Chapter 1.c.The meeting, Her story ,Love at last

"Sure you can." I answered , handing her my game business card." I'll call you later,"she reassured me,and drove away. I kept glancing at the Toyota Mark X a sit drove away.I entered Kilmarock Hotel an exhausted man, having booked room 106, I took the stairs one at a time . I entered room 106, I took a shower and sat on the coach to watch a movie.For I do not know how long had I slept on the coach, as the ineccesant ringing of the phone jolted me up.

" Are you still at Kilmarock?" A sweet voice asked," yes can you come over?"I retaliated. "Mmmh, I will look into that if I am through early, bet I will come." A smile plastered on my face as mental images of her,replayed I went to the hotel downstairs and ordered for some snacks and cold drinks. As I ate a soft hand manifested itself on my shoulder. Turning my eyes met her pretty face signaling her to have a seat.She flashed a smile and sat opposite me. Ordering food , I dropped a casual question," would it not be best if we had formal introductions?" " It would. I am Linda Marooke , currently an accountant at Leslaid bank ." I swallowed my awe and quickly replied," Desmond Merilem, manager of Meririse enterprises as you have seen in that business card."

As we ate the palatising meal, she dropped a real shocker on me,hey, just stop it! Stop fussing over fake cards." " What!" I tried to speak but words could not form out of my mouth. " You're lucky to be handsome, otherwise,you would have been in jail by now."She then deliberately removed my photograph under the wanted list.


I felt conflicted , desperately hurt .The food on the table forgotten. I kept staring at her . Was she another?Do I have to use force? As these thoughts flowed through my mind, she placed her hand on top of mine and she opened up." As you look at me, don't think I am going to do anything . No, if were to, I would have done so, when you entered my car, blood stained on the lower part of your shirt and with a gun. But I didn't instead I came here to meet you.My life was a miserable one .All I learnt was one thing : to survive. I had to steal in order to eat . I did not have a place to call home, those days until I was fourtheen . I was busy plucking out a car headlights when for the first time ,a gun was rammed onto my neck.

"¹You are a fool ," he had said," stealing from a thief, that's incredibly awesome." The leader of the gang said, " Hey boys beat her up and you also , mmmh, finish your lust, she's a girl you know...". I tried begging for forgiveness but instead a snack was the response. I sprawled to the ground in pain, resigned to fate , waiting for the defilement, for I couldn't stand due to the splitting headache. It never happened. One of the gang members mercilessly stopped the others by executing well aimed kicks , and sooner they were on the run.

" ² Memphis, you're no longer our member, you've defied the rules of the gang"The leader then took out a gun and threw it to him,"³ you are on your own from now." He then helped me to my feet, wiped off the blood on my mouth and then took me to his palatial house . He the calmly told me that all in there was his but now ours. "⁴Look," he said ," you're too young to be on the other side of the law .I want us to be friends , no brother and sister. I would advise you to bathe , look after the house, and this car is your, I will be using that blue one.

You can also go to school ,for there is enough money in that safe, but only follow three rules. First , never admit to anyone that you know me . Two never allow anyone into this room that has the safe .Three, always bail me out when I'm in .I will take care of the food and everything , just feel free Linda ." From that day, Olives , cooked and stayed with Memphis.What utterly surprised me is that he never took advantage of me any day. I went to school from standard seven and studied hard.

He would always help me master my studies when free,but he also taught me something, how to hit back. When I was in highschool, something bad happened. Memphis had gone to 'hunt,' sadly that day he didn't return. As was the norm , I went to the police stations to bail him out. The more I searched, the more I knew he wasn't there .That day I saw the headline that clearly stated that gangsters were shot dead after a bulgary . The next day I went and found his body at the mortuary.

He had created a new me , he was my salvation and from their he was my salvation and from there I hated the police . My hate boiled one day when I slapped a very inquisitive police woman. She tried to apprehend me but with two blows she was down.Upon waking , I was speeding round the corner.The money left by Memphis was enough to pull me through highschool. I found a scholarship from Leslaid Bank where I currently work to aid my University fee. I still live in the same house. When I saw you in the morning, I was enthralled , you had a faint resemblance of him. Just like him,he always had a suit on,coupled with a gun and sunglasses. For some minutes you reminded me of him. Yes , you made me full, you made me see him again," she ended her story amid tears.I was moved ,without thinking I let her cry on my chest.


She seemed as if she was trying to squeeze the life out of me. Wiping her tears, she told me ,the things I did was not at all bad but a way of balancing the social society .A way of survival. She the surprisingly gave me a peck on my cheek. My thoughts were like a yatch on a stormy sea. I was falling desperately and quite dangerously in love with her. I then began to recognize her beauty. Her close cropped aurburn hair laced with expensive perfumes. The hazeled eyes with the shiny sparkle of blue.

Her pretty round light skinned face. Oh my! The way she gracefully held her head like a duck.The fullness of her bossom. The round bumps of her back,the tight skirt that accentuated every curve of her slim figure. In a nutshell ,she was spellbinding. I look straight into her eyes and I could see something , a glow. I could picture the every essence of the growing love ,the indescribable feelings that swirled in her body. The union that was never to be forfeited.

I quickly entangled myself from her vice-like grip and she almost lost her balance we're it not for my timely reception. She regained her balance not withal brandishing me a kiss that left my head swirling with clear intentions. " Linda , I admit to have feelings for you." She replied, " You are just irresistible ." " Let's dance and get you a place to sleep." Straightening her skirt, she stood hooking her fingers to mine and off we went to the dance floor.


(¹,²,³&4 ,indicate a conversation inside a conversation.)