The Genocidal Boy

I was born in Detroit ... I have lived alone since I can remember, taking care of myself, with no one by my side. My father left my mother when she was pregnant; who, by the way, was a newborn, who survived the bombing of Nagasaki (So lucky ...). She died in a supermarket robbery, seriously ... This is not an unusual scene in Detroit to see a child grow up orphaned because a Mafia of sh*t killed his parents ... Of course, I am also a Superhuman, I discovered my powers when I was 6, just like the common superhuman. The children at the orphanage always avoided me, because I had a scary look, whatever, I don't need friends ... That's what I thought for a long time.

I grew up planning my revenge against the local mafia, which was commanded by a Class villain, called "Midnight Eyes", a veteran of World War II, Tch ... Everyone is scum, all these criminals who steal for greed, and kill for their own sake. When I reached the age of 13 years old, my power was already at Level 3. [The Super Powers are generally are classified per Level, the 1 that is weak, 2 that is also medium, the 3 that is pretty strong, the 4 that is very powerful, the Level 5 is very rare and extremely strong, and there is only 2 Superhumans exist with Level 6.] Finally, I was strong enough to clear the Dirty streets of Detroit, making these Criminals vanish!

Class Villain "Midnight Eyes", were found dead, some almost unrecognizable. The Mobile Special Force (MSF) seized the teenager, and sent him to special prison for villains.>

A group of heavily armed policemen, with some of the level 2 Superhuman members, arrested me ... I was going to give myself up, because I had achieved my revenge ... The prison for villains, Anubis, there I can find a certain someone who can provide me with information so that I can continue cleaning up Detroit ... This is beyond mere revenge, it is a crusade to cleanse this filthy city... I am a Necessary Evil.