Grim Eye Agents

The first year of college is already over, and 2 more to complete. For this, the teachers planned to create an activity with all classes 1. The activity will be done on a large scale, and will be about the career project.

It is incredible that 30% of the students decided to make a project about Anti-Heroes, and other similar works. They asked me to lead this project, I could choose the name, and how we would do it; I asked the Coordinator if it was allowed to do a project about Anti-Heroes, he said that as long as it is not so extreme, it is allowed. This and that happened, and we got in Second Place with our research of known Crime and Anti-Heroes.

When the holidays were coming, they kept bothering me, wanting to know more about me, and I gave a very simple answer: "If you want to know about my life, go to the Grim Eye Club."

And those idiots entered the club, and were waiting for explanations ... So in order for them to be satisfied and stop bothering me, I went to that place (biggest regret since I entered school).

If I had known the number of questions that would be asked ... I would have stayed in my room... And I answered a questionnaire that looked more like Hell's Gate;

Favorite colour: Purple.

Name: Degenerator.

Hobby: Eat chili and listen to Heavy Metal.

Favorite food: Käse Königreich's Burgers.

Best Friend: Probably Mad Machine...

Home: Detroit.

Birthday: I don't remember.

Relative, or family member: Saiki.

Job: Villain Hunter.

Allergy to something: (Annoying questions.)

Favorite animal: Snake.

Favorite Music Genre: Heavy Metal.

Country of origin: Japan / United States (note: Mother said that I was born in the middle of the Pacific Ocean)

The group wanted to meet the only relative I have, but I didn't let them. So, when I was allowed to travel, I took Saiki to Detroit (again). I am now traveling a lot, going from side to side, since the government registered me as an official Antihero.

Many anti-heroes, and Vigilantes emerged, and many wanted to work with me. Grim Eye has increased a lot, and now we are an Official Hunter Guild.

Grim Eye, from a small group, became a Guild, and now we divide the agents into divisions:

Muspelheim Division: Pyrokinetics and similar. Captain Surtur.

Maquina Division: technokinetics, androids, and cyborgs. Captain Mad Machine.

Revenant Division: Enhancement models and general emitters. My division.

General Division: Beginners and Vigilantes of level 1 or 2.

I was promoted to Guild Master, I am still the boss, and the guild is very active and ... excited? I have felt that since Saiki was with me, my mood has improved, and my health has improved as well. One thing I'm sure of ... I don't regret rescuing the brat, and following the path of the Dark Hero.

Saiki has been training, and now controls his power very well ... She can reduce and increase the radius of effect. Surtur still a Lunatic, but now manages to control his outbreaks of pyromania. Allice left the Grim Eye, but keeps in touch with us, and the Valkyries. Mad Machine now has a "more human" body, but remains an ultra advanced A.I.

My insomnia is being treated, and now it has been reduced to a little exhaustion, my medications have decreased, and things have improved a lot. But peace never lasts long ... A big problem, which will give me a headache was coming ... And that problem soon became a Large-Scale Threat.