
It's been 1 year since Anubis fell, I'm now 17 ... I destroyed many groups of villains, little mafias, and formed my own group called Grim Eyes.

My routine returned to the same as before I was arrested ... I wake up, take my medicine (for Headache, and exhaustion), I put on my coat, I leave my apartment, I go to a little Burger shop in my neighborhood called Käse Königreich (Cheese Kingdom, in German), When a robbery happens near me, I go there and kill the thief ... And sometimes, just sometimes, I let them go (someone who steals to help someone, wins my pity). I walk around, listen to the music of my favorite bands ... I walk around Detroit again, I go back to my apartment, I take my medicines (for insomnia) and I try to sleep.

The bad part of having Matter Manipulation level 4, is that it consumes a lot of stamina, and often causes the Limit-Breaking syndrome, I always look sick, pale, but I treat myself, and I continue my routine...

There was a day when the government recruited me to participate in a project to hunt certain villains ... They registered me as Degenerator, Ex villain and current Anti-Hero ... They recognized that I don't kill civilians, but criminals ... And that every time I do that, I have to register, so that they take care of my fix ... Now I have my rights as an American Superhuman... (Is better I avoid to kill, for now...)

Surtur undergoes treatment to try to cure his habit of burning things, Allice changed her name ... Her name is Trix (what a horrible name), I can now go to college now ... Every day, I would wake up, take my medicine, walk around, do the same things ... And come back, many live like that, and it sucks.

On a rainy day, I was going back to my apartment ... And I found a child with dark hair, on the floor, near an alley ... She had a hospital patient outfit ... But with a symbol behind it, it was from a Corporation about Research of Super Powers... Her left eye had strange liquid dripping, and unusual material from teleporters ...

Obviously, she will bring problems for me ... But still, I have to take her ... Personal question.