn't remember even a bit of what he did last night.

"Good morning Flynn!" Robert shook hands with him, a fake smile plastered on his square-shaped face.

Hebrew shook hands with him too, but his eyes never left Winchester, who was avoiding coming in front. Jessica kept looking at all these three men who seemed way too strange today.

Hebrew kept looking at Winchester suspiciously, Robert kept looking at Hebrew with a broad smile, which seemed very fake. While Winchester looked scared of Hebrew's presence in the station.

'What's going on in the mind of these three?' She wondered.

"So...Flynn, what made you come here?" Robert asked, his hands now in the pocket of his trousers.

Hebrew sniffed, "I'm here to investigate, Mr Winchester." He said confidently, and everyone looked at him with their widened eyes.

"Sorry what?" Robert's expressions changed completely.

"You wanna investigate who? Winchester?" He looked at Winchester and back at Hebrew.

Hebrew nodded calmly.

"No, actually-" Jessica tried to explain.

"I don't think we need to explain, do we?" He raised his one eyebrow at Robert.

Robert cleared his throat and looked at Winchester again.

Winchester shook his head meekly...

Robert nodded and looked back at Hebrew, his eyes glowing with confidence.

"Go ahead!" He said with one raised brow.

Hebrew glanced at Robert and turned to go towards the investigation room.

"He has nothing to summon you with, and even if he has...don't worry, I have his weaknesses in my hands." Winchester nodded and walked away, following Hebrew and Jessica...


A black car stopped in front of the four floored apartment. A lady stepped down wearing heels. She seemed dignified. The mask covered her face with a mask.

"Stay here...I'll go alone." She ordered her men before walking inside the building...

He was relaxing on the sofa when suddenly the door flung open. He looked at the lady walking inside, quite enraged at one person who was present in this room, Eric Ashley.

"Hey, Eva!" He stood up, but Eva caught his wrist. She turned him around and pinned his hand on his back.

"How dare you!" She gritted her teeth.

He scoffed. "You think you can trap me?" He whispered.

"Huh?" She was confused.

But before she could say anything, he turned around with a jerk. And in a split of a second, he was standing in front of her, with her hands caught by him, pinning it behind her.

"Ah!" she wailed, looking at her hands from the corner of her eyes.

"I'm sorry to say...but this isn't a pleasant meeting, Eva."

She looked at him; he was just too close. It made her feel suffocated and nervous.

She glared at him, breathing heavily.

" more beautiful..." He said looking straight into her eyes as if finding something.

She wiggled under his grip, but her eyes also never left his. He came even closer, and she kept wiggling.

Now he was just an inch apart, and she stopped wiggling. She kept looking at him, and so did he. He leaned in, his eyes travelled down from her eyes to her lips. He leaned a bit more, hesitantly.

But before he could move any further, a sudden pain engrossed his toe. She had stepped on his toe with her pencil heel. He hissed loudly and stepped back, eventually falling on the sofa.

Eva rubbed her wrist and Eric scoffed, making her look at him, "How come you're so...loyal, Eva."

He stood up and leaned towards her ear, "Even don't love him."

Eva glared at him, and he shrugged. She turned around to leave. "I knew it. Now that you know I'm here, you won't come up with your men."

She kept walking, making Eric restless, and he eventually ended up saying, "Please come back, Eva."

Eva stopped at her track, "I dunno what you saw in that man, but believe me, your home is here. With Flynn, with me. "

Eva looked at him from over her shoulder. "Who said I don't love him? He is the best man I can ever get. I'm happy with him."

"But your bandages and your red eyes narrate a different story." She turned away quickly, clenching her bandaged fists.

Red spots appeared on her white bandages as she clenched her fists. But it didn't bother her. She didn't wince even for once.

"Come back...whatever the consequences might be, we three will face it together."

"Come... before it's too late." He added.

Eva listened and left the apartment without uttering a single word. Rushing towards her car, she sat inside first and asked her men to come after she allowed.

Sitting there, she kept wiping her flowing tears. She couldn't come back. Her betrayal meant losing the lives of those two whom she considered as family. She had no choice, she could blame no one but herself. It was she who made her own life like this.

She kept crying silently and gulping down her pain until there was a knock on the window of her car.

"Ma'am, we should get going now, sir had ordered to bring you before the sun sets." The man said as soon as she let the windows down.

She nodded, and the driver sat back in the car. Within a second, the car drove away from the apartment, leaving Eva crying and Eric wondering.

He wondered what has possessed Eva that she urged staying with the devil whom no one has seen, not even Hebrew or him. He wondered why she couldn't come back. He wondered, what are she and Hebrew hiding from him....

Here within the next thirty minutes, Eva's car stopped in front of a vast mansion. "Ma'am, we've arrived." The driver signalled.

Eva nodded and stepped off the car when one attendee opened the door. He led her inside the mansion through a wide brick path. She kept looking down as she took her steps.

"Eva, you've come!" The boss exclaimed and walked over to her, his face still covered with hi mask.

He embraced her and so did she.

"What happened to your hands, darling? Why are they bleeding?" He questioned, taking her hands in his.

"Nothing just..." She hesitated.

" bled again."

He frowned. "Bring the first aid box." One of his men nodded and went towards the stairs.

"Come sit..." He further took her towards the sofas kept just in the front of the stairs.

She nodded and followed him. As they settled, he again took her hands in his and looked in her eyes. "Did you find him?"

Eva took in a deep breath.

Contemplating whether she should tell the truth or cover it with a lie? Whether she should be loyal to him or wear the clothes of betrayal? Whether...she should keep up with the childhood friendships or with someone whom she once loved?

"Eva?" He searched for the answers in her eyes.

"Huh?" She kept looking at him.

"Did you?" He questioned again.

She gulped and closed her eyes for a second. She further opened it with much confidence in then and replied, "No, Hebrew's house was empty as usual...."